ZX's post reminded me I still have 2 accountant items left. Also, a popbitch one that I wish I had known about but have to confess had not heard it before. It is a good guessing one.
1. This A list actor with a foreign accent has a production company in the US. So he had several deductions for meals and such which are fine, but the restaurants were none the accountant had ever heard of which was really unusual. When he asked the actor about it, the actor said well they aren't really restaurants per se, they are more like social clubs where he could spend time alone with a lady or two or three, some drinks, and a bedroom. To make it easier they put restaurant in their name. There are 365 days in the year. Our actor went 114 times. Nice.
2. This former A list movie actress, now a possible B television queen spent almost $100K on her two dogs last year.
3. This reality show host has always been thought of as straight. Well the last four times he was spotted in public it was always with the same guy who is openly gay.
4. Here is the popbitch one sent in by Amanda because its driving her crazy
This mum's favourite crooner has a reputation as a ladies man, but one male reader got rather friendly with him while cottaging in Sheffield bus station. The young chap asked, "You're taking a bit of a risk, aren't you? The Vegas star's reply? "Who the fuck would believe you if you told them?"
Friday, April 13, 2007
ZX-Well blog me Happy, Friday the 13th!
Spent this morning debating whether my house was going to burn down or not, eating grilled cheese and Easter See's and considering driving down to the flames to feed them my two foot mail pile. Wondering if you lose all your records if you are still required to do your taxes. I feel like they make it purposefully complicated and I wish I could just install a bar code in my wrist and be done with it. It has also come to my attention that I've been sharing my social security number with a Korean since 1989.
I'm supposed to be snowboarding this weekend but my accountant suggested we do taxes on Saturday. I thought, "Who does that?!," but a good friend pointed out that they're DUE ON SUNDAY.
Also discovered how to airbrush on iphoto and was considering sending my stalkee photos of the two of us with just myself airbrushed and leaving him with his engorged pores and sun damage. What am I, twelve?!
So basically, just diddling my bean when I got the call from my manager that there is an offer coming my way unless something goes egregiously wrong. He wouldn't even tell me what it is because the last time, I was all packed to go to Rome and at the last second, the project imploded and I was apoplectic. But he's completely giddy so I may have something awesome to report imminently. Keep you posted.
I'm supposed to be snowboarding this weekend but my accountant suggested we do taxes on Saturday. I thought, "Who does that?!," but a good friend pointed out that they're DUE ON SUNDAY.
Also discovered how to airbrush on iphoto and was considering sending my stalkee photos of the two of us with just myself airbrushed and leaving him with his engorged pores and sun damage. What am I, twelve?!
So basically, just diddling my bean when I got the call from my manager that there is an offer coming my way unless something goes egregiously wrong. He wouldn't even tell me what it is because the last time, I was all packed to go to Rome and at the last second, the project imploded and I was apoplectic. But he's completely giddy so I may have something awesome to report imminently. Keep you posted.
Carson Daly 5th Anniversary Party
This is the Bai Ling we have come to know and love. The dress about to fall down is classic Bai. Thora Birch looks amused. Thoras asking herself, "If I take Bai home with me will my dad want to watch that also?" It kind of looks like she is supporting Bai, or keeping her from falling.
I have decided that Carson Daly looks like Don Knotts. I don't know what Kathy Griffin is thinking.

Lindsay Lohan In Tokyo and The Opening Of Runway In New York
I have to admit that I enjoy the new Ashlee much more than the old Ashlee.
Only Taye Diggs could make that hat look good.

