Britney Bald Video
Britney Spears did not check into a rehab program and then check out 24 hours later as TMZ is reporting, nor did she enter a rehab program as Extra is reporting. I am not saying she will not enter rehab or looked into rehabilitation programs. I am saying that the current media reports are untrue as reported to me.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:18 PM
Labels: Britney Spears
I removed one of the items which had one bad fact in it. I cannot confirm his wife is involved in the goings on and so it would be unfair to HER to reveal HIM.
January 3, 2007
So this starlet who has been mentioned everywhere had a little drink Sunday night or was it two or three? Seems she got rejected by an ex in a VERY public way and proceeded to drink the night away and came on to any guy who headed her way. Except for one.
Lindsay Lohan
January 5, 2007
This rockstar’s divorce was recently finalized so he could bring on the next wife. Everyone assumed she walked away with HMM money, but it was not to be. He has a long history of wives and girlfriends who think they are going to take him to the cleaners. What they don’t realize until it is too late is that he has all the ammunition. During their time together he records every incriminating moment whether it be drugs or drinking or another man. When the time comes for parting and they are looking for money, he invites them into his room and shows them why they will not be getting a penny above what he wants to give them.
Rod Stewart
January 9, 2007
In order to support his drug habit, this cat like rock star used to be a gay prostitute. Wonder if he thinks his current girlfriend is as pretty as the boys he used to love.
Pete Doherty
January 12, 2007 (the one I could not find yesterday)
This actor has always been known for his HUGE ego. Well now it turns out he has something down below that is just as huge. Talked about in London, but really was just talk, even a legend. It was all supposition really, until he was filming his latest movie. Thinking our star was out and about, an assistant walked into the actor’s trailer without knocking and saw our actor changing clothes and what he saw has been repeated over and over and would put even Mr. Diggler to shame.
Ricky Gervais
January 17, 2007
#1 This singer is out of his mind. His model girlfriend was not beautiful enough for him or he thought he could do better. Somehow he thought his aging, one hit wonder self could get him someone better. What he got was a lesson in how the grass is not always greener on the other side. After bedding a series of 18 year old girls and acting like the wannabe rock star he thinks he is, his ex was seen in public with a collection of men befitting her beauty. Our singer broke and is begging for her to take him back. So far she just keeps laughing at him.
James Blunt
#2 Seeing this actress and her complexion Monday night reminded me that she had to miss the world premiere of a movie and almost another because her face had turned into one big zit.
Cameron Diaz
January 19, 2007
#2 A friend of someone mentioned earlier today has been acting like a diva despite the fact it has been years since she could even pretend to be such. Banned from her health club for wanting to work out alone and to bring in her dog, this pseudo diva has also been trying to convince friends she has a relationship with a well known singer despite the fact that no one believes a word of it.
Geri Halliwell
January 23, 2007
(NOTE-I have heard 3 or 4 versions of this now, but it is still fun)
#1 Sometimes you hear about something and you just do not even know where to begin. Nevermind, I guess we will start at the beginning. See, there is this singer/actress who has had a bit of a drug problem in the past. Perhaps she has kicked it, and perhaps not. While visiting the UK recently she met an actor who is A-list in the UK, but no one has heard of here although he is in one of the year's biggest hits. He was so enamored of his little doll that he followed her back to LA. She was flattered and loved the attention. He began telling her of his special needs in regards to sex. Think KK video and you will get the idea. Although she did not find it appealing, she was flattered that he wanted to do it with her and so she agreed. UNTIL she found out that while in LA and not seeing her, he was finding some women who accept money for those kinds of things and doing it with them. Serious bonus points for getting his name.
