Jessica Alba Is No Heidi Klum
Before you read, make sure you click on the photo to make it super big.
Before you read, make sure you click on the photo to make it super big.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:15 PM
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:04 PM
Labels: legal , Michelle Rodriguez
#1 This drug addled celebutard from a foreign land (not U.S.) is in a new relationship with a celebutante who is the daughter of someone sexy. Seems the celebutard hit on the celebutante's step mother at a recent event. He was rejected, but the celebutante still adores him.
#2 This slightly chubby female Top 40 singer who is in the valley after coming down from a very big peak, has always had whispers surround her about her sexuality. Turns out they are more then whispers. Our singer and her girlfriend are now living together. To make it look more palatable, she also invited another woman to move in so it looks like they are all roommates. Having the third woman move in also makes it easier for our singer to indulge in the pills she loves so much as the third woman is also the singer's dealer.
#3 This award winning, married with children B list film actor who is in a top ten 2007 film, was in a hotel room last Friday night when he made arrangements with the concierge to get a companion for the night. The concierge arranged for an escort. The next thing that happened was the actor was on the other end of the phone screaming at the concierge because a male escort had been sent. It seems as did many others that the concierge thought our actor was a closet gay. Turns out at least for that night, he wasn't as a female companion was sent over and the concierge paid out of his own pocket for the service to make amends.
#4 This A+ aging Academy Award winning actor has been in this space recently for some wacky summer adventures. Now, he's back in LA and for some reason that no one can fathom has started turning up at garage sales every Saturday morning. No one knows if he is just being generous or he's losing his mind because he is buying absolute junk and keeps buying junk until his car is filled, and then he drives off. It has happened the past three Saturdays.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:37 PM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
Sometimes the best laid plans and all that. I had a hearing scheduled for 830 which was supposed to last two minutes and would allow me to get back to the office and blog for everyone. What actually happened was there was a four hour wait before the two minute hearing, and thus, no posts.
I will try and post during the afternoon, but I figure, hey, some reveals would be good, so let's do that first. I will also do Four For Friday in a few minutes.
September 26, 2007
#1 When Halo3 was released the other night, this world famous athlete was waiting in line just like everyone else. At midnight he bought copies of the game for himself, for his kids and for the twenty other people who had been standing in line with him.
Answer-David Beckham
September 20, 2007
#2 This former A+ film actor and now a B+er with some issues has been known in the past to lend a helping hand. This time he was returning from the set of his latest film when he saw a couple on the side of the road and their car obviously not going anywhere because of the smoke coming out of it. The shoulder was very narrow and the car was almost on the highway, but no one was stopping. Our actor stopped the car he was driving and he and his passenger got out to see if they could help. After discovering the couple had no cell phone with them, and were on vacation and didn't know anyone to call, our actor let them borrow his phone and call for help. Help was going to be at least 90 minutes, so our actor offered them a lift. The problem was he was driving a two seater, and there were four people total including the actor, his companion, and the couple. Our actor told the companion/assistant to stay behind and watch the car, and then got the couple situated in the passenger seat with the woman sitting on the man's lap. He then drove them to their hotel 30 minutes away, bought them dinner and stayed with them until our actor's companion/assistant showed up at the hotel with tow truck and broken down car which was taken back to the place from which it was rented.
Answer - Ben Affleck
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:31 PM
Labels: blind items revealed
Oh, it was such a gay party, and by that definition I don’t mean gay gay, just a good time. A typical Hollywood do, the festive bash was at a posh residence. Stars from both screens were mingling right next to the Diet Cokes, the boozy cocktails and the pigs in blankets. And in the middle of it all, nonfamous babes ‘n’ hons were oh so casually just la-dee-dah-ing it up, pretending like mad they weren’t desperate to be the human blanket around Dewbie Stammer’s very own little piggy.
Oh, that Dewb, such the charmer. Never a classically handsome dude, D has nevertheless—like many not exactly stunning guys, Owen Wilson, for ince—always managed to keep the gals fretting by his side. Alas, to no avail. No one woman has ever seemed quite fretlicous enough to warrant being by Dewbie’s side for very long, quel crap.
But that certainly didn’t keep the femmes from following Mr. S round the above party, as (pathetically) discreet as they thought they were being. So very ironically, it turned out to be a guy who made the following discovery:
A fellow guest got bored. After all, it was late, and a lot of the major players, not to mention the soiree’s staff, had gone home. Said guy went to the coat check room, which had been abandoned, and he headed back into the furthest interior space inside the long closet. He heard moans. And he heard slurps. And he realized Missy Coat Check might just still be around after all, getting a very nice tip from a fellow departing reveler.
But when the dude got to the back of the check area, looking up from his crouched position and staring back was a superflushed Dewbie Stammer, having just finished servicing a guy lying down on the floor. No wonder Dewbie never seems to meet the right girl!
(He’s always looking for the right trick in a box.)
And it ain't
Luke Wilson, Jim Carrey, Jeremy Piven
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:50 AM
Labels: Ted Casablanca
Which star was caught in a compromising position with an underage local girl on an aid trip overseas?
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:25 AM
Labels: Daily Mirror
Wednesday November 14 at 10pm. Here are some quick looks at the contestants. For a more detailed bio and their video, you can click here. I honestly couldn't be more excited. I love this damn show.
AGE: 37
HOMETOWN: Charlotte, NC
EDUCATION: Architecture at Savannah College of Art & Design
FAVORITE DESIGNERS: Tracy Reece, Epperson and Byron Lars
FASHION MUST: A fantastic shawl or scarf that can be worn in many different ways
AGE: 44
HOMETOWN: San Francisco, CA
EDUCATION: Self-taught
FASHION MUST: Bright-colored anything
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:12 PM
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:48 PM
Tomorrow I will reveal the two recent kindness blind items. Now for today's fun.
#1 This married, award winning A+ film actor and director has a new assistant. His assistant is female and very attractive. His wife was concerned because our actor and his assistant were going to be spending so much time alone on the road doing publicity for his new film. Not to worry said the actor and the assistant. They both told the wife who is also an actress that the assistant is a lesbian, and has no interest in men. That is why it is so tough to figure out why the assistant spends each and every night in the same hotel room with the actor, has been seen making out with him, and why she thinks she is going to be the next Mrs. Actor.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 PM
Labels: blind item
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:40 PM
Labels: Drew Barrymore
And the sad thing is I thought this was a Madame Tussuad exhibit. After seeing this photo I went out and bought four Volkswagen's because obviously if I do I can also get a shot at someone as hot as Heidi Klum.
I guess Britney Spears got married sometime in the last 24 hours. It must have been a hell of a wedding to fit in between Quizno's bathroom visits, tanning sessions, and wig therapy.
You know that I'm really into Alicia Keys lately, but is she going for a bike ride later, or did she come straight from the weight room or something because those gloves are kind of freaking me out.
I will say it again. Amanda, if you ever read this. Go back to your natural hair color. Don't be like everyone else.
"Hi, I'm Uma Thurman and it's perfectly natural for me to be on the streets of NY on my scooter. The fact that I'm immaculately dressed and look completely perfect doesn't mean I knew the paps would be waiting for me even though I called them and told them when I would be leaving home."
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:08 PM
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:57 AM
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:44 AM
Labels: legal , OJ Simpson
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:18 AM
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:05 AM
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:48 AM