Links And ZX Later Today
Britney is everywhere today.
1. US Weekly says Britney should get rid of her boots. They do have a point at least as it relates to the NBA jersey with the boots.
2. Cityrag asks if Britney is bipolar.
3. derekhail.com has some photos they took from flynet of Britney going into a dance studio drinking a Red Bull. Must be a slow news day.
4.popsugar has photos of Britney shopping and what she was wearing prior to shopping and what she was wearing after shopping. They also commented on how she wasn't wearing the boots which probably makes the US Weekly article irrelevant, but will no doubt sell issues.
5.IDLYITW has a two minute video of Britney giggling and they compare her to a teenager.
Mel B gets some DNA from her daughter. I need Maury on this.
Rhianna is getting raunchier. This is according to her and not just an opinion of what I would like to see her do.
Jimmy Kimmel says no one would ever advertise on a blog. Turns out Jimmy advertises on a blog. I'm guessing the blog readers are your only viewers Jimmy so be nice.
1. US Weekly says Britney should get rid of her boots. They do have a point at least as it relates to the NBA jersey with the boots.
2. Cityrag asks if Britney is bipolar.
3. derekhail.com has some photos they took from flynet of Britney going into a dance studio drinking a Red Bull. Must be a slow news day.
4.popsugar has photos of Britney shopping and what she was wearing prior to shopping and what she was wearing after shopping. They also commented on how she wasn't wearing the boots which probably makes the US Weekly article irrelevant, but will no doubt sell issues.
5.IDLYITW has a two minute video of Britney giggling and they compare her to a teenager.
Mel B gets some DNA from her daughter. I need Maury on this.
Rhianna is getting raunchier. This is according to her and not just an opinion of what I would like to see her do.
Jimmy Kimmel says no one would ever advertise on a blog. Turns out Jimmy advertises on a blog. I'm guessing the blog readers are your only viewers Jimmy so be nice.
Ted C Blind Item
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when (repeatedly) we homos deceive. Guess what? I’ve got a same-sex Blind Vice comin’ atcha in...seconds! Such the surprise from moi, I know.
There’s a very, very famous fruit in town. But, oh bro, is he evuh talented at making his myriad fans think he prefers the femmes. This Vice ain’t ‘bout the boy, though, it’s about the poor woman this guy utilized for his nefarious, i.e., press-release, purposes.
Virginal Vamp is a doll—and I mean that in the least plastic way possible. V2’s the best at conjuring up sexy little do-me thoughts while wearing the cutest little proper lacy things in her flicks, which, for the most part, are always on the classy side. She’s the het man’s dream fantasy: somebody he can take home to mama but boff in the broom closet while the hors d’oeuvres are being fetched.
Therefore, it was hardly a surprise when folks working for an infamous fruit who has often appeared in this very missive rang up V.V. for the most exciting role of her lifetime: to play said fagola’s real-life girlfriend! Done deal if she wanted, V. was told. Just call us back to seal the whispered doings, she was told eagerly.
Virginal was so excited, she actually thought about it for...22 seconds.
But, alas, Miz Vee was leaning against it and, just as she was about to ring back and probably decline to those who had parlayed the pooftah plan, word spread in electronic and old-fashioned scandal sheets alike. Seems another actress besides Virginal had decided to take the job (for her own desultory reasons).
Count your blessings, Virg! ‘Cause the only thing worse than going out with a guy who does ya and then ignores ya is going out with a guy who doesn’t do ya and ignores ya!
There’s a very, very famous fruit in town. But, oh bro, is he evuh talented at making his myriad fans think he prefers the femmes. This Vice ain’t ‘bout the boy, though, it’s about the poor woman this guy utilized for his nefarious, i.e., press-release, purposes.
Virginal Vamp is a doll—and I mean that in the least plastic way possible. V2’s the best at conjuring up sexy little do-me thoughts while wearing the cutest little proper lacy things in her flicks, which, for the most part, are always on the classy side. She’s the het man’s dream fantasy: somebody he can take home to mama but boff in the broom closet while the hors d’oeuvres are being fetched.
Therefore, it was hardly a surprise when folks working for an infamous fruit who has often appeared in this very missive rang up V.V. for the most exciting role of her lifetime: to play said fagola’s real-life girlfriend! Done deal if she wanted, V. was told. Just call us back to seal the whispered doings, she was told eagerly.
Virginal was so excited, she actually thought about it for...22 seconds.
But, alas, Miz Vee was leaning against it and, just as she was about to ring back and probably decline to those who had parlayed the pooftah plan, word spread in electronic and old-fashioned scandal sheets alike. Seems another actress besides Virginal had decided to take the job (for her own desultory reasons).
Count your blessings, Virg! ‘Cause the only thing worse than going out with a guy who does ya and then ignores ya is going out with a guy who doesn’t do ya and ignores ya!
Another Reason To Love Seann William Scott

A paper recently ran a story that said Seann and David Geffen were spotted going into a gay bar together. Well it turns out the bar didn't even exist and either does the relationship. Does Seann sue? Nope. He didn't even bother to ask for a correction. Now let's imagine if that story had included different actors such as Tom Cruise or John Travolta or Jake Gyllenhaal or any other actor which has ever had a gay rumor whispered, alleged, fabricated or otherwise associated with their name. What would their reaction be? Probably not the same.
Tom Cruise Gets Stuck And Takes A Ride In A Tow Truck

