Friday, September 14, 2007
Timmy Weekend Update
#2 Timmy is NOT
George Noisom
Robert Moore
#3 Shimmy is NOT
Marie Dressler
Four For Friday
#2 This celebutard (the male version of celebutante) with the prolific sperm has been trying to hide his relationship with this C/D list actress because her former boyfriend, a B list film star with A list name recognition has threatened to kick the crap out of the celebutard if he sees him with his ex. The c'tard acts tough but is scared out of his mind.
#3 This in production blockbuster film is in big trouble. Turns out the director and the lead actor (former A list and now B list) can't stand each other. At first they tried to get along for the sake of the project, but the director can't stand the know it all actor and the tension, arguments, and outright screaming matches have forced the rest of the cast to choose sides and made for a working environment that the worst many of them have ever seen. The production is way over budget and way behind schedule because of the arguments and childish games between the two, but it's too late to get rid of either of them.
#4 Coming out of a club Wednesday night, this married, A list television star on a hit network drama saw a bag of coke laying on the ground in the doorway. He asked any of his companions if they had dropped it, and when they said no, he just smiled and said, "it's mine now."
Random Photos Part One

Guess The Celebrity Friday Edition
This poorly dressed former B list television actress has moved down nicely to C list status as a film actress.

Didn't Queer Eye End Already?

Former Nanny Says Denise Richards Is Moody--That's A Shocker

The former nanny alleges Richards is prone to "temper changes," adding she's "irritable" and "can't focus."
The nanny told Star, "In the morning, she's sweet and friendly, but... by one o'clock, she seems wired and confused. She changes plans from one minute to the next.
Pimpa Joe Really Is A Pimp

Pamela Anderson Turns Tricks For $250,000

Sting Loves Him Some Hookers

Ted C Blind Item
Flamboyant Floyd is under quite the pressures to remain young, dewy and youthful-looking on camera. He toils for one of the more glam TV jobs, and Floyd’s following expects the devilish dude to always look crackerjack, never cracked-out. After all, F.F. skewers those who don’t always look their best, right? Oui.
But, when F2 ain’t takin’ those who don’t dress appropriately to task, he likes to party with the boy-lovin’-boys (sounds fun to moi!). And there he was at one of West Hollywood’s more happening hangs, flirting up a laugh-riot storm, when a pretty young thang actually had the nerve to say to Mr. Floyd (not knowing who he was), “You actually look like a very young version of Flamboyant Floyd.”
Flam blanched a bit at first. But then he gathered his wits in record time—prolly even a bit faster than he does onscreen—and shot back: “Well, I am Flamboyant Floyd. It’s just that I’ve had so much Botox, I look two!”
Don’t push it, boyfriend. Thirty-two, maybe.
AIN'T - Anderson Cooper, Bill Maher, Ted Casablanca
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Six Days And Counting Timmy Hints
#2 Shimmy Is NOT
Mary Pickford
Susan Kohner
Luise Rainer
#3 The award was NOT a Golden Globe
Tomorrow I will have some NOT's for Timmy and another clue to see you through the weekend.
Today's Blind Items From AP's World--Date Of Timmy Reveal and Emmy Plans
Speaking of the Emmy's, the woman I was supposed to go with who is our gossip queen for these events without knowing it, now does know it, and so will take a friend of hers instead of me. Now that she knows I could have been there, but was afraid we would talk and and I wouldn't write anything down so she will still do it the old fashioned way. Now that she knows she's on the spot she said she will try and give more info than she has in the past and is actually excited about it. We have tentative plans to try and do live blogging from the Golden Globes as they happen from right there in the room.
Now here is something for today from AP all of which happened this summer in the Riviera.
#1 This aging Academy Award winning A list actor invited five or six beauties to his boat every night where he would proceed to get drunk and regale them with stories about all the women he had slept with and how they had all thought he was the best lover ever. Our actor would then tell the assorted group of women that he wasn't going to have sex with them because he didn't want it to ruin it for them with others, but wanted them to dance for him, strip and then he would have each come over to where he was sitting and tell them he was Daddy and proceed to spank them. This would go on for two or three hours or until he passed out whichever came first. Our actor drank and spanked, and the women would leave at the end of the night tender but well rewarded.
#2 This formerly married C list film and sometime television actress with B list name recognition and an A list body spent each night going to a different boat and different party looking for a guy she could capture with her body and hook him for his money. She was willing to do anything to hook a rich guy, but she told too many people what she was doing. Word got out about her game and soon she was being forced into more and more degrading situations and multiple partners and the only thing she succeeded in capturing was a new STD.
Random Photos Part One

Making A Story From Photos
For the sake of argument, I'm going to say the man with Jessica is her dad. I can't see him well enough. By the way whoever he is, $20 is a nice tip for a valet guy.
#1 Jessica Biel had lunch with her father yesterday in Beverly Hills but had to cut it short. She was running late for a previously scheduled visit to a local hospital. Although Jessica and Justin aren't together any longer they felt it was important to not let the staff and patients down and so went ahead with the visit. Although they were smiling and buddy buddy in front of the kids, they soon turned frosty as they made a quick exit and barely spoke when leaving. At one point Jessica became so enraged at Justin's cold and distant attitude that she screamed and cursed at him before breaking into tears.
Now, if you are a tabloid that sees a benefit to keeping the couple together, then you can say this.
#2 Jessica Biel had lunch with her father yesterday in Beverly Hills but had to cut it short. She was running late for an appointment with Justin to visit a doctor that is alleged to be an OB/GYN. Whatever their joy going into the appointment soon turned to heartbreak. Justin and Jessica appeared to be distant as they left the doctor and at one point Jessica broke down in tears as the disappointing news tugged at her heart.
I'm going with story #1 because this sham relationship is falling apart, and I have never seen Jessica as pissed as that. Too bad she can't act like that and then she would really have a career.
In our second set of photos, we have a feel good story worthy of People or if you want to get salacious Penthouse Forum.
#1 When Robin Tunney, star of the television show Prison Break landed at the Toronto airport on her way to promote her latest film at their film festival, she was met by adoring fans who clamored to get her autograph. Robin, being the charming person she is, patiently signed for all of her fans and even took the time to speak with them as she did so. One fan in particular told Robin a moving story of his life and Robin felt compelled to spend additional time as he related his heartbreaking story. Robin even went so far as to offer the fan a ride as she felt touched by his deeply personal story. Robin was overheard later remarking that one of the things she loves most about her job is interacting with all her fans and learning how her characters and roles impact their lives.
#2 When Robin Tunney, recently separate star of the television show Prison Break landed at Toronto airport on her way to promote her latest film at their film festival, she was met by adoring fans but had her eye on one special fan who made her heart take an extra jump. One onlooker described it as love at first sight. Robin spent time signing autographs for all her fans but would not stop talking and flirting with the one special fan who caught her eye. Another fan said it was like one minute he was just a fan, and the next minute he and Robin were leaving together and cuddling as they left the airport. I can only imagine what happened when they reached the limo.
I don't know what happened but it is the oddest thing. One minute he's just a fan getting an autograph and the next she is leaning up against him as they walk out of the airport.