#1 Big day for cheating. But probably the biggest was this married former A list award winning actor, and now a B lister with A list name recognition. Got back to his hotel the other night and was feeling a little lonely without the missus who is also an actress around so he dialed up some strippers for his room. Two came to the room and spent most of the night there. Don't know if there was sex involved or just a show.
#2 Our other cheater didn't actually manage to succeed, but I guess it is still considered cheating. He, is a married A list director. His goal was this A list actress. The married director got a little tipsy, well maybe drunk off his ass would be a better word, and started hitting on our A list actress over and over. What started out as innocent flirtation, by the end of the night became our director promising to leave his wife and give up everything if he could only be with the A list actress. Throughout the night he tried to keep putting his arm around the actress and also kept going in for kisses. The actress laughed it off for most of the night, but when the director started pawing her, she got pissed and warned him she would call his wife if he tried anything more.
#3 This absolute stunner of a B list film actress looked even more gorgeous the other night in her full length evening gown. What didn't look so good was her doing line after line of coke in the restroom, and then falling down on said restroom floor right in a puddle of water. The $10,000 dress was ruined which didn't make the designer happy either.
#4 This washed out female singer has been suffering from the drug abuse flu and a breakup with her wandering eyed actor boyfriend.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Random Photos Part One-Great Biggie Size
Some of my favorite people in the world were out and about yesterday, including the lovely and talented Lisa Loeb.
One of my favorite people in the whole world and a reason to watch Uncle Buck repeatedly, Jean Louisa Kelly.
The newly engaged Anna Chlumsky.
Like I'm not going to post of Alan Cumming in a kilt even if he is standing next to Debra Messing.
I'm thinking a new version of Three's Company starring Holly Robinson Peete, Amy Yasbeck (who would provide the original connection to the show) and of course Tom Arnold who seems to be enjoying a martini or three. I thought he was sober.
They both look great as usual. I give up.
Emile Hirsch who was winning an award for something last night. I'm excited to see whether Tracee would do him, so check the comments later.
I must admit I pissed myself a little when I saw this photo of Claire Danes. She actually showed some emotion. It probably is only done to distract everyone from the kindergarten art teacher smock she's wearing, but I'll take it.
Do you really think the B phone is the right name for this? I doubt Beyonce is the first word that comes to the mind of everyone when they see the letter B next to Beyonce.
Even for Mary Kate Olsen this is a new low.
Lindsay Lohan wearing a New York Dolls shirt? Heresy I tell you. By the way, her boyfriend has got to be the fattest pro snowboarder I have ever seen.
When is the last time you saw Jim Carrey's daughter?
And she's a singer to boot. Or, maybe she just likes taking photos holding a guitar like Avril Lavigne.
Jennifer Aniston in her natural state.
Richie Sambora is already out of rehab? WTF? Seriously?
There are just so many ways I could go with this. Somehow though I don't think this is Ricky Martin's way unless the person on the bottom has a beard.
When your everyday look in the year 2007 is straight out of the Boogie Nights wardrobe department, you may want to change that look or become a porn star.
"Who brought the vodka?"
Mandy Moore continues her slow transformation into spinsterhood.

Yes, But Can They Do Anything About My Size If You Know What I Mean

Mel C of the Spice Girls who should not be confused with Mel B of the Spice Girls or Mel Gibson of AA is obviously not one to blow her precious money on plastic surgery. As much as she would love to have Victoria Beckham's breasts, she prefers to get them the old fashioned way.
Mel C is a big believer in fake medicines and gimmicks to get increase her breast size. In her latest attempt to get above a size A, Mel C has revealed that she is eating special Japanese cookies to increase her bra size.
The cookies known as 'F-Cup cookies', are alleged by the manufacturers to boost a woman's breast size if eaten twice a day.
Mel C told the BBC that: "I'll be a guinea-pig for them. Can you imagine if my boobs got bigger suddenly? That'd be great!"
The Japanese cookies contain 68.7 calories and have trans-fats, which allegedly add weight to the breast area. They also contain 50mg of Pueraria Mirifica, which the producers claim is a "breast-enhancing herb".
I can report that the cookies haven't increased me to that three inch threshold yet, but I do feel a slight swelling sensation in my huge, droopy man boobs.
Search Warrants Issued In Anna Nicole Death