No, not really. But close. Seems that Tom was trying to prove his ultra coolness while leaving Mastro's the other night. Tom was driving a vintage car and had just signed some autographs and was going to make a getaway back to the house so Katie could be locked down before midnight. Well, the car wouldn't start, and then when it did start, Tom choked and it stalled. From the look on Katie's face I gather she knew that the rest of the evening was not going to be pleasant, but for now she was having fun, fun, fun. I think she was trying to hide a big smile and laugh. Look at the flop sweat on Tom's forehead.
By Next Week The Entire GGW Group Will Be In Jail

Joe Francis is kind of turning into Suge Knight. Everything he touches is just going from bad to worse.
1. Prisoners shouldn't need water to get those pills down their throats. Just ask your cellmate where he hides his shank Joe and you will know the meaning of the word uncomfortable.
2. What kind of weak ass prescription drugs are you taking Joe? Be a man and take some oxy-contin or some Vicodin.
3. Hey dumbass do you think no one is listening to your phone calls? "Yeah Scott, I need you to come down here and bring some pills and some cash. Yeah, I need the pills to forget the pain and the cash to keep the pain from returning."
4. When you get your friend arrested then what happens is he will get a deal for his weak ass crime. You thought you were just going to be facing some income tax evasion charges. Well, now that Scott got arrested and wants to go free, do you think he'll maybe tell the feds some of the other things you've been doing?
5. Happy Friday the 13th baby!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
BR!CK Awards On CW Tonight At 9pm
Well it turns out that the people over at dosomething.org which is the parent organization for the BR!CK Awards are big fans of the blog. They saw the photos I posted and asked if I could take a minute to plug them and the show. Here are their own words.
Love your blog read it every day. Honestly can’t get enough of your blind items…I noticed you posted pics of Susan, Petra and Mandy from the BR!CK Awards….would LOVE it if you could give us another shoutout…They're airing tonight on the CW at 9:00 PM...The BRICK Awards are America 's FIRST (and only) televised award show about changing the world! These "community service rock stars" are going to be famous because they do something and celebrated because they make life better for other people, NOT famous for what they wear, not who they date, or what scandalous videos they've leaked on the web...
Check out this youtube clip of dashboard confessional performing, which is just a taste of what's to come tonight.
It's totally going to ROCK!!!
Thanks for being fans of the blog, and thanks for doing something to make the world a better place.
Love your blog read it every day. Honestly can’t get enough of your blind items…I noticed you posted pics of Susan, Petra and Mandy from the BR!CK Awards….would LOVE it if you could give us another shoutout…They're airing tonight on the CW at 9:00 PM...The BRICK Awards are America 's FIRST (and only) televised award show about changing the world! These "community service rock stars" are going to be famous because they do something and celebrated because they make life better for other people, NOT famous for what they wear, not who they date, or what scandalous videos they've leaked on the web...
Check out this youtube clip of dashboard confessional performing, which is just a taste of what's to come tonight.
It's totally going to ROCK!!!
Thanks for being fans of the blog, and thanks for doing something to make the world a better place.
Today's Blind Items
This one should be fairly easy and will be public knowledge in the next day or two.
So this reality couple has been having problems with their relationship but have tried to keep it from the cameras. They have been seeing a counselor and she thought everything was getting better. He sees the writing on the wall though and has been to see an attorney. (not me, wrong state)
So this reality couple has been having problems with their relationship but have tried to keep it from the cameras. They have been seeing a counselor and she thought everything was getting better. He sees the writing on the wall though and has been to see an attorney. (not me, wrong state)
ZX Got Her Hair Dyed Yesterday--It Looks Fascinating
Am not quite grasping the concept of a stylist. A stylist is someone who helps you get ready for three hours so you can pretend you own zillions of designer clothes that you will never wear again. A stylist is someone who helps you pretend to have your own sense of style. A stylist is someone who kills any inclination of personal panache you may have had if it's not the same as Vogue. I remember when I was younger being called the "bad stripe" because my boobs hadn't grown in yet and I guess the dress looked more flattering on someone full-figured. Just what I needed to hear as an insecure teenager, but it is so much fun. I love gossip. Because no matter how chaotic my life seems, there's someone who's really up shit creek.
I have been reading your comments and some of you have been griping that I'm boring because I'm not giving an in depth description of the life of an actress. Well. This is it, folks. This is how it is when I'm not working. I may get a call tomorrow like I did this time last year and be gone for the next seven months. But for now, it's meetings, auditions, photo shoots, a pinch of disappointment and a grain of salt.
Ok. Most embarrassing set moment: My character is meeting a criminal under duress, so I don't even look at him as I shake his hand and say, "Nice to meet you." But something is awry. He starts laughing and I look down in horror at my hand giving him a firm how's-your-father. I froze. I didn't even let go. He was really cool about it and tried to make me feel better by saying that I could do that any time, but on a set there are thirty people around and there's no way you can live down grabbing hold of some one's dick.
I have been reading your comments and some of you have been griping that I'm boring because I'm not giving an in depth description of the life of an actress. Well. This is it, folks. This is how it is when I'm not working. I may get a call tomorrow like I did this time last year and be gone for the next seven months. But for now, it's meetings, auditions, photo shoots, a pinch of disappointment and a grain of salt.
Ok. Most embarrassing set moment: My character is meeting a criminal under duress, so I don't even look at him as I shake his hand and say, "Nice to meet you." But something is awry. He starts laughing and I look down in horror at my hand giving him a firm how's-your-father. I froze. I didn't even let go. He was really cool about it and tried to make me feel better by saying that I could do that any time, but on a set there are thirty people around and there's no way you can live down grabbing hold of some one's dick.
The Tripper Premiere
"Yeah, I got my hand on your ass pretty lady. You just keep smiling."
"Isla. I had my hand on Jen's ass earlier."

