Kevin Federline's attorney has spent almost $40,000 trying to get Britney's kids away from Britney and now he wants her to pay for it. Literally. In a declaration by Kevin's attorney Mark Kaplan, Kaplan stated that Britney is clearly the monied party in this case because she makes almost $800,000 every month and K-Fed makes nothing except the $20,000 Britney gives him every month in spousal support. Hey, guess what? That spousal support ends in November, but if he gets the kids, then Britney will have to pay K-Fed child support or in K-Fed's case ho support because really what kids need $50,000 a month spent on them when Daddy needs a new ride or a trip to Vegas to see the honeys.
Anyway, California law does allow for one side or the other to request attorneys fees from the other. It's very rare when one side has to pay the attorneys fees of the other side. There has to be a huge discrepancy in income where the judge feels that the person with money has an unfair advantage over the other party. It was designed to keep millionaire husbands from hiring the best attorneys while their stay at home wife could only afford the bare minimum and ended up getting shafted.
I could see K-Fed winning the motion, BUT he does have some income, and he does have money from the sale of the house he and Britney shared. The fact that a declaration was filed means that Britney's side objected at some point to the request for fees, or Kevin's lawyer knew they would and filed the declaration at the same time the request was made which is also unusual.

One thing that is interesting to note is that in the documents, Britney's attorney stated she was going to be on vacation from August 17 through September 3 and told Kevin's attorneys that, but Kevin's attorneys still scheduled depositions and such to occur while Britney's attorney was scheduled to be gone.
There is a document that an attorney can send notifying everyone they are going on vacation and if anything is done while they are gone, it is a HUGE no-no. But in order for it to work, the actual document needs to be sent and not just hey, I'm going to be gone on vacation. Britney was scheduled to be deposed August 20, 2007 but it didn't happen because her attorney was on vacation.
Finally, it appears from the documents filed by Britney's attorney that there will be a continuance of the September 17 hearing date. I would imagine that it would be in late October or early November now at the earliest.