California Attorney General and former lover of Linda Ronstadt (hey, it is a gossip site) Jerry Brown is expected to hold a press conference later today to explain why the hell California Department of Justice investigators have been serving search warrants all over the state today. The warrants are believed to be a part of the investigation by California authorities into the death of Anna Nicole Smith.
Several people close to the model have fallen under suspicion since her death, including her psychiatrist Dr. Khristine Eroshevich.
The Medical Board of California said in April it was investigating Eroshevich, who, according to documents, authorized all 11 prescription medications found in Smith's hotel room the day she died. Eroshevich who loved making long distance house calls to those who could afford it traveled with Anna to Florida.
More than 600 pills, including 450 muscle relaxants, were missing from prescriptions that were no more than five weeks old, according to the documents, which were obtained by The Associated Press through a public records request. 600 pills in 35 days. That works out to about 20 pills a day which means that about a pill an hour was being ingested. But, if Anna was sharing then it would be really a half pill for her and maybe a half for Howard. But then there had to be time for the drinking and perhaps even some sleeping. Anyway, that is a butt load of chemicals for anyone.
California's medical board also opened an inquiry to determine if there was any misconduct by Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, who reportedly prescribed methadone to Anna. I'm guessing she might have just given it all to Daniel considering he had it in his system when he died.
I'm sure after the press conference we will know more.
Junkies And The People Who Want To Have Sex With Them

First you had Pete Doherty, for now, the king of the junkies getting some sex it seems from practically any female in the UK who saw him. Now, there is a wife's jealous rage as the junkie known as Amy Winehouse thinks her junkie husband is having sex or wants to at any rate with model Lily Cole.
Seems that the happily married couple used the toilet at Harvey Nichols recently for more than just their drug habit. Turns out they were having a knockdown dragout fight about Blake's inappropriate attention to Lily Cole and how he had spent twenty minutes alone with the model and perhaps even got a phone number. Amy, who had been trying to find where in the store dirty clothes and ballet slippers were sold finally stumbled upon the pair and dragged her husband off to the bathroom.
Forcing other restroom goers to wait, the couple screamed and yelled before no doubt winding down when they needed a fix.
Of course Blake could be trying to get with Lily Cole because the junkie known as Amy has been invited to the home of the artist formerly known as Prince who decided to be a symbol but came back to Prince when he couldn't get his career out of the same toilet that Amy and Blake had used. Prince doesn't want Amy to bring her husband. That should be fun, although as prissy and fussy as Prince is, I just don't see him having sex with Amy or even touching her. I think Prince keeps his girlfriends in a tub or shower 24/7 until he is ready for them and I don't see Amy fitting into that little world.
That Blogger With The Funny Hair Was Sued Again

Yes, that blogger. Seems as if he released 10 Britney Spears tracks over the past three months which were finished and unfinished and so he is being sued. Zomba Recording LLC which has the pleasure of being Britney's record label and what a special joy that must be, filed a federal copyright infringement suit yesterday against the multi-hued one.
The statement accompanying the lawsuit went something like this: "The unauthorized dissemination of recordings is a serious violation of copyright law," said a Zomba spokesperson. "In addition, posting demos and unfinished songs as if they were final versions is grossly unfair to the artist and misleading to the public."
Last week the record companies won an award against that woman with no job and made her pay like $9000 per song and all she did was download them illegally AFTER they had been released and they nailed her for like a quarter of a million dollars total. So you know that Zomba has probably been injured in the amount of multi-millions to the tune of at least $10M, but maybe more.
Big Shocker Of The Day - Michael Lohan Cheats

