Random Photos Part One
I know most of you don't really like Kat von D, but for some reason I think she is pretty hot.The always lovely Jill-Michele Melean who should have known to invite me to this party because there is nothing I enjoy doing more on Thursday nights than torturing a Hilton sister.
I am going to have to find someone to be snarky about, but Hayden Panettiere looks as good as she has looked in a long time.
I never thought I would be snarky about Heidi Klum, but for once she just doesn't look that great. It could be the lighting, or the fact that I can see her back wrinkles or the line across her back, but for once, Heidi Klum does absolutely nothing for me. Now, I don't want you to think that I wouldn't be all over her if I saw her like this, I'm just saying for purposes of this 2 dimensional blog, she looks like crap for once.
I don't know if Dita von Teese and Eve planned on matching the wall hanging, but it worked out really well.
Damn, I am having to be nice to Zac Efron today also. Look at those middle schoolers. That is pure joy people, and he was there for a good cause. Where is a Hilton or Denise Richards when you need them? Hell, I'll settle for Eva Longoria and her B list actress self.
Victoria Beckham is like the kid at the school play who just stands there and doesn't really have any idea what to do.
I have come to the conclusion that Rumer Willis is like a 1940's movie star in her looks. That sometimes manly sometimes amazing look depending on clothes and lighting. This even looks like a 40's bathing suit. I know it is a dress, but if you use your imagination, then you can see it.
On the one hand Ryan Seacrest mentioned the site on the air a couple of weeks ago and he did get in that staged fight for me with the Australian Idol boys. On the other hand, you have a guy with lots of rumors about him at a the Victoria's Secret show, so part of me wants to know if he is there looking for something to buy Oscar De la Hoya or if he wants something for himself, or if he really does like staring at hot women in lingerie.
Wow. Awful, just awful. This would have been the better twin to bring to show and tell.