Friday, December 21, 2007
Four For Friday
#2 This one almost makes me want to jump up and down and scream. Unfortunately I am physically unable to do so. But on the inside. The inside it is happening. Married couple. A list celebrities, but B list in their chosen profession if you judge their recent results. Husband was kicked out. He cheated. If you saw who this was, you would be jumping up and down too. Unfortunately, he is probably going to be allowed back into the house because they can't stop appearing in public together. I can't believe he cheated. Crazy.
#3 I hate to put two move outs back to back. But, what can I say. The holidays are big for this type of thing. This one doesn't directly involve cheating although there has been some. It is more because of behavior. A list film/television/film couple. He will be allowed to visit on Christmas Eve and Christmas and that is it. If he can straighten out, she will take him back, but I don't think he wants to straighten out. Needs to, but doesn't want to.
#4 After catching an STD on his last tour, this male country singer of epic proportions now has a roadie interview each prospective one night stand to see if they have a STD because when he gave the STD to his wife after the last tour, she wasn't too happy.
Random Photos Part One

Now. If you read all the way down here to the bottom, and click this little link here you can see some full frontal and not quite full frontal male action. NSFW.
Not An Arrest, But She Is In Jail -- And Pregnant
P.S. I think it should be a rule in the future that if you are the guy making the sex tape, it is only polite to remove your socks. For screencaps of the video, you can click here.
Did You Hear The One?
Anyway, last year this B list film actress with A+ name recognition was going through money at very healthy clip to support her drug addiction. Tired of stealing from her friends at parties, she came up with a grand scheme. She said she was collecting donations for a toys for tots like organization, but since it was overseas she needed cash instead of unwrapped presents. $50,000 in donations later, she had herself one hell of a holiday season. The only reason she got busted on it was because the idiot offered some coke to a person she had previously plead poverty to. When asked where she got the money for the coke, she told the person about her scam. In her drug addled confusion she forgot that her fellow coke sniffer had been one of the contributors to the cause.
Could I Have An Arrest Please
There are no Lindsay Lohan antics and no ridiculous statements from Denise and Charlie. What is a blogger supposed to do? I could write about Sacha Baron Cohen and his killing off of Borat and Ali G, but that sentence would be about the extent of the story.
I did get another e-mail from Gift Clement after our lengthy diatribe towards her. I will be working on a response to her over the weekend. So, I thought I would give everyone a little bit more of what you all love most anyway. Blind Items. Sure, there will be Random Photos later, although I may fall asleep if I have to see any more celebrities on the beach or skiing.
Where is a good lesbian ass grab of Jessica Biel when I need it?
For those of you bored out of your minds over Christmas, I will be doing some posting. I'll be just as bored as you and so could use the distraction. Plus, I heard it is not a good idea to actually drink for four consecutive days without at least a 30 minute break every 4 hours.
AP checked in with me yesterday and offered up the fact that she was at a movie theater recently for a premiere. The place was packed but the A list star of the film, and a number one film it was, spent the second 30 minutes of the film getting serviced first by hand and then by mouth from his companion. They were in the back row, but AP and several other people witnessed the action as they made their way to the bathroom.
Vincent Margera Escapes Jail Time

Vincent Margera has been ordered to give up his Don Vito persona for 10 years following his recent conviction on child sex assault charges. He is one of the stars of Viva Le Bam, and the uncle of Jackass regular Bam Margera.
Vincent Margera was found guilty of two counts of sexual assault against children in October.
During sentencing in a Jefferson County, Colorado courtroom on Thursday, Judge M.J. Menendez banned Margera from signing autographs and from appearing on any TV show for a decade.
Judge Menendez also placed Margera on probation from 10 years to life and ordered him to register as a sex offender, seek treatment for his substance abuse problems and undertake a mental evaluation.
The 51-year-old had pleaded not guilty to allegations he groped three underage girls at an MTV appearance in a Colorado mall in August 2006. He was found guilty on two counts, but acquitted on another.
When he was found guilty, Margera collapsed to the floor and began screaming that his life was over and that someone should just kill him. That actually seemed like a good idea to me. Unfortunately the ass is going to walk free. The loss of his "identity" is one hell of a good punishment from the judge though. That in itself is probably more devastating to Margera than any other punishment except spending 10 years in prison. I actually think that he will never be heard from again, which is a good thing.
I Don't Think This Santa Has Been Groped