According to the NY Post, a woman named Virginia Bertolino, 41 has come forward to talk about what an ass Michael Lohan is. Apparently Virgina who is a real estate agent on Long Island had been having an intimate relationship with the pimping preacher (Michael Lohan the pimping preacher is not to be confused in any way shape or form with the other pimping preacher named Joe Simpson, who although a pimp and preacher is known here as Pimpa, or Pimpa Joe) for the past four months.
They met in Family Court on June 25th which is not really four months is it? More like 3.5, plus Michael was shacking up in Utah with his 21 year old Lindsay Lohan lookalike for much of the past few weeks, so lets call it 3 months.
Anyway, Virginia and the preacher have been having lots of sex and according to her it was good. She took him to meet her parents and he took her to meet his family also excluding the kids. They told each other they loved each other and it was extremely serious.
In one of the best lines of all time, Virginia asked Michael if he was seeing someone else and he said, 'Yes.' I said, 'Who is that?' and he said, 'God.' Michael Lohan must have God confused with a 20 something blond because that's who he's been doing the whole time in Utah and probably before unless he picked her up in Utah and started on her the first night or something. But no, she had that Amy Fisher I'm going to be used and its ok look so she was probably from NY.
Anyway, Michael says that he introduced Virginia to his family and she introduced him to her parents, but they never had sex and that Virginia is neurotic. As a guy, I'm telling you right now. The only way I'm meeting your parents is if we are having sex. So, I think Michael is just trying to keep that whole screwing the daughter lookalike thing going on a bit longer by denying the story.
Joaquin Phoenix Throws Himself Under A Bus

Do you remember Ladder 49? It's okay if you don't. It had John Travolta and Joaquin Phoenix and judging by the name, I'm guessing it was about firefighters. Well during the press tour for the movie, Joaquin started spinning a yarn that became longer and longer each time he told it.
Basically the yarn involved him spending time with the NY Fire Academy and spending time with NYFD personnel in preparation for the movie. He went on and on about how inspiring they were and how he learned so much.
Well, Time Out New York wanted to do a followup story on the claims and after some hemming and hawing, Joaquin finally broke down and said he made it all up.
The actor said he made the claim to impress reporters while promoting his 2004 movie Ladder 49. Phoenix told Time Out New York: "I just said that because I thought it would sound good to the press."I don't know why it seems to be of note that actors do any kind of preparation. It's just what you're supposed to do in your f**king job. Do you think that because you did some research that you deserve some special credit?"
He added: "I never prepare. I think that's completely overrated. It's a very simple job. All you have to do is... stand in the right spot and say the line. So I don't really believe in preparation."
So, I'm guessing Joaquin isn't a method actor huh? It's too bad he's not because maybe then he would have won the Oscar and not just been nominated for one. Frankly, I like the guy as an actor, but the scar on the face drives me crazy. Not as crazy as looking at Hugh Grant's teeth, but still crazy.
How Would You Like To See Hitch Every Week?

