This is one of my favorite Derrick Brown videos. Take a look.
"The cancellations had nothing to do with the investigation into allegations by an unidentified woman".
Maybe he is right and so he won't mind if we do a little timeline check.THE KITE RUNNER
For those of you who read the book, I'm jealous. It's a great story of
friendship and the limits we place on friendship. Other people at the
screening were telling me it was a pretty faithful adaptation. I really
don't want to give anything away because I WANT YOU TO SEE THIS MOVIE.
It takes place in Kabul, Afghanistan and it follows the life story of
two kids, one of whom was wealthy and the other his servant and best
friend. The privileged kid (Amir) is a bit of a snot, he doesn't have
any other friends, and doesn't really grasp how to make and keep them.
Hassan, the servant boy, is already an outcast by being a different
race and being Shi'a Muslim, but would do anything for his friend.
These boys are inseparable. There is an event after the big kite
fighting contest that changes the friendship. One of the kids makes a
choice that significantly affects the other one. You'll be angry with
one of these kids, just livid. And he has to live with the choice he
made for the rest of his life.
So why do I want you to see this movie? Honestly, it's beautifully
made. Marc Forster did a wonderful job re-creating 1970s Kabul and the
acting is just top notch. Kid actors tend to bother me, and can ruin a
movie for me if they're too precious (the kid in Martian Child, Dakota
Fanning, etc.). The two kids they found are fantastic, they're just so
natural and real, I was entirely convinced they were best friends. The
adults are just stellar, as well.
The other reason I want you to see this movie, is because it is just
such a universal theme. The film is about our connection to other
people and the things that bring us closer and tear us apart.
The Kite Runner opens around Christmas, hopefully everywhere. See this
movie. It's worth a full price ticket ($10), it's a beautiful film, but
it's not for everyone. It is not light-hearted, and that's why it
doesn't get popcorn money.
Okay, enough of the hetero, scatological Vices, time for some good ol’-fashioned homo rump-rangin’ activities for an (old) change! After all, when we got that smelly heap o’ emails from folks complaining about the last few stinky-poo Vices—who knew straight people could have such daring fun with excrement?—did you all think we’d actually not return to our well-stacked library of running scared, extremely horny, closeted Hollywood actors? Please.
So, here we are with Seymour Plow-Me-More, multitalented star and performer, both in and out of the bedroom, where he assumes an amazing array of positions, possibilities and partners. But to be fair, when Sey-babe cheats on his hardly naive honey (whose quasi-attractive face seems to harden with each new trick SPMM picks up), it’s usually with good-lookin’ dudes. In fact, it always is.
Take this last time, for ince. Academy Award-nominated Seymour was visiting one of Hell-Ay’s myriad spas, which are to Los Angeles what Greek coffee shops are to Manhattan. This time, for Plow-Me-More’s man-hunting mission, he’d chosen one of Hell-Ay’s more outta the way steam-room joints, toward downtown, thinking nobody would recognize him. Are these celebs on crack? Do they really think incognito only kicks in south of Wilshire?
Seymour cornered his latest beefy selection, took off his own towel (still impressive equipment, must say, even though what’s holding it all together hardly is), and asked for what Seymour usually requests his partners to do to him—i.e., get his oversize bum diddled. The boy—he was almost a boy—declined Mr. Plow-Me-More’s gracious offer and suggested to fellate the movie star instead, a lovely idea that was accepted and received, by the by.
You see, said nooky provider tells us he thought it would be “a bit much” to be corn-holed by Seymour Plow-Me-More in a public steam room. As if a blow job is nothing more than a simple shaking of hands.
Well, in sex-for-everything Hell-Ay, s'pose it is.
It Ain't: The Rock, Chris Rock, or David Spade