I want to say something nice because she's wearing lots of clothes and I think we should encourage that, but I just don't know what to say.

I want to say something nice because she's wearing lots of clothes and I think we should encourage that, but I just don't know what to say.
Tom Ford Opening and ZX Later Today
Diddy, Patricia Clarkson(go rent The Station Agent), Julianne Moore and of course the best dressed man in the world, Mr. Tom Ford. I'm already depressed today and when I look at his clothes and then at mine it just gets worse.
Check out the two in the middle with the Zoolander lips.

The past week has been the worst of LC's life. I know I said I was done talking about her, but I really do feel sorry for her. Besides, whenever I link to US Weekly it gives you the chance to enter that Brody Jenner contest again.
Leonardo to be a daddy?
Pete Doherty says he and Kate are engaged. I doubt Pete even knows what day it is or maybe who Kate even is. I didn't think it was possible for a man to be skinnier than Kate Moss, but Pete is really trying to pull that feat off.
Leonardo to be a daddy?
Pete Doherty says he and Kate are engaged. I doubt Pete even knows what day it is or maybe who Kate even is. I didn't think it was possible for a man to be skinnier than Kate Moss, but Pete is really trying to pull that feat off.

John Travolta will not be joining the rest of the cast of Hairspray when they are on The Today Show. Instead, John will be going solo over at Good Morning America. Make one Scientologist mad, then you make them all mad. At least they stick together.
NY Daily News Blind Item
Which pop tart is attending basketball games, according to NBA gossip, owing to a crush on a player with a history of sexual assault accusations?
Joe Francis Going To Jail For A Long, Long, Long, Time

