Jessica Alba almost looks nice now that she is pregnant. Cash is still an asshole and is that Steve Nash walking with them? It sure looks like him but I can't imagine that he is friends with Cash. I thought he had more class than that.

Somewhere under all that fur is Goldie Hawn. Until I grew too heavy I really enjoyed skiing. What I don't miss though is being on vacation and looking as cold and miserable as Kate Hudson does in this photo. Of course much of that misery she brought in herself so maybe it is not just the cold.

The problem I see with Katie Holmes down the road is that when she finally does turn 40 everyone of us is going to think she is already 60. No more photos of Katie Holmes coming out of stores in 2008. No more photos of her walking down the street with Suri. Yes to pictures of her kicking Tom Cruise right in the balls. Assuming she can find them of course.

"One for you and one for me." I know. I am a horrible person and will go to hell I am sure. No, Jennifer Love Hewitt isn't fat, but I just couldn't help myself. I also don't care if she is pregnant although a shotgun wedding would explain lots of things.

"Mommy. Where's Daddy? I haven't seen him with you in a long time."

Johnny Depp for your pleasure.

And because I'm a nice guy I will throw one more of him in for you. Sorry for the Tim Burton part, but I know some of you really don't mind at all if he was around also.

Tracy is now performing under the name Doogie Howser to avoid the Black Crusaders.

Love Ralphie May, but when someone weighs as much as me, it is time to think about gastric bypass. Seriously, you need to stick around Ralphie and you aren't going to be around very long like this.

If you are ever in LA, you have to call the Improv and find out if Ron Jeremy is performing that night. And no, I'm not talking about a live porn show. The guy really is funny.

Not so funny is the way Melanie Griffith continues to transform into a caricature of herself. Hopefully Dakota is doing great after her rehab stint. Spending time with Melanie is probably not the best way to give up wanting to drink though.

This is about as good as Keanu Reeves has looked in a long time so this must be from the set of a film.