Friday, July 27, 2007
Four For Friday
I just want to encourage you to keep commenting on the mystery actress post and convince her to do it. I would move it up to the top of the blog, but I already sent her the link and so I don't want to mess that link up. Of course if I still had anonymous commenting there would be 500 comments but half of them would be wondering if her legs were real.
Also, I've noticed in the comments on some of the BI's lately that someone will make a statement saying they saw something or heard something so it couldn't possibly be the other person's guess. Ummm, you may want to review that kind of thing before giving up.
#1 This B list television actress on a hit show just had a physical for a movie she is about to star in and complained about a problem to the doctor. Turns out she has herpes. Turns out her very serious (as in relationship) guy didn't share that fascinating tidbit with her and she FREAKED out at the doctor's. No word on what happened on the homefront.
#2 The funny thing is this B list couple are going to stores together and buying things for his boyfriend's home not his home or her home as they want everyone to believe.
#3 I'm not really one for royalty blind items because I don't know any, but I do know that recently there was some royalty that hit the OC hard. (you can take that however you want, but I don't think they were physically hanging out at Laguna Beach.)
#4 Quick but dirty. A list actress, maybe even A+ no discernible boyfriend, but definitely pregnant.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:13 PM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
Almost Naked Men And Some Links
For some reason, I can't get the photos of these half naked guys modeling swimsuits on a runway to show up within the post, so you will have to click if you want "review the fashions."
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:54 AM
Popbitch Blind Item
This Hollywood director of a summer blockbuster likes nothing better than getting a large bag of cocaine and picking up young women, usually in the company of another hard-partying, journeyman movie director. Blockbuster-chap likes the all-American look, while his friend will only go for very young Asian women.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:48 AM
Labels: Popbitch Blind Item
Random Photos Part One
I know you must have had something better to do than watch your Cheap, no tip leaving bitch of wife spend more of your money. Come on Queen. Push her down the stairs. You are a big woman and she is tiny. It's just an accident. No one will know. She's just teetering on those 8 inch heels right at the edge of the steps. Maybe David will catch her and maybe he will think to himself this is my chance. Go ahead. Why not? The Spice Girls will sell more tickets because they can turn it into a tribute concert and make more money because they won't have to give any to Posh. I'll even represent you for free. And if I lose and you go to jail, you can beat up anyone that comes your way. I won't ever talk about you and your trainer again if you just push her a little.
Not the kinds of bat and balls John is used to.
He's filming a movie. He could actually give a crap about the Mets.
Speaking of giving a crap. You would think your husband would get wise, but I guess not.

Posted by
ent lawyer
11:32 AM
Tired Of The Triumvirate

Posted by
ent lawyer
11:09 AM
Hot Rod Premiere
Baby Borat on Board But Isla looks really great.
Speaking of looking great, Jane Seymour looks fantastic for 56 and is giving Bernadette a run for her money.
Andy Samberg with a chance at a date

Posted by
ent lawyer
10:32 AM
Music News And Photos
Lauryn Hill - Heinekin Music Hall - Amsterdam The Automatic - fuse Studios - New York

So last week there was that quirky music video I played after I posted their photo. This week I posted a photo of The Dollyrots and listened to their CD last night. They remind me of a happier Mary's Danish with a little Blink 182 thrown in for good measure. They probably see themselves differently of course.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:58 AM
Labels: Music News And Photos
So I Need Your Help
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:29 AM
Labels: Mystery
Nicole Richie Gets Five Days
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: Nicole Richie
"I Know Who Killed Me" Review From A Reader