Courtney Love and Steve Coogan
#2 What happens when you are at a nightclub and think you are the shit, but no one is paying any attention to you? What happens when you think you can get away with anything and not suffer any consequences? Well this Seinfeld reference decided to take matters into her own hands. An A-list model was dancing on a four foot high stage and drawing the attention of the entire nightclub not only with her beauty but in the way she was dancing. This did not sit well with our spoiled princess and so she pushed the model off the stage and down to the floor. It was only because she happened to land on someone that she avoided a possible career ending injury. Those who saw what happened began to boo at the princess, but she was so into herself that she did not even care. She did not really dance, she just kind of did red carpet pose after red carpet pose. She was loving herself even more than normal. The only problem in her little plan was that the model and the owner of the club are really close so the next thing you know, the princess was yanked from the stage and shown the door. The crowd went crazy and all waved buh bye.
Paris Hilton and the attacked was Serinda Swan
January 31, 2007
So this is barely a blind item, but we will count it as such. Last night at a movie premiere, it was discovered that a recent romance with a very unlikely couple should actually be categorized as a "romance." Seems our actress was looking for some publicity for her new film while her new "boyfriend" agreed to help because he had started to fade from the limelight as well. Our actress made one other recent attempt to garner some headlines, but no one was buying what she was offering. Whatever kisses you saw on camera were the only kisses these two shared. Although good friends, they are only good friends and more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend.
Mandy Moore and Adam Goldstein
January 30, 2007
This B list television actress is a new relationship with a guy only she could love. The problem is that the the guy really thinks he is God's gift to women. She wants this relationship to work out so much that she is looking past his blatant flirting with other women, while she is standing there. She thinks it is love and he is just using her as a free ticket for award show season. He has no interest in her outside of being that extra ticket, and has acted accordingly. Whether her back is turned or not, he is always looking for the next one. Her friends are appalled, but know it has been awhile since anyone cared and are just hoping things turn out for the best.
Teri Hatcher
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:59 AM
1 Comment
Labels: blind items revealed
This video is clearer, closer, and much steadier. It also shows the priceless look on Paris' face when the trash starts hitting her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:46 AM
Labels: Paris Hilton , Paris Hilton Trashed
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:26 AM
Labels: Cameron Diaz
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:07 AM
Labels: Keri Russell
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:02 AM
Labels: Rachel Hunter
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:47 AM
Labels: Madonna
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: Daniel Radcliffe
Well, Austria did what Australia was unwilling to do. They threw trash on and at Paris Hilton when she arrived at a public square in Austria. Paris is in Austria because some old guy is paying her $1M to be his date. Every year he finds some female celebrity desperate for money and a good groping and invites them to the storied Vienna Opera Ball. Austria also did their best to keep Ms. Valtrex from entering their country. Her passport was expired and she needed the US Ambassador to vouch for the fact she was American. I hope he would do the same for all of us, and not simply because she flashed him and gave him the home game version of her videos.
Speaking of videos, I found this video of the trash throwing. It is directly below the photo of Paris and her customer. Towards the end of the video you can see security glancing around as paper begins to fall on Paris, and Paris quickly exits. However, the camera is so shaky that it seems like Blair Witch on steroids.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:53 AM
Labels: Paris Hilton
These are the blind items from January or earlier which will be revealed tomorrow. A few of them have already been revealed, but it was not my fault they were released ahead of schedule. There may be two or three bonus reveals tomorrow as well which are not included here. I also need some help. I cannot find my blind item about the gentleman who would put the H list to shame. I am going to reveal it, but CAN'T find it. It is not included in the bonus reveals.
January 3, 2007
So this starlet who has been mentioned everywhere had a little drink Sunday night or was it two or three? Seems she got rejected by an ex in a VERY public way and proceeded to drink the night away and came on to any guy who headed her way. Except for one.
January 5, 2007
This rockstar’s divorce was recently finalized so he could bring on the next wife. Everyone assumed she walked away with HMM money, but it was not to be. He has a long history of wives and girlfriends who think they are going to take him to the cleaners. What they don’t realize until it is too late is that he has all the ammunition. During their time together he records every incriminating moment whether it be drugs or drinking or another man. When the time comes for parting and they are looking for money, he invites them into his room and shows them why they will not be getting a penny above what he wants to give them.
January 9, 2007
In order to support his drug habit, this cat like rock star used to be a gay prostitute. Wonder if he thinks his current girlfriend is as pretty as the boys he used to love.