Will Smith is developing Hitch into a weekly sitcom. The actor is just going to be an executive producer and will not star in the program, be in the program, or have anything to do with the program except make the money.
I thought Hitch was good. It wasn't great (yes, even though Eva Mendes was in it) and I think it is just trying to take advantage of the date doctor series' and reality shows that the movie seems to have spawned. Not spawning to the extent of Kevin Federline sperm, but spawning nonetheless.
I guess Jada Pinkett just decided that she needed some more money and that Will should go out and get it for her. So he is.
Ted C Blind Item
Corny Beefy is actually such a swell guy, we kinda hate to write up this little Blind baby—but hell, we got mouths to feed, right? I mean, that mutt Margo is getting to be a demanding little gourmet bitch!
Quite unlike aw-shucks C.B., although, we must admit, Corny-doll certainly looks like he's been hittin' a lotta food bowls lately, gourmet or otherwise. Was that snitty of us to say? Well, it's kind of an important deet, actually, as Mr. B used to be such the doable little hon. 'Course, he still is (more so when he's filming), in between fat phases. Aren't we all allowed one?
Tattletale truth be told, I think Mr. Beefy's reoccurring poundage is due to an emotional sitch, as is often the case with altering bod phases. See, C.B. was married a few years ago, got the missus preggers, but—how can we put this?—something's been missing in Beefy's life ever since he chose the white-picket-fence route. Could that something be an object shaped more like a salami, less a Hot Pocket? Boy-on-boy bingo!
“He now regrets not coming out, as he sees more and more people doing it,” fessed a close amiga to Corny-babe. “His wife doesn't know. Hardly anyone knows.” (But some sure do!)
Yes, as is so often the case when we embark on the Blind Vice alleyway, we are discussing yet another closeted fake-hetero homo movie star. How utterly surprising.
Too sad, really, as not only is Corny sweet as his (in-shape) tits, he's also a most politically aware, very astute guy. So, why give in to this ersatz way of life?
“He thought he could wish it away,” adds the loose-lipped bosom buddy. Hmmm. Is that what he was hoping for when he was a hooker, before he became famous? Or was it just a successful career he wanted back then? We wonder.
Can't have everything, Corny!
Quite unlike aw-shucks C.B., although, we must admit, Corny-doll certainly looks like he's been hittin' a lotta food bowls lately, gourmet or otherwise. Was that snitty of us to say? Well, it's kind of an important deet, actually, as Mr. B used to be such the doable little hon. 'Course, he still is (more so when he's filming), in between fat phases. Aren't we all allowed one?
Tattletale truth be told, I think Mr. Beefy's reoccurring poundage is due to an emotional sitch, as is often the case with altering bod phases. See, C.B. was married a few years ago, got the missus preggers, but—how can we put this?—something's been missing in Beefy's life ever since he chose the white-picket-fence route. Could that something be an object shaped more like a salami, less a Hot Pocket? Boy-on-boy bingo!
“He now regrets not coming out, as he sees more and more people doing it,” fessed a close amiga to Corny-babe. “His wife doesn't know. Hardly anyone knows.” (But some sure do!)
Yes, as is so often the case when we embark on the Blind Vice alleyway, we are discussing yet another closeted fake-hetero homo movie star. How utterly surprising.
Too sad, really, as not only is Corny sweet as his (in-shape) tits, he's also a most politically aware, very astute guy. So, why give in to this ersatz way of life?
“He thought he could wish it away,” adds the loose-lipped bosom buddy. Hmmm. Is that what he was hoping for when he was a hooker, before he became famous? Or was it just a successful career he wanted back then? We wonder.
Can't have everything, Corny!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
**Update**Britney Makes It To Court For A Late Lunch

**Update** Britney Spears has been awarded one supervised, overnight visit a week with her children. It is still undecided who will be doing the supervising.**
After sleeping through several wake up calls, Britney Spears managed to drag herself out of bed and showed up at court early this afternoon for a quick hearing related to the custody and visitation of her kids.
Britney wants overnight visits and if they are going to be supervised, she wants her mom to be the supervisor. Both Britney and Kevin Federline's attorneys talked over that possibility and the judge took that and whether Britney will get any overnight visits under submission.
Earlier in the morning, Britney's attorney had argued that Britney's kids would suffer psychologically if they didn't get to see their mother more often. That is really going out on a limb. A limb so small that even the slightest shift in weight will cause it to crack.
I haven't quite decided why Britney wants overnight visits with the kids. She probably would just leave them at home while she went out anyway. It seems to me the best time for visits with her are between noon and 8pm. After that, she's off in her own world.
What I would like to see happen, but probably won't, is that Britney can have the kids overnight provided her mom or another supervisor is there, and that Britney cannot leave the house at all while the kids are there.
Win A Bottle Of M. The New Perfume From Mariah Carey

