Chuck is a television show created by McG that is filmed, on what seems to me, a 24/7 basis. Chuck and a crew of hundreds moved into my neighborhood about three weeks ago and don't show any signs of leaving. Usually filming is a one day thing, maybe two, and then the trucks, trailers, strippers and crowds leave and things get back to normal. This is not the case with Chuck. The film permit they are required to post in the neighborhood prior to filming stated they would be filming one scene involving a gunshot. Unless this is a Heaven's Gate redux then this has got to be the longest scene in the history of time.
For three weeks this production has used up several blocks of street parking 24 hours a day. So now what was a 5-10 minute search everyday to look for a parking space has become a 30 minute search, a three block walk, and a return to the car by 7am so it isn't towed away.
I'm all for the film industry in general, filming in LA instead of other countries (not including Canada which no one in the US considers another country for filming purposes anyway), and it does ultimately pay my salary so I don't complain about it much. But, I want this show to find a different home because it's hot, I'm old, weigh 400 pounds and I don't have an umbrella guy following me around as I trudge up and down hills with hundreds of other residents as we try and make the long journeys to our cars, if we remember where we parked them that day. There are actually people out on the streets now selling drinks to residents because the walks are so long. McG has more money than God and a backyard larger than many states so if he loves this project so much, he should just film it there.
Did I mention that they have an entire two blocks of a great cross-street also blocked off so that all traffic comes to a halt because instead of two streets for traffic there is now only one.
Today as I drove past the set dumping my trash, and doing my usual yelling in order to disrupt a scene, I noticed a new sign for a show? film? called Steve. Two one name shows? In the same location? This doesn't look good.