Evading $20M in taxes if true will definitely get Joe F some jail time. Reading the indictment over at The Smoking Gun is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Whenever you're down, just go back to the link, and realize that Karma does exist.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Today's Blind Items
So, let's go back almost two months to this blind item and see if it's any easier to solve today.
February 28, 2007
What husband cannot stand to see his wife have all the spotlight? The wife is scheduled to make a big television appearance alone, and the husband has told her she cannot do it unless he is right next to her. If he can't, then he won't let her.
***Now, one for today***
This actor (B list-movies, television) and actress (B list-television, model) have told everyone they are trying to have a baby and go see a doctor or fertility specialist, etc almost every week. What is really happening though is they are going to counseling almost every week because both are facing issues from past relationships they want to solve before marrying.
February 28, 2007
What husband cannot stand to see his wife have all the spotlight? The wife is scheduled to make a big television appearance alone, and the husband has told her she cannot do it unless he is right next to her. If he can't, then he won't let her.
***Now, one for today***
This actor (B list-movies, television) and actress (B list-television, model) have told everyone they are trying to have a baby and go see a doctor or fertility specialist, etc almost every week. What is really happening though is they are going to counseling almost every week because both are facing issues from past relationships they want to solve before marrying.
Yesterday it was ZX at 3am. Today 330am
I'm guessing ZX has trouble sleeping and it seems to have something to do with her quitting smoking. Although she didn't post this as a blog yesterday, she e-mailed me this after she had read her post from yesterday.
i can't write at 3AM. I just reread that last post for a lark and the grammar is all over the place and it's more disjointed than usual. I'm on the patch and after I take it off it takes about an hour for the Nicotine to peter out of my veins. Well, I have to go see a man about a photo shoot.
Here is today's post.
So I stalked him. So what. So I accidentally might have shown up in a very conspicuous car in two places he might have mentioned he would be. What's the matter with that? God, I blew it. It went from spinning his computer chair around and giving me a surprise kiss which I shied away from because I thought he might bite me to an awkward A-frame hug goodnight. When all I wanted was for him to walk me to the door and give me a good night kiss with my wrists pinned to the wall. In the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
New subject. I went to a friend's house for game night and he was drinking pineapple juice. "Oh, you don't drink either?" "No," he says. "You know, not AA or anything. I just don't drink." I find it so weird that there's such a stigma about alcoholism. An overweight person is not going to order themselves a cheesecake just to prove that they don't have a gland problem. It would be hard for someone who DOESN'T have a drinking problem to never drink. But it's really interesting to watch drunk people play games, calling people they've just met 'fucking idiots.' I also went to see an accountant today and I've come to the conclusion that I should probably deal with my corporate taxes which haven't been filed since '03 and the stack of mail which is two and a half feet high. I never take them seriously until they turn something off. It's just hard to discuss a time frame for life goals like a house and a family when lately it's baffled me where I'm going to find a guy I can stand being in the same room with two days in a row and not scare off by stalking.
i can't write at 3AM. I just reread that last post for a lark and the grammar is all over the place and it's more disjointed than usual. I'm on the patch and after I take it off it takes about an hour for the Nicotine to peter out of my veins. Well, I have to go see a man about a photo shoot.
Here is today's post.
So I stalked him. So what. So I accidentally might have shown up in a very conspicuous car in two places he might have mentioned he would be. What's the matter with that? God, I blew it. It went from spinning his computer chair around and giving me a surprise kiss which I shied away from because I thought he might bite me to an awkward A-frame hug goodnight. When all I wanted was for him to walk me to the door and give me a good night kiss with my wrists pinned to the wall. In the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
New subject. I went to a friend's house for game night and he was drinking pineapple juice. "Oh, you don't drink either?" "No," he says. "You know, not AA or anything. I just don't drink." I find it so weird that there's such a stigma about alcoholism. An overweight person is not going to order themselves a cheesecake just to prove that they don't have a gland problem. It would be hard for someone who DOESN'T have a drinking problem to never drink. But it's really interesting to watch drunk people play games, calling people they've just met 'fucking idiots.' I also went to see an accountant today and I've come to the conclusion that I should probably deal with my corporate taxes which haven't been filed since '03 and the stack of mail which is two and a half feet high. I never take them seriously until they turn something off. It's just hard to discuss a time frame for life goals like a house and a family when lately it's baffled me where I'm going to find a guy I can stand being in the same room with two days in a row and not scare off by stalking.
2007 Brick Awards
Susan Sarandon and Mandy Moore. Susan drove her Harley to the awards. I know everyone is going to say Mandy looks like a drag queen, but I think she looks pretty hot so does that mean I like drag queens?
Fran Drescher still looks great.

Perfect Stranger New York Premiere
Kimberly Locke--post Celebrity Fit Club
Julia Stiles who seems to only be in the Bourne series now. Hey at least she gets to travel and doesn't have to worry about a day job.

More Links and Some Random Photos
"Hey Mel. Tell your dad that the Governor of Florida was asked to pardon Jim Morrison for his indecent exposure conviction."
Christina Ricci in Player Magazine
Tyra Banks in her Wizard of Oz dress.

Christina Ricci in Player Magazine

Jesse Metcalfe is going to get naked on stage when he replaces Daniel Radcliffe in Equus.
Nicolas Cage speaks out about his wife and son.
The Doors--The End
NY Daily News Blind Item
Greatest overheard remark at Newsmakers, a monthly mixer for media professionals held at the Manor on Monday night: "The best thing I ever did was hook up with my shrink in L.A. Don't tell anyone."
Links and ZX Later Today
Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling getting married? McAdams' rep called something in the article completely false, but it's really unclear what the false part is. That's the sign of a good rep or a really poor reporter.
Travis Barker's publicist tells People why Travis got back together with Shanna. After seeing those photos of her the other night at her birthday, I'm guessing it must be an award winning personality.
The Sun is reporting that Angelina and Brad are going to spend $130M on a ship. What they really need to do is buy an old cruise ship and just store all their kids on it. It can just travel from port to port stopping to pick up new kids and letting off those who have reached 18. This yacht they're allegedly buying (all crap) will only have six bedrooms. Hell, they can adopt that many kids by next month.
Pictures of Brad Pitt showing his large weight loss. Well, see above for the reason.
Travis Barker's publicist tells People why Travis got back together with Shanna. After seeing those photos of her the other night at her birthday, I'm guessing it must be an award winning personality.
The Sun is reporting that Angelina and Brad are going to spend $130M on a ship. What they really need to do is buy an old cruise ship and just store all their kids on it. It can just travel from port to port stopping to pick up new kids and letting off those who have reached 18. This yacht they're allegedly buying (all crap) will only have six bedrooms. Hell, they can adopt that many kids by next month.
Pictures of Brad Pitt showing his large weight loss. Well, see above for the reason.
J-Lo And Marc Anthony Turn Loose Their People To Defend Their Marriage