January 17, 2007
#1 This singer is out of his mind. His model girlfriend was not beautiful enough for him or he thought he could do better. Somehow he thought his aging, one hit wonder self could get him someone better. What he got was a lesson in how the grass is not always greener on the other side. After bedding a series of 18 year old girls and acting like the wannabe rock star he thinks he is, his ex was seen in public with a collection of men befitting her beauty. Our singer broke and is begging for her to take him back. So far she just keeps laughing at him.
#2 Seeing this actress and her complexion Monday night reminded me that she had to miss the world premiere of a movie and almost another because her face had turned into one big zit.
January 19, 2007
#1 This actor used to be A-list in the mid 90's but is now a straight to video kind of guy. Why you ask? Well it seems he likes taking projects that are international, and especially in Eastern European countries. The reason for this is so he and his current wife can enjoy the affections of VERY young girls who can be bought for a night in these countries.
#2 A friend of someone mentioned earlier today has been acting like a diva despite the fact it has been years since she could even pretend to be such. Banned from her health club for wanting to work out alone and to bring in her dog, this pseudo diva has also been trying to convince friends she has a relationship with a well known singer despite the fact that no one believes a word of it.
January 23, 2007
(NOTE-I have heard 3 or 4 versions of this now, but it is still fun)
#1 Sometimes you hear about something and you just do not even know where to begin. Nevermind, I guess we will start at the beginning. See, there is this singer/actress who has had a bit of a drug problem in the past. Perhaps she has kicked it, and perhaps not. While visiting the UK recently she met an actor who is A-list in the UK, but no one has heard of here although he is in one of the year's biggest hits. He was so enamored of his little doll that he followed her back to LA. She was flattered and loved the attention. He began telling her of his special needs in regards to sex. Think KK video and you will get the idea. Although she did not find it appealing, she was flattered that he wanted to do it with her and so she agreed. UNTIL she found out that while in LA and not seeing her, he was finding some women who accept money for those kinds of things and doing it with them. Serious bonus points for getting his name.
#2 What happens when you are at a nightclub and think you are the shit, but no one is paying any attention to you? What happens when you think you can get away with anything and not suffer any consequences? Well this Seinfeld reference decided to take matters into her own hands. An A-list model was dancing on a four foot high stage and drawing the attention of the entire nightclub not only with her beauty but in the way she was dancing. This did not sit well with our spoiled princess and so she pushed the model off the stage and down to the floor. It was only because she happened to land on someone that she avoided a possible career ending injury. Those who saw what happened began to boo at the princess, but she was so into herself that she did not even care. She did not really dance, she just kind of did red carpet pose after red carpet pose. She was loving herself even more than normal. The only problem in her little plan was that the model and the owner of the club are really close so the next thing you know, the princess was yanked from the stage and shown the door. The crowd went crazy and all waved buh bye.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:54 AM
Labels: last chance guesses
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:06 AM
Labels: Heather Mills
Charlize Theron made some comments that were not exactly well received by her interviewer on CNN. Like most women (in my fantasies) she immediately tried to re-assert control by propositioning the reporter and telling him how she wanted to make out with him. Charlize made a mistake in her comments about Cuba. However, you have to admire her for having the ability to just throw that one liner out there. Where did it come from unless she had done it before? Hmmmm? And Rick Sanchez, the reporter from CNN gave his wife the best Valentine's Day present ever. He basically said, "baby, you are so much hotter than Charlize, and it was easy to say no." You have to watch until almost the very end to hear the remark.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:49 AM
Labels: Charlize Theron
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:19 AM
Labels: James Morrisson , Joss Stone
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:59 AM
Labels: Bret Michaels , Flava Flav , Flavor of Love
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:48 AM
Labels: Vanessa Minnillo
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:17 PM
Labels: Valentines Day Love Fest
When I first envisioned talking about couples today, I of course imagined Denise Richards and Richie Sambora. It was just going to be a simple one-liner that said they will stay together until he either runs out of money or finds someone younger. I think that premise still holds true. However, in the spirit of Cupid's arrow I will spend some more time talking about Denise and we can all make up our own minds. Denise has actually spoken about Valentines Day. This is excerpted from an interview she did with They actually make People magazine look snarky.
