Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Violin Is Playing For Victoria Beckham

In her new interview with Elle, Victoria Beckham says she was bullied by the other kids, and that she didn't have any friends at all. "They were literally picking things up out of the puddles and throwing them at me. I just stood there, on my own. No one was with me. I didn't have any friends."

She added: "People would push me around, say they were going to beat me up after school, chase me. It was miserable, my whole schooling, miserable. I tried to be friends with people, but I didn't fit in. So I kept myself to myself.”

She has since had all those people shot.

Seriously, am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Did her publicist say, people think you are an arrogant, obnoxious woman who looks down on everyone and doesn't treat common folk well (i.e. no tipping) It doesn't make me feel sorry for her. If she had her ass kicked a little more when she was younger then maybe she would have become more un-alien like. Of course, I'm sure a shrink would say that her being bullied as a child led to massive amounts of insecurity which has caused her to hide beneath a shell, and is why she seeks out perfection with plastic surgery and performing, in order to be accepted by the friends she never had. She desperately seeks approval, but at the same time doesn't trust anyone because of her problems during childhood.

All that being said, I still don't feel sorry for her.


  1. She probably didn't get it as bad as Geri. The gingers get it pretty bad in the UK.

  2. Well, then...she needs to go on the Maury show. From Geek to Chic! Former Nerds Get Revenge!

  3. I guess if I cared ... Talk to me after my heart has melted and I've partied down with the entire population of Whoville.

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I dont feel sorry for her either. Lots of us had rotten childhoods, and the real human beings are tougher for it.

  5. wow..

    money doesn't make you immune to hurt and insecurity people.

  6. I realize it's cool to hate her, but I don't. I even liked her show. (I know, shoot me now).

    I love her style, 3 cute little boys, oh ya and that husband isn't too bad either!.

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    She stood there all alone on the playground, plotting her revenge by scoring the hottest man in all of the world!!!!!!

    Who's laughing now biatch?

  8. lol..

    ya i saw the "before they were spice girls" doc they had out a few years back and Posh is the chubbiest insecure thing. Of course i say chubby in compariosn to her today when back then she was completely normal.

    I think she's really misunderstood.

  9. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I love Posh. Have for years. And I'm not ashamed to say it! *hiding in corner* LOL

    In all seriousness though, bullying is NEVER EVER cool, no matter who you are or how successful you end up. I ditto brendalove's sentiments - Who's laughing now biatch? ;)

  10. Kevin --

    Gingers don't have it easy a lot of time in the US, either. Just ask my sister (who has been lurking around here quietly since Thanksgiving) how much she tortured me about it growing up.

    That being said, I think Posh is fabulous. Plastic, yes. But fabulous shiny plastic.

  11. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I'm not saying I despise her. I actually rather love her sense of humor. Its nice to see that she actually has a personality. I just dont feel SORRY for her. She obviously did very fine in the face of adversity, so theres really nothing to feel sorry about.

  12. Is Ent actually a waiter or a caterer? Why does he obsess over tipping?