So, OK! Magazine says J-Lo and Marc Anthony are done and so J-Lo and Marc Anthony are upset and sending people out right and left to defend them. All this says to me is that J-Lo's record isn't doing so well, and she's going to be on American Idol tonight when the furor is at its peak. That's some coincidence isn't it? I wonder if Marc Anthony will show up by J-Lo's side while she sings or if they do a duet together to show their love.
All the OK! story says is that the couple had a fight, went to marriage counseling and that Marc was pissed when J-Lo was dancing with another guy. Well the first two sound like most marriages, and the third was right in front of her husband. For all we know the guy might have been gay.
I will be the first one to tell you that I think Marc is scary and could be Tom's evil twin when it comes to control issues, but in the end I think it's all about record sales and generating some publicity for a really bad album.
Justin Timberlake And Madonna Working Together All Night In London

You can make anything sound bad in a headline. Actually, they were working all night in London on Madonna's new album. Madonna is 48 years old now. God, I'm so old. I actually went to the Like A Virgin tour. It's been a long time since anyone thought of that and Madonna in the same sentence, but back then. Well no one thought it back then either, but at least she could try and convince you and make it somewhat believable. I also actually liked the movie Desperately Seeking Susan. I know, I know. Looking at this photo of Madonna, I think it's time for her to stop working all night. Here is some old school Madonna. Borderline is not my favorite song by Madonna, but it's right up there.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Larry's The Daddy
Was there ever any doubt? Do you think she really slept with Howard K? OK. Don't answer that question.
Today's Blind Items and A Blind Item Revealed
So, Samantha wasn't happy that I said bad things about Star. I told her I was going to say nice things later. It turns out she does send me the advance stories for the new issue and one of them is the answer to a blind item.
April 3, 2007
This film actress is known more for having a great body rather than a great body of work. She finally got smart last year and it looked as if she was going to be single again. Why not? He was acting single and she wanted to be. But, alas, she got sucked back in again. Now they are one big happy family again despite the fact that he hasn't changed. No doubt we will see this cycle repeat over the next year.
Now, the answer as Star writes it
Have Shannon Elizabeth, 33, and her husband, actor Joe Reitman, 38, put their divorce on hold? Maybe! The couple who have been locked in a bitter two-year battle, “have become close again,” says a source. Shannon is thrilled because “she’s missed Joe,” adds another source. Someone who might not be as happy: Joe’s current girlfriend, pro-poker player Annie Duke, whose rep insists she’s still dating him!
Now, for a new one.
So, this B list movie actor from a Top 20 2006 movie is A list to all of his fans except in one regard. Our actor has the most annoying girlfriend on the face of the earth. Seems this actor and girlfriend are regulars at a juice bar chain on S. Beverly. Well the girlfriend is just kind of obnoxious when she is with our actor, but it's a different story when she comes in alone. When she comes in alone, she's always on her cell phone, name dropping until there are no more names to drop. She talks about this party and that party and shopping she did and is going to do. She also orders drinks that aren't even on the menu but hushes the counter staff with a hand when they try and explain and goes back to her phone call. When she FINALLY gets off the phone and they tell her they don't have that drink, she does the "Don't you know who my boyfriend is?" Yes, they know who your boyfriend is, and they like him. What they don't like is you or the way you back up the line, your obnoxious laugh, your fake hair and breasts and the fact that you have no life.
April 3, 2007
This film actress is known more for having a great body rather than a great body of work. She finally got smart last year and it looked as if she was going to be single again. Why not? He was acting single and she wanted to be. But, alas, she got sucked back in again. Now they are one big happy family again despite the fact that he hasn't changed. No doubt we will see this cycle repeat over the next year.
Now, the answer as Star writes it
Have Shannon Elizabeth, 33, and her husband, actor Joe Reitman, 38, put their divorce on hold? Maybe! The couple who have been locked in a bitter two-year battle, “have become close again,” says a source. Shannon is thrilled because “she’s missed Joe,” adds another source. Someone who might not be as happy: Joe’s current girlfriend, pro-poker player Annie Duke, whose rep insists she’s still dating him!
Now, for a new one.
