Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tyra Banks Thinks Britney Should Commit Suicide

Obviously the remarks Janice Dickinson made about Tyra Banks being fat must have affected her more than she let on otherwise. I personally don't think Tyra Banks is fat, or Jennifer Love Hewitt. I do think Janice Dickinson is ugly as hell though. I think supermodels should age gracefully and set an example for others, and not jack up your body and your attitude trying to be 20 all over again.

But, this post is not about Supertramp (good group by the way) but about Tyra Banks and being careful what you say in public places. Tyra was out to eat recently with a friend and were overheard discussing Britney Spears. At one point the trashing of Britney got out of hand and according to the witness, "Tyra was saying, really loudly, 'Britney should just go ahead and kill herself after the album and go out like Marilyn, very grand. She should have done it after the last album'."

The witness said that he wasn't the only person who heard it. Everyone within five tables could hear her because she was talking so loudly. "It was terrible, nobody could believe she was saying it, let alone saying it without caring who heard!"

Tyra Banks' spokesperson denied the claims by saying, "This is absolutely not true." See, the problem with that denial is the representative never says which parts are not true. They could be just referring to the fact that Tyra was eating or speaking loudly. In this age of cell phone cameras and YouTube, spokespeople are loathe to issue a blanket denial because the next thing you know they find out their charge has lied to them, or the spokesperson takes a gamble and lies, and the entire encounter is posted all over the internet for the world to see. In the video, every five seconds you hear the voice over from the spokesperson saying, "This is absolutely not true."

I for one am not ready for the suicide thing yet. I think she should just move to a different country or just pull a Howard Hughes and permanently move into the top floor of The Four Seasons and lay in a bed 24 hours a day and doing whatever the hell she wants as long as she never leaves. She can get some mystery back. Right now there is nothing that is a mystery about Britney Spears except for what drugs exactly she is taking and how many people she has sex with each day.


  1. Britney commit suicide?!!?
    Hell to the NO!

    How boring is a train wreck after you have slowed down, checked out the carnage and continued on?!!?

    It's the thrill of the anticipation of the two trains headed toward each other and all the doomed innocent lives on board that makes life interesting.

    Britney has no where near hit rock bottom, so why wish it upon her given the entertainment we get as she heads in that direction?!!?

  2. It might be about what drugs she is not taking (anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, vitamins.....) Can't someone have her committed to a facility for being a danger to herself or others...If she acts like she does in front of the photogs, I can only imagine how she acts when the public is not watching. I think maybe she would benefit from a facilty that doesn't treat her like a celeb. She might need some serious help. Don't get me wrong, I have laughed at her incredible behavior just like everyone else. I just think it is crazy that she can act like this while the whole world watches and no one can get her the help she obviously needs. I know people who have been hospitalized for much less. Or, maybe she is just spoiled and stupid. We may never know.

  3. I think Tyra should start drinking.

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    also needed to add to the current mysteries of brit-brit: "who" she is sleeping with.

    It's not okay even in jest to suggest someone commit suicide. It's ok to wonder if they will, "go out like marilyn" given the impending train wreck, but to suggest it, it may get her thinking and she might just do it. It's a pain worse than anything.

  5. I dont know if I believe this, really. Because just like the argument against flat out denials, there ISNT an audio or video of her saying anything like this....

    You just argued your way out of your argument, Ent. Well done.

  6. I HATE Ty-Ty (and she IS fat) but I agree with her on this one.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tyra is not fat, but she needs to stfu. Yeah, Brit is a trainwreck, but wishing suicide on a young mother (whether a good one or not) is shiteous and is just inviting bad karma.

    Why are the supermodels swigging haterade these days?

  9. I saw this before I had my coffee and it kind of sent me over the edge.
    Part of me is praying that Brit's deposition goes so badly that she FINALLY realizes she needs help.

    Tyra needs to be the 'new' Eva Longoria on this site. Her ego has gone unchecked for too long.
    Did you guys hear about how she gave her studio audience a ton of gifts on her holiday special and her staff NOTHING!?

  10. a major medical event/accident or a major arrest....that's the only hope left for brit....sad.

  11. Tyra is ghetto enough to speak like that about someone. It's horrible to hope/wish suicide on someone, even massive train wrecks like Spears who no one on this planet agrees is sane at the moment.

    Tyra better 'splain herself. Gurl.

  12. I dreamt that Britney killed her self on Christmas. Hope it doesn't come true>

  13. @simone

    'Ghetto'? Since when does ghetto = horrible?
    What she said was appalling. But what u IMPLY is right up there too.

  14. I get so sick of hearing how Tyra is "fat"! What exactly makes you f#*%#@^ so perfect?!

  15. Anonymous2:04 PM

    the only way Tyra can be considered "fat" is on comparison to her modeling/Victoria Secret days. Compared to that, sure. But if we didn't have that comparison, very few people would think she's fat.

    I'D LOVE to be "Tyra fat" LOL

  16. Anonymous4:37 PM

    She was probably just kidding around and talking junk, but if something does happen to Britney, Tyra is really going to hate herself for that.

  17. It wouldn't surprise me. Tyra's only topic of conversation is herself. No others matter in her world. She thinks she can say anything because she is Tyra. Janice Dickinson is in the right calling her out.