The people handling the public relations for the launch of Mariah's new perfume were more than happy to make sure I got another bottle to give away to you, the readers. Hey, it's worth $130. Not too shabby.
So, here's how it is going to work.
Send an e-mail to:
In the subject line write Mariah or M or perfume. Something to do with this contest because there will be others. **Please note that this is a new e-mail address and is ONLY for contests**
You have until October 25th at 5pm PDT (wow still daylight savings that late) to submit your entry. The winning e-mail will be chosen at random by DS on Saturday October 27th at the same time she is giving one at CDANCON and will be announced here on Monday October 29th.
For a complete list of rules for this contest and all contests at CDAN, click here.
Today's Blind Items
#1 This celebutard was talking smack at a party about a guest who is a blinged out top male singer/producer. Word got to the singer and he made sure that whenever our celebutard started hitting on a woman, the singer would involve himself into the conversation and get the woman to come with him. Even though he was getting paid to be at the party, our celebutard left early and left pissed.
#2 These two actors had not seen each other since their movie wrapped several months ago. Last night at the premiere was a chance for them to reconnect and they did to the point that late in the evening before leaving together, they were spotted holding hands discreetly under the table at which they were sitting. (yes, it's general, but it's all I can do for now.)
#2 These two actors had not seen each other since their movie wrapped several months ago. Last night at the premiere was a chance for them to reconnect and they did to the point that late in the evening before leaving together, they were spotted holding hands discreetly under the table at which they were sitting. (yes, it's general, but it's all I can do for now.)
Random Photos Part One
Rachel Nichols gets to go first even though she makes promises she doesn't always keep.
Maggie Grace is my favorite person from Lost.
Emile de Ravin does a complete 180 from the last time saw her in a grocery store parking lot.
I guess Carmen Electra is playing the role of Meggie Cleary to Richard Branson's Ralph de Bricassart.
Angelina Jolie doesn't exactly dress like a soccer mom does she?
And Tilda Swinton is actually in a good mood here.
Tobey Maguire and Kevin Connolly. Tobey actually looks really happy in his new role as dad and has lost some serious weight.
Shiva, Shiva, Shiva. I did notice she wants the McDermott back on her name so maybe there has been a reconciliation?
If you happen to be close to the In-N-Out at Sunset and Highland on Fridays, you can often spot Rebecca Gayheart there.
Mario Lopez might be an ass, but hey, here is giving something back to the local food bank. So he gets a break for a few weeks from the snarkiness.

Selling My Soul For You, The Reader

Mariah Carey will be at Macy's Herald Square in New York on October 23rd from 5-7pm.
The first 200 customers to purchase the special M by Mariah Carey fragrance set priced at $130 will receive a special pass to meet Mariah and get her autograph. The first 50 customers to purchase the special VIP M by Mariah Carey fragrance set priced at $305 will get a VIP pass that entitles them to a photo opp with Mariah, an exclusive M by Mariah Carey crystal accented tee shirt and a pure parfum.
In return for this shameless plug, they are sending me a bottle or two of M which DS will give away at the CDANCON lunch she attends. If they do send me more than one bottle, then I will figure out a way to give it away on the site. There must be some kind of program available which does contests and if I can find one then I will start giving away all the free stuff I'm offered all the time, but never accept.
Denise Richards' New Home
I think everyone has heard that Denise Richards is moving to a new home. This is what it looks like. The other interesting thing is that it is literally four or five houses down the street from where she lives now. Maybe she thinks Charlie Sheen won't be able to find the new place. The only hang up in this whole moving down the street thing is that nobody wants to buy the house Denise lives in now.
In mid-2006 Denise bought her current house for about $4M. She then listed the house for about $4.5M because you know that everyone wants to pay an extra 10% to live in a house once haunted by Denise. Apparently there weren't any takers at the higher price. Something about chapstick laying everywhere. So now, the house is listed at $3.9M which is less than what she paid, and probably still too much.
The new house Denise is buying was listed at $4.4M, but Denise felt this was too low and so actually offered $4.6M. Of course it was accepted because everyone else on the street including Denise was lowering their prices. Anyway, here's what she got for her $4.6M. She got 5,651 sq feet and 1.2 acres so there is plenty of room for her dogs.

In mid-2006 Denise bought her current house for about $4M. She then listed the house for about $4.5M because you know that everyone wants to pay an extra 10% to live in a house once haunted by Denise. Apparently there weren't any takers at the higher price. Something about chapstick laying everywhere. So now, the house is listed at $3.9M which is less than what she paid, and probably still too much.
The new house Denise is buying was listed at $4.4M, but Denise felt this was too low and so actually offered $4.6M. Of course it was accepted because everyone else on the street including Denise was lowering their prices. Anyway, here's what she got for her $4.6M. She got 5,651 sq feet and 1.2 acres so there is plenty of room for her dogs.