Friday, December 21, 2007

Vincent Margera Escapes Jail Time

Vincent Margera has been ordered to give up his Don Vito persona for 10 years following his recent conviction on child sex assault charges. He is one of the stars of Viva Le Bam, and the uncle of Jackass regular Bam Margera.

Vincent Margera was found guilty of two counts of sexual assault against children in October.

During sentencing in a Jefferson County, Colorado courtroom on Thursday, Judge M.J. Menendez banned Margera from signing autographs and from appearing on any TV show for a decade.

Judge Menendez also placed Margera on probation from 10 years to life and ordered him to register as a sex offender, seek treatment for his substance abuse problems and undertake a mental evaluation.

The 51-year-old had pleaded not guilty to allegations he groped three underage girls at an MTV appearance in a Colorado mall in August 2006. He was found guilty on two counts, but acquitted on another.

When he was found guilty, Margera collapsed to the floor and began screaming that his life was over and that someone should just kill him. That actually seemed like a good idea to me. Unfortunately the ass is going to walk free. The loss of his "identity" is one hell of a good punishment from the judge though. That in itself is probably more devastating to Margera than any other punishment except spending 10 years in prison. I actually think that he will never be heard from again, which is a good thing.


  1. What a creative judge. Can you imagine if Paris Hilton's judge had banned her from public appearances for a year instead of sending her to jail? That would really have been justice.

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    moo - lol, great idea.

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    It's interesting that a judge can do that. Honestly, he'll have no income for 10 years. Hello Welfare!

    Paris would've attempted suicide on a weekly basis if that were her sentence, anything to get her in the media.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    He obviously DOES need psychiatric help, if he's groping young girls AND its in'd think he'd at least do that in private where he couldnt get caught. I'm not about to defend a convicted child molester but still seems rather odd, a lil fishy. I wonder how they proved the first two accounts but disproved the third? Weird. I'll consider the judge's ruling a Christmas present, cause this guy has always repulsed me.

  5. Take a look at the Margera's and what they let their son do to them..that family knows no boundaries. i feel sorry for Bam's mom.

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Pfft I dont feel sorry for Bam's mom at all. Nor his dad. They signed a contract saying "yes you may exploit and abuse us for your TV show, so we may benefit from the financial gain." Not only did they raise a shitty kid, but they let him be even SHITTIER for their own monetary benefit. I will never feel sorry for anyone in that pack! They created a monster and then profited off his douche-baggery! (hee hee I made up a word. They're laughing all the way to the bank, I see no reason to feel sorry for any of them!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. well i din't say YOU felt sorry for her. ya they are profitting from it..doens't make her life any better with an asshat of a son and a bunch or fucktards for relatives.
    money don't buy peace and happiness.

  9. I don't feel sorry for Bam's mom, either, Trix. She's as much of an enabler as the rest of the dysfunctional clan is.

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Jax, I'm saying I dont feel sorry for her, because she CREATED that shitty life, she has no one to blame but herself. How could I feel bad for someone who put herself in that situation on purpose and asked for the abuse? And you know she did, the minute she signed that contract. Had this been some unfortunate accident that she was cursed with such a family Im sure Id feel sorry for her too but as it stands, she has a douche bag of a kid whom she raised to be shitty, and then she let him act even worse, and towards her, for money. She can sob herself to sleep and wipe those tears away with 100 dollar bills, so I dont think she needs any sympathy from us regular folks who try to raise our kids right and dont exploit their behavior for profit.

    I'm not saying you thought I sympathized with her, and stating my differing view is not an indication of such. No disrespect intended.

  11. Let's see, asshats and fucktards are profiting from douche-baggery. Merry Christmas to all!!

  12. _-_=_, you're right - nothing is new.

    But hope you and yours enjoy a Merry Christmas and a great '08!

  13. ...and then Tiny Tim said "Douche-baggery...Everyone!' LOL Trix!

    As for Bam - I happen to live in the area he is from and see him out and about more then I'd like. The last time he came into our neighborhood bar he was wearing more eyeliner then a $10 hooker, fingerless gloves, some douchey scarf and a serious attitude. no one cared that he was there and ignored him so he made a scene to get attention... DoucheBaggery to the fullest.

    As for Don vito - he'll be fine believe me - he may not be Don Vito anymore but April and Phil and Bam won't let him starve... God he is such an ass...

  14. hey irish, where do you live?
    i've lived in/around chester county for most of my life :D

    I don't do Bam stories though. There are toooo many.

  15. agree to disagree. i've had a lot of money and i've had life wasn't better for either.

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Ya'll do some Bam stories! Come on, its Christmas and like ENT said, the gossip is slow.

  17. Brenda- the goss may be slow but just wait until festive season is over... How many dalliances, new hook ups, attempted murders, celeb stunts are going to happen that ENT can report to us in the new year?

    Merry xmas everyone!!

  18. And oh yeah... I don't know who this guy is but I can see some resemblance to Virgie Arthur. Can anyone else?

  19. are TOO funny! I see it....LMAO!!!