"Since we're discussing Valentine(a movie she was filming at the time), Richards talks about what is so special about Valentine Days, even for simple girls like herself. "If I'm in a relationship, I think it's fun to get flowers and candy and go on a romantic rendezvous. If I'm not actually dating, I think Valentine Day is really yucky." Her most romantic Valentine rendezvous occurred during the filming of The World Is Not Enough. "The guy I was dating took me to the Eiffel Tower to drink champagne." At the moment, Richards remains coy about her private life, preferring, she says smilingly, "to spend time with her dogs", which includes a Pug. "I love animals with squashed faces, and he's sooooo adorable."
Here is what one writer from the NY Post had to say about the cover photo and the pictorial.
"We know Playboy isn't noted for its beautiful covers, but the new Denise Richards issue is particularly hideous. Just because she's got the IQ of a plastic Christmas tree doesn't mean you should dress her like one. The pictures inside are marginally better, but the novelty of Denise Richards nude wears off instantaneously."
Her choice of stylist could also be considered poor if they were to blame for the Billboard Awards nightmare that is shown below.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:58 AM
Labels: Denise Richards , Richie Sambora
As you know Friday is fast approaching which means more blind items will be revealed. All of the items will be from January's blind items. Tomorrow I will post the items which will be revealed so that you may take one last guess before the blindfold comes off. Today I will post some blind items from the last few weeks and provide some hints. Nothing as tortuous as the last time I provided hints. Instead of being wordy, I am hoping this time, the answers can be found with as few words a possible.
January 2, 2007
This former A list actor primarily known for his television roles had a vice paid for by his employers without them even knowing it. Our intrepid actor would haunt various seedy massage parlors until he found a special lady or two who gave excellent happy endings. He would make a deal to the owner of the parlors to buy the girl or two and then convince the studio to hire them as his masseuses. This allowed our actor to indulge in his fantasies while at the same time always seeking out new parlors and new ladies to replace his current ones. Everything was great until his last show tanked. Paradise was no more for our actor who soon found out that in many of his visits to massage parlors he was videotaped. With no more money coming to the parlor owners from the studios they wanted it from the actor and were threatening to make the tapes public. With no work coming in, the actor sold everything he had and even made some questionable legal decisions all to keep these not so nice people from coming after him. Meanwhile he could never say goodbye to the parlors and they were ruining his life. He finally has given up the parlors and paid off his debt and new work is finally starting to come his way. No word on who his new masseuse is.
1. Read it carefully
2. Something in common with Matthew Broderick
January 8, 2007
This past weekend I was leaving one of my favorite restaurants in LA. I love a good steak and this place has the best. Like everyone else does here in LA, I was waiting in line for the valet. There were about four people ahead of my group. I had seen this actor inside, and although we are not friends, we certainly know each other enough to say hello. Throughout the evening I had seen this actor enjoying drink after drink and growing louder and louder. He was being obnoxious, but nothing out of the ordinary or worth a mention here. UNTIL, he and his companions emerged from the restaurant and proceeded to push their way through to the front of the valet line. For some reason there was only one valet working and so things were moving a little slow. However, everyone was in a good mood and no one was complaining because they could all see how hard the one valet was working. He was not walking anywhere. He was running flat out. The valet looked to be in his mid 20's and was from Mexico. His English was poor which was going to cost him in a few minutes. When our actor came outside, the valet was not there because he was running to get a car. This immediately sent Mr. Ass into a rant about how no one has good service anymore and he had a movie opening soon and companies just did not value customer service.