So, this B list movie actor from a Top 20 2006 movie is A list to all of his fans except in one regard. Our actor has the most annoying girlfriend on the face of the earth. Seems this actor and girlfriend are regulars at a juice bar chain on S. Beverly. Well the girlfriend is just kind of obnoxious when she is with our actor, but it's a different story when she comes in alone. When she comes in alone, she's always on her cell phone, name dropping until there are no more names to drop. She talks about this party and that party and shopping she did and is going to do. She also orders drinks that aren't even on the menu but hushes the counter staff with a hand when they try and explain and goes back to her phone call. When she FINALLY gets off the phone and they tell her they don't have that drink, she does the "Don't you know who my boyfriend is?" Yes, they know who your boyfriend is, and they like him. What they don't like is you or the way you back up the line, your obnoxious laugh, your fake hair and breasts and the fact that you have no life.
ZX's Happy Easter Bun Bun, Her Agent--And ZX's Identity Busted (Almost)
When I went to sleep last night, there was still no word from ZX, and so I gathered she wasn't going to be writing anything for today. Of course I didn't realize that she does her best writing at 3am. I'm also glad she doesn't have my phone number, because I know she would have called me at 3am to tell me it was done. She does have a sexy voice though, so... Anyway, I digress. Last night at about 9pm I did get this interesting e-mail which I am sharing here now with the author's permission.
Absolutely love your blog and since stumbling upon it a while back, have made it a must read with my morning coffee. The blind items are for sure the most intriguing and original around; a refreshing break from the usual rehashed stuff from page six on everyone else's sites. And the anon actress blog had me in stitches and hooked from the first one, eager to see the next postings and hoping they'd find the time to do them more frequently than once a week. I was gleefully diving into ZX's latest post when I quickly nearly choked my coffee back up, realizing I was in the story, well sort of...as I happened to be one of the "12 jury members" aka "20 scowling executives " mentioned. lol. Too funny! So, needless to say, I’ve figured who ZX is, and to her credit, her recap of the whole testing process and that day in particular was pretty spot on! Well, except I'm pretty sure I wasn't scowling during her tests. :-) Love, love, love your site and ZX's posts! Hope she keeps writing and does so often. And hope you pass on how much I enjoyed reading her rendition of the test, as seriously, she was so accurate about it, it took me all of two seconds to realize who she was amongst the gazillions of people I saw and tests I sat through this pilot season. Cheers! – A devoted reader.
I did pass it on to ZX this morning and she thought it was the funniest thing ever. Thanks to the reader for also keeping the secret. Here is ZX's post for today.
I was still moping and snivelling this weekend, whining how nobody likes me and how I'll never get another job, but my best friend knows what to do. She said, "Whatever! At least you tested. And your boyfriend was a total tool. I can't believe you even dated him. I have a new dress. Do you have any fun parties to go to tonight?" So I got out of bed, checked my email, and VOILA! An hour later we arrived to... Empty parking spaces right in front of the venue. Either EVERYONE valeted. Or. I forgot what day today was. Whoops. Could happen to anyone. So we walked to Toi and shared red curry seafood. "Sharing" with your best friend means stuffing-your-face-as-fast-as-you-can. No chopsticks shit. So on the REAL party night, my idea of a good time was to not talk to anyone and make friends with the waiters and dumplings. But there was NO FOOD. It wasn't fair. It was like a circus with no clowns.
I found some consolation people watching, another way of not really talking to anyone or feeling uncomfortable when you don't drink or do drugs. Or smoke now. It used to be so nice when you found an interesting slash outrageously sexy slash nice person, to say "Come outside and smoke with me." Even if they didn't smoke, inevitably you'd have them alone and see whether they were as great as they seemed. "Come outside with me," doesn't have the same ring to it. It actually sounds sleazy and desperate. The people watching fun was short lived though when the hostess came over and asked me to do press and I thought, 'Oh here we go...' I did some press
and "Oh by the way," would you mind talking to People Magazine?"
"So what have you been up to lately?"
Felt like saying mind your own business but said, 'Oh, well I just tested for something but... I didn't get it."
"And how about in the future?"
"Uhhh... Weeelllll. Your guess is as good as mine."
I could see his eyes begin to glaze.
"Who designed your dress?"
Oh God. "I got it at a garage sale."
He couldn't wait to rewind the tape fast enough to make room for a REAL STAR. You try telling People Magazine that you're a total loser in a $5 dress. All in all a good night. Then we went to Benito's Tacos.
So today I spoke to my agent about my career and he said that since auditioning hadn't been getting me what I wanted, they have a new gameplan to play to my strengths. Nice way of saying it, Buddy. Very diplomatic. Very intellectual. I hate intellectuals. I feel like the more you focus on what you're trying to say, the less you say what you mean. "I feel... that primarily... ... it was... inconsequential that... blah blah blah. So I end up filling in the blanks with whatever I please and they get frustrated and never speak to me again. So I go surfing.