That's when a tall man in a red coat and red hat sat next to her at the downtown bus station, talked to her quietly and then slipped her $100 on that recent December afternoon.
The man was doing the work of Larry Stewart, Kansas City's original Secret Santa who anonymously wandered city streets doling out $100 bills to anyone who looked like they needed it. Stewart died of cancer at age 58 earlier this year, but his legacy lives on.
"He said `Here's a $100 bill ... and this is in memory of Larry Stewart,'" said Dahl, 56.
During about a quarter century, Stewart quietly gave out more than $1.3 million to people in laundromats, diners, bus stations, shelters and thrift stores, saying it was his way of giving back at Christmas for all the wealth and generosity he had received in his lifetime.
For years, Stewart did not want his name known or want thanks or applause, but last December he acknowledged who he was and used his last few months while battling cancer to press his message of kindness toward others. He even trained some friends in the ways of Secret Santa.
This Christmas, a friend who told Stewart in the hospital that he would carry on for him is out on the streets, handing out $100 bills, each one stamped with "Larry Stewart, Secret Santa."
Between Kansas City and several other cities this Christmas, the new Secret Santa will give away $75,000 of his own money, mostly in $100 bills.
"I didn't want to be a Secret Santa," said the man, a business consultant who lives in the Kansas City area. "I wanted to give Larry money. But last year, he said I had to hand it out myself. So I did, and I got hooked."
This new Secret Santa talks about Larry Stewart to just about everyone he encounters. "Have you ever heard of a man named Larry Stewart?" he asks before handing out $100 or more.
Depending on who he's talking to, the new Secret Santa might say Stewart was a man who believed in making people happy by giving them money they didn't have to ask for, apply for or wait in line for.
"There was this fella named Larry Stewart," he tells a man in the bus station. "He was an old friend of mine. He was called Secret Santa, and every year he would find a few people who might need a little money and he would ask that you pass on the kindness."
People respond differently to the gesture. Some cry. Some scream. A rare few even say "No thanks."
Others take the money and offer their own gifts. like Robert Young, who was homeless and had only 20 cents in his pocket. When Secret Santa gave him $200, Young, 50, took out an old notebook and ripped out a song he had written.
"It's yours now," he told Secret Santa, who thanked Young, and carefully tucked the pages into his pocket.
The new Secret Santa has also started a Web site, and is trying to recruit other Secret Santas across the country. "Larry's dream was for a Secret Santa in every city," Kansas City's Santa said.
There are now a couple apprentices, with more candidates turning up all the time. But, he says, you don't have to be willing to hand out money to be a Secret Santa.
"Anyone can be a Secret Santa," he says. "You don't have to give away $100. You can give away kindnes. Help someone."
Story courtesy of AP (as in Associated Press, not as in our AP)
Dakota Johnson Leaves Rehab

Dakota reportedly agreed to get help, and is now a reformed person, thanks to rehab and regular Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Louisiana Police Can't Count

Lainey Blind Item
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Today's Blind Items
#2 This celebrity, pretty close to a billionaire, if not there already was caught leaving the residence of someone not his wife the other night. Would probably have not been a problem except for the fact it was 3am and the guest he was visiting ran after him in her nightgown because he had left behind his gloves.
Random Photos Part One

Great News For Your Holiday Season

Jamie Lynn Spears Thrown Under The Bus

Daily Mirror Blind Item
Marisa Tomei And Phillip Seymour Hoffman Naked

Tony Parker Wasting His Money

Just Cancel The Show

Katie Is Mom But Nicole Is Nicole--Huh?

She adds that “Tom’s really good in the kitchen ... [he] has shown me the greatness of extra chocolate chips.”
“Suri will be in the dough everywhere,” Holmes joked.
“She's very aware,” Holmes adds. “This summer, when Tom was working in Germany, she'd wake up and say, ‘Hello, Berlin,’”
Hello Kitty Does Ellen

NY Daily News Blind Item
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I Almost Forgot

Today's Blind Items
This married B list film actress who has been in some of the top movies of all time has a child or two or three. If I told you how many it would give it away, but she is definitely still married. None of this divorce or separation business. Did I mention the A name recognition. Not A+, but A. With all these letters you would think it would have something to do with teachers or school or something and you would be correct. Celebrities who are decent parents actually go to parent teacher conferences and such. Usually they are once or twice a year. Our actress has been going every week. Not that her child(ren) are doing bad in school. They aren't. But the actress is being bad after school with her child(ren)'s teacher. Bad is in she paid for an apartment for the two of them to visit every week. Bad as in he is married with children as well. Bad, as in they used to mess around a little at the school sometimes until someone saw them. Bad is in huge scandal for the actress and the school.
Random Photos Part One

Kate Hudson Blames Her Kid For Divorce

Pimpa Must Have Pimped Someone--Grease Country Getting Closer

Ashlee Simpson Video
Larry Birkhead Wants His Chance At Britney