So, the valet comes back with a car and now there are three people ahead of my group and the first in line prepares to give his ticket to the valet. The valet is about to grab it, when Mr. Ass says, "Hold it, I need to go first. I have a talk show I am supposed to do in twenty minutes." Well it is almost 11pm and no one is buying that story. The valet did not really understand what Mr. Ass was saying, just that there was an angry man getting more angry by the minute right in his face. The valet kind of gave a half smile and a shrug, and went back to the person who was first. At that point, Mr. Ass decided to play the do you know who I am card. I hate that card and to have this almost A lister recite what he has done and is doing to a man who did not understand a word was really humorous if you were not being the guy yelled at. It is so LA and so annoying. At that point, Mr. Ass lost it and his friends were trying to slink away. Mr. Ass said he would just go get his car himself and where were all the damn keys. The valet pointed and Mr. Ass got his keys and then asked where the cars were parked. It turns out the cars were about two blocks away. That sent Mr. Ass into a rant about how could the cars be protected if they were that far away and there better not be any damage to his car, etc. BUT it was too far for him to bother with it and that the valet should get it NOW. Well, it looked like we were in for another outburst of yelling and screaming, but everyone agreed Mr. Ass should go first. We just did not have the guts to watch it and you could tell the valet just wanted to escape the wrath of Mr. Ass.
The valet got back a few minutes later with the vehicle and Mr. Ass actually had the nerve to say it’s about time. No tip, no manners, and not the first time. Needless to say, the valet made a ton of money off the rest of us, but Mr. Ass needs a good ass kicking.
1. Something in common with Bill Murray
January 10, 2007
This B list actor is starting to ride high. He has been in the business since he was a toddler but has just started to change everyone’s perceptions about him. He is loving life right now and in his mind things could not get any better. In addition to acting, he owns his own company with two of his friends. Moving from one project to the next and his rise up the ladder caught the eye of a still teenage C list actress on the way up. She has always moved from one guest spot to the next and always finds someone to sleep with at each of these stops. Whatever she is doing is working. Instead of one off guest spots, she is starting to get some multi-episode jobs from her grateful previous co-stars. She used our actor to gain a couple of film roles and now wants to move on. She is tired of sleeping over at his place, pretending to still like him and making small talk like she still cares. She has larger fish now to find in the film world. He is crazy about her, knows nothing of her past, and would be crushed to learn that she is using him and his name and is counting down the days until production starts on her new film next month. Thanks to his help, it is her biggest role yet and should vault her to the B list. But for him there will not be that fairy tale ending.
1. Is the Andy Griffith show too many degrees of separation?
January 10, 2007
Anyway, so at lunch yesterday. Popular place, but nothing outrageous or pretentious about it. A few celebrities were there and this particular B actor(movie and television) was in a corner being friendly with his date. VERY friendly. The kind of friendly where you know that this is date 1 or 2. The kind of friendly where she did not bother to wear much on top or bottom. The kind of friendly where this was just the start of something that was going to continue long into the afternoon. They were definitely getting their groove on. I had no reason to suspect what was going to happen next because I did not know he was married. I just thought he was enjoying being someone. A waiter interrupted their groping/petting at one point to whisper something into the actor’s ear which was unintelligible. However, he stood up quickly and said "My wife?" He grabbed the girl, pulled her up from her chair and dragged her out the back door of the place in about 15 seconds. I really did not think someone could move that fast. At about the time the laughter died around us, a woman I did not recognize, but presumably is his wife came through the front door with two of her friends, and the entire place, en masse kind of shifted to look, looked, and then went back to what they were doing. Only in LA.
1. Not Mel Gibson
2. Has been on approximately 10 canceled tv talk shows
January 17, 2007
A few weeks ago, this actor was at a party with his award winning actress wife of a few years. Also at the party was his former girlfriend and co-star now married but solo that night. The two have remained close. Throughout the night our actor and his ex flirted outrageously. Enough so, that the notoriously jealous wife really wanted to leave. Our actor sweet talked his wife like a poet and said there was nothing to worry about. He was just friends with his ex. Twenty minutes later another guest at the party opened a locked bathroom door that had not been completely shut and found our actor and his ex with certain parts exposed. The intruder apologized and left and proceeded to tell all at the party what they had seen. Most couples caught in the act would end it right there. However, our actor continued on until completion. After emerging from the bathroom tryst, our actor was a model husband and never left his wife's side. If she knows, she is not telling.
