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You know you are getting old when you cannot remember what lies you have told and to whom. Teri Hatcher has been quoted as saying she has used Botox and collagen. Now, in an interview she says she would never use such products or procedures. Pssssst. A little bit never hurt anyone. It is when you go overboard like Melanie Griffith that your world starts to spiral out of control.
This is a great article that basically lists everyone Olivier Martinez has ever slept with and all the women he cheated with while dating Kylie Minogue.
Of course if you are Kylie, you may want to not read it, or if you were a woman who thought Olivier only had eyes for you, or if you are an actress in Hollywood or anywhere in the world because they have you listed here as someone who slept with him. Also, sensitive pet owners may want to shy away from reading the article as well. Gotcha!!I posted some non-traditional photos of Josh for a couple of reasons. One, I have some photos of Jamie Lynn Sigler to post later today and don't want someone to say I am not helping out both sides. Also, knowing Ant, and knowing he is reading the post below, I thought I would give him something else to distract his mind.
So, Ant is a huge fan of the blog and is going to let us watch his seduction of Screech first hand. He also promises to let us know if Dr. Ian is begging Ross the Intern to introduce him to Jay Leno. Finally, in exchange for me running his entire demo reel, he is willing to tell us if Dr. Papageorgio (aka Dr. Linda Papadopoulos) has actually ever cussed, drank, not believed every story ever told her, or even knows Ant is gay.
I have to tell you I miss Maria Peer. She was the sexy, British hypnotist from the first season. I think she was let go because she was really friendly with all the guys on the show. I like to encourage that kind of behavior from my hypnotherapists and so was disappointed when she did not return.