I have a little confession to make. The real reason I quit smoking is because I met someone I want to kiss. Again.
Absolutely love your blog and since stumbling upon it a while back, have made it a must read with my morning coffee. The blind items are for sure the most intriguing and original around; a refreshing break from the usual rehashed stuff from page six on everyone else's sites. And the anon actress blog had me in stitches and hooked from the first one, eager to see the next postings and hoping they'd find the time to do them more frequently than once a week. I was gleefully diving into ZX's latest post when I quickly nearly choked my coffee back up, realizing I was in the story, well sort of...as I happened to be one of the "12 jury members" aka "20 scowling executives " mentioned. lol. Too funny! So, needless to say, I’ve figured who ZX is, and to her credit, her recap of the whole testing process and that day in particular was pretty spot on! Well, except I'm pretty sure I wasn't scowling during her tests. :-) Love, love, love your site and ZX's posts! Hope she keeps writing and does so often. And hope you pass on how much I enjoyed reading her rendition of the test, as seriously, she was so accurate about it, it took me all of two seconds to realize who she was amongst the gazillions of people I saw and tests I sat through this pilot season. Cheers! – A devoted reader.
I did pass it on to ZX this morning and she thought it was the funniest thing ever. Thanks to the reader for also keeping the secret. Here is ZX's post for today.
I was still moping and snivelling this weekend, whining how nobody likes me and how I'll never get another job, but my best friend knows what to do. She said, "Whatever! At least you tested. And your boyfriend was a total tool. I can't believe you even dated him. I have a new dress. Do you have any fun parties to go to tonight?" So I got out of bed, checked my email, and VOILA! An hour later we arrived to... Empty parking spaces right in front of the venue. Either EVERYONE valeted. Or. I forgot what day today was. Whoops. Could happen to anyone. So we walked to Toi and shared red curry seafood. "Sharing" with your best friend means stuffing-your-face-as-fast-as-you-can. No chopsticks shit. So on the REAL party night, my idea of a good time was to not talk to anyone and make friends with the waiters and dumplings. But there was NO FOOD. It wasn't fair. It was like a circus with no clowns.
I found some consolation people watching, another way of not really talking to anyone or feeling uncomfortable when you don't drink or do drugs. Or smoke now. It used to be so nice when you found an interesting slash outrageously sexy slash nice person, to say "Come outside and smoke with me." Even if they didn't smoke, inevitably you'd have them alone and see whether they were as great as they seemed. "Come outside with me," doesn't have the same ring to it. It actually sounds sleazy and desperate. The people watching fun was short lived though when the hostess came over and asked me to do press and I thought, 'Oh here we go...' I did some press
and "Oh by the way," would you mind talking to People Magazine?"
"So what have you been up to lately?"
Felt like saying mind your own business but said, 'Oh, well I just tested for something but... I didn't get it."
"And how about in the future?"
"Uhhh... Weeelllll. Your guess is as good as mine."
I could see his eyes begin to glaze.
"Who designed your dress?"
Oh God. "I got it at a garage sale."
He couldn't wait to rewind the tape fast enough to make room for a REAL STAR. You try telling People Magazine that you're a total loser in a $5 dress. All in all a good night. Then we went to Benito's Tacos.
So today I spoke to my agent about my career and he said that since auditioning hadn't been getting me what I wanted, they have a new gameplan to play to my strengths. Nice way of saying it, Buddy. Very diplomatic. Very intellectual. I hate intellectuals. I feel like the more you focus on what you're trying to say, the less you say what you mean. "I feel... that primarily... ... it was... inconsequential that... blah blah blah. So I end up filling in the blanks with whatever I please and they get frustrated and never speak to me again. So I go surfing.
I have a little confession to make. The real reason I quit smoking is because I met someone I want to kiss. Again.
Tom Ford On Madison Opens On Thursday--And Then There's Andre's Box
Tom Ford on Madison opens Thursday and I would love to be there and to be a frequent shopper. I'm hoping they sell key chains so I can afford something they sell. I must warn you in advance that this article from Women's Wear Daily is really long, but is well worth the read. If you want a quick fix for fashion, then just scroll down past these photos, and you will discover Andre.

When I first saw Andre, I thought it was a SNL skit that wasn't used or a spoof on Project Runway. Turns out I was wrong. There really are no words to describe Andre. Andre is Andre and he has a box. Fashion will never be the same.