1. One word in the blind item will make it all very clear.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:12 AM
Labels: hints
In the world of Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson there are three camps. No, I am not talking about Pimpa Joe and his ladies. I am talking about those who want Nick and Jessica back together and so all news of either of them being single makes their world a happy place. Then there are the Jessica fans who complain loudly when I say she looked like a drag queen last week. She did. She can be beautiful, but last week she looked like a drag queen. Get over it. Finally, there is the third set of fans who adore Nick and so whenever I say Nick and Vanessa are done, I get a whole bunch of comments from them. SO, you can see whatever I say about either of these two makes someone unhappy. Not to mention you my daily reader who enjoys Pimpa Joe stories as much as anyone, but is tired of Nick and Jessica. So, now, let us go through all the possible combinations.
Jessica and John. Are they a real couple? She thinks they are a real couple. Every guy she has been with since Nick has been the next true love. Jessica goes from relationship to relationship. She is not a dater. John, who I actually think is NOT gay, is having some fun and enjoying the sex, but is the kind of guy who has something to do early the next morning. You can see the look on his face. I loved you last night, but not here in public in front of the cameras. I think his relationship with J. Love Hewitt was real and I actually think he got hurt and is getting back at Jessica now. When he is lonely, he will give Jessica a call. They will NOT be together next year at this time.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:50 AM
Labels: Ashlee Simpson , Ben Affleck , Jessica Simpson , John Mayer , Nick Lachey , Pete Wentz , Pimpa Joe , Vanessa Minnillo
I have never been more proud of Australia. Yes, there was a real downturn in my love for them when they let Paris Hilton into their fine country at the end of the year. There was even more love lost when they decided to let her return to the US. Sure they gave us the punisherz, but Andrew G did not kick Ryan Seacrest's ass like he told me he would. I told Andrew I would watch out for his girlfriend Noa Tishby if anything happened to him. Anyway, I am digressing here. Australia has shot down The Hoff. In a poll of 5000 Australians, no one )zero, nada, zilch, zip) chose David Hasselhoff to be their celebrity Valentine's date. And yes, he was a choice. I will ignore the fact that many of them chose Eva Longoria and be happy with my small victory.
So, to thank the people in Australia, I will analyze Andrew G and Noa Tishby. For those of you in the US, I will explain, Andrew is the co-host of Australian Idol, and of course a dear friend of the blog. (even though he stood me up Grammy night) Noa Tishby is a lovely actress who lives in LA and therefore, Andrew needs to move here or move her there. Australia-LA does not work forever. Marry the girl Andrew because you know you are dating waaaaaay over your head.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:27 AM
Labels: Australian Idol , Noa Tishby , The Hoff
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:13 AM
Labels: Jenny McCarthy , Jim Carrey , Katharine McPhee , Nick Cokas
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:05 AM
Labels: Howard Stern
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:53 AM
Labels: Pete Wentz
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:17 PM
Labels: Elliot Mintz , Nicky Hilton
In case you are bored this afternoon. Here is a clip from the new Heather Graham movie. Specifically the clip is she and Bridget Moynahan enjoying their first kiss.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:57 PM
Labels: Heather Graham
This sometime actress and I am being generous there. This sometime singer and I am being generous there. This woman who rides on the coattails of __________. That is much better. Anyway our actress/singer/leech has a new love. Well, she thinks he is a new love. To him, our actress/singer/leech is someone kind of cool to say he had sex with and you can close your eyes and kind of imagine___________. Anyway, she thinks it is love, and everyone else including__________ knows it is all about sex and nothing else.
This allegedly happily married singer. Well, maybe not so happy and maybe not going to be married for much longer. When someone asked him about his wife the other night, he said that they have an understanding. She knows it is tough for him to be across the country or on the road and so he can see who he wants when they are not together. I really think this would be news to the wife.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:07 AM
Labels: blind item
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:46 AM
Labels: Ashley Olsen
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:39 AM
Labels: Ashlee Simpson , Kate Moss