Posted by
ent lawyer
9:07 AM
Labels: I Know Who Killed Me , Lindsay Lohan , Movie Review
Ted C Blind Item--Today 20 Questions About Toothy Tile
Look, everybody, I was going to tell you all about a certain Morgan Mayhem family member who, just like Morgy, is getting hugely wasted more often than she burps overpriced champagne, but, like, whatever, ya know? No big ser-prize there.
So, instead, due to an overwhelming demand for all things closeted and Toothy Tile, we’re going to round up all recent clues provided for our limited-run special 20 Questions and give ya another fab clue! Ding ding ding! Hot fun for the same-sex tum, huh? Now, keep in mind, for those of you teething for Tooth, we’re not even friggin’ halfway through the 20 queries, but thus far, this is what we’ve previously let out, as it were:
Q: Was he on Dancing with the Stars?
A: No. T2 is a talented thesp who's way above reality TV, trust.
Q: Are Toothy's initials in the first half of the alphabet, or the second? FYI: I'm asking about his real name, not pseudonym, so no tricks please.
A: No.
Q: Is Toothy known to be an animal lover?
A: Uh, yes, but isn’t everybody (or at least pretending to be) in this hairy town?
Q: What happened to Baby Tile? Did Toothy and B-F Tile have the kid, or did they give up on the idea of becoming dads? Are they still together and superdomesticated?
A: Give the nonnuclear fam time, doll-babe.
Q: Is Toothy Tile known to be athletic?
A: That, my dear, depends on your definition of athletic. He can hold his own, how about that?
Q: Is Toothy Tile Isaiah Washington?
A: Wrong bum-lovin’ boy. Think younger, cuter ‘n’ sans snarkiness.
And for all you unleashed types doggin’ for the good-lookin’ dude’s identity, here are two more newbie inquiries to get ya through the weekend. Now, keep the questions burnin’!
Q: Has Toothy Tile ever been nominated for or won a major American award?
A: For Best Kinky Performance in a Parking Lot? Why, yes! By the West Hollywood Sheriff’s voting academy, actually!
Q: Why is Jennifer Aniston the only woman Vince Vaughn has been linked to in the tabloids? Is he Toothy Tile?
A: No. He’s not nearly agile enough. Certainly not for the back-seat seduction game.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Ted Casablanca
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Afternoon Links
Naomi Watts FINALLY gives birth. Would you believe it was actually early? I say it because I don't know the sex yet.
The Lindsay 911 tape from the chase.
Rumer Willis involved in drug bust.
Britney may have violated her custody agreement.
Tom Cruise extortion plot. Your federal tax dollars at work.
Paris was doing drugs the other night. Maybe that's why she wanted to see what Cisco was offering. But how could Paris be doing drugs? She's never used them remember.
The cheap no tipping bitch and the evil EL ate lunch at Chateau Marmont. Two reasons to spit in the food or if we're really lucky the waiters pulled a Road Trip. I want to know if they left a tip and how much it was.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:54 PM
Labels: Britney Spears , Cheap No Tip Leaving Bitch , Eva Longoria , Lindsay Lohan , Naomi Watts , Paris Hilton , Rumer Willis , Tom Cruise , Victoria Beckham
Today's Blind Items
So this former A list teen television and movie star of the 80's is basically out of money because of a stale career and a serious drug habit. The only thing he has left to sell is his house. So, he calls a real estate agent and she comes over to look at the house and decide what it's worth. Well the first one is there for all of about five minutes when our actor starts hitting on her and trying to have sex with her and she basically flees. After many apologies, the broker sends over a man this time and he walks through the house. The house is in a great location and should sell for $4 or $5 million IF it was in good shape. The problems with the house are (a) multiple sections of the wall show fire damage from freebasing incidents gone bad (b) one of the second floor bathrooms has no floor because one night our actor got drunk and thought about putting a fire pole from the 2nd floor to the first and basically took a sledgehammer and knocked it all out. There is a door, a toilet and a tub. No counter or floor anywhere else. (c) The kitchen is covered in mold. The floors, the walls, any exposed surface are covered in it as well as rodent droppings and roaches everywhere. (d) the entire house smells like death and rehab. While the agent is walking through the house, our actor is doing one line of coke after another and keeps offering the agent one and is getting more and more offended that the agent will not share or participate. He then starts thinking the agent is actually a policeman and goes to find his gun. (Why he would get his gun if he thought it was a cop is beyond me) While looking for his gun, the agent gets the hell out and no one has been back. Meanwhile, people do sometimes hire this guy for work, but only enough to keep him in drugs. (Not the Corey's although I wouldn't want to go to their place either)
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:14 PM
Labels: blind item
Random Photos Part Two
Kate gets first place today because she's directing her first movie. Plus she looks cute, but lonely. Call me. I feel like the Jessica Alba stalker who keeps sending me e-mails with his phone number on them like I'm Jessica or something.Sorry Molls you get 2nd today, but you look really cute.
Scarlett just spent $8M on a house and she can thank Woody and his love for her for much of that. This is her on set filming her new Woody Allen movie.
Anne and her date. They go well together. It's like vanilla with an extra scoop of vanilla.
Be nice to Haylie day continues. Now that Hilary has that rich hockey player she's doing maybe Haylie will get out on her own. Haylie is going to be the lead in Kentucky Fried Movie. Yes, they are remaking it.

So, I know you have no idea who the guy next to Adam is, but it's Robert Smigel. He does all the writing for the SNL cartoons.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:53 AM
Labels: Adam Sandler , Anne Hathaway , Bono , Corey Feldman , Corey Haim , Haylie Duff , Kate Hudson , Molly Sims , Paris Hilton , Penelope Cruz , Robert Smigel , Scarlett Johansson
Waiters And Waitresses Promise To Spit In Victoria Beckham's Food
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:38 AM
Labels: Cheap No Tip Leaving Bitch , Katie Holmes , Victoria Beckham
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