Thursday, December 27, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 You know that required physical from yesterday? Reason for the physical? Abortion. Father? Unknown.

#2 This stage mom has been around and in the tabloids herself. She is currently married but not for long. Seems her husband found out about his wife, the B list actor/host and his celebrity girlfriend who enjoy spending time with each other often, and generally without clothes. The husband might have been okay with just that, but when the trio started dropping hints about including the teenager of the couple, a divorce was inevitable.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. #1) Father unknown? Or father possibly a paparazzo?

  3. OKAY here goes.

    Hayden Paneti-whatever's mom as stage mom, Mario Lopez as B list actor/host, either Eva Logoria or that dancing with the stars ho mario is "dating" as celebrity girlfriend and Hayden herself as teenage recruit.

    Mario Lopez fits as a B list host, not B list actor.

  4. I wanna say Britney b/c of the rumors last week with JR Rotem...

    ...but it could also be Rihanna, which might be why Jay-Z is quitting all of a sudden.

  5. Britney..Whitney's too old.

    Hayden's mom.

  6. If that is really about Leslie Panetierre, that is DISGUSTING.

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I can't see Eva sharing Mario w/ Leslie, and especially not Hayden (only one princess in a bed, please). But they are the most likely trio based on the clues. Seriously, who would be bangin' Dina?

  8. Hayden's mom, Mario Lopez and Karina Smirnoff. That's why he said the g/f was a celeb and not an actress.

  9. Wouldn't it be great if the singer was Jessica Simpson?


  11. Yeah, Robert, I think it's someone more like her than Britney Spears. The blind item makes it sound like if we go back and look at the string of FAMOUS people the singer dated, it would be shocking.

  12. #1: As much as I hate to say it, it's looking a lot like Britney. Jesus H Christ.

    #2: going with Panet-Mom, Lopez, random ho and the indestructible cheerleader as the "new recruit".

    Side Note: humanity is doomed.

  13. Twisted - and the fact that in the original blind Ent says "there will be some incredible revelations" - pretty much saying that if it's Jess, we'll know IF she cheated AND with WHOM!

  14. Exactly, Robert. Would we be surprised by anything Brit slept with?

  15. Has anyone thought of Lindsay Lohan for #1? I know ENT said it was a singer, but he didn't say she wasn't an actress too. In fact, right now her focus is on making another album and she's been in the studio. I also agree it could be Britney, but for some reason, I just don't see any of the Spears clan getting an abortion.

  16. #2. lesley panettiere and mario lopez

  17. But is Mario Lopez really B List?

  18. Since when is a physical a requirement to get an abortion?

    Requirements for an abortion:

    - Live in a blue state
    - Be knocked up
    - Have $500

  19. some one is leaking private medical records. that's not cool.

  20. Did anyone see this in People recently? (I threw it away or else I would look again):
    There was a blurb about recent engagements and there was one about Ali Larter. The photo was of her and her fiance and the caption said her fiance was an Entertainment Lawyer.

    Her real fiance is an actor, and the photo in People looked nothing like the actor.

    I just found it very strange since a lot of people think AP is Ali.

  21. Anonymous1:50 PM

    #2 - offends every fiber of my being. WTF is wrong with people? No more CDAN on PMS days.

  22. #1 gotta be brit. where is that sam lufti character? he was always around and now he's not. there is something there (not saying he's the daddy, but could be).

    and, brit was packing on pounds and now she's suddenly slimmer.

    and, hate to say it, but those enquirer headlines are appearing to make a lot of sense a few weeks down the line - i believe they ran one re: her pregnancy.

    seen nothing on the hiv+.

    it can't be jess. she's been with TWO guys in the last year (admittedly that we know of). even i can match that record - and that's sad!

  23. Kim if this is EL..fuck ryan and Johnny start posting full frontals of YOU please!

  24. captivagrl, I'm sure Ent found out through the singer talking about it, not through the medical records.

    #2 is def. Panetierre/Lopez. Ent's been hinting at this for months. Also, gross!

  25. uh don't forget that this person is HIV positive! this is very serious

  26. mooshski - not blaming ENT. luv ENT! just reads to me like someone at the doctor's office leaked the info.....

  27. for #1 i think that it could still be brittany the only thing that would discourage that is that since her sister is pregnant wouldnt she want to one up her and be pregnant to but as much as brittany wants attention think about it if she was pregnant she probably wouldnt know who the father is and there would be no way she would want to stop her self medicating activites that would be plastered every where if she does them knowing she is pregnant and she surely would probably never see her kids again. #2 the whole revelation could also mean that some of the people she slept with an the people that slept with them would all possibly come out like her sleeping with the paris and who she slept with lindsey would come to the forefront..

  28. Jax, no that is her actual fiance. The man in the pic on People was not this guy. I believe he had glasses.

  29. Everyone believed it when JR Totem said Britney was pregnant. Sadly, I think it's her for #1 and she would rather have an abortion than suffer the embarassment/danger of a third pregnancy in her current mental and physical state. No one is banging Courtney Love, and there aren't any recent famous lovers I can think of who connect to Courtney Love (not of much interest anyway). Britney on the other hand ...

  30. Ent commented in the Lilo entries today that she sleeps with everyone - also stating she had probably slept with more people than Paris. Although Britney fits so does Lilo. Ick either way.

    #2 - Kink or no-kink I don't like sharing my men, and I certainly wouldn't want to share with my own daughter. Total Ick!

  31. 1. An AIDS diagnosis might explain why Britney has been acting erratically for the past year or so, but I don't know that this BI applies to her.
    This one is downright scary/sad.

    2. Leslie Pannetiere seems to fit. Also, EWWWWW!

  32. I think #1 is Lilo. Ent said something in another post about her ex Riley taking "something" besides war stories back to his ex and I thought that was an ominous clue of some kind.

  33. PS, if it's true that it is Britney, TMZ and the tabloids will go nuts. But it makes me think that whoever it is, it will come out very soon if EL is writing about it (since a lot of people now know, and it's no longer a secret).

  34. These both freak me out. I commented on the original #1 BI that the "incredible" revelations note might mean something, and Edward Norton is in the upcoming Incredible Hulk...for what it's worth.

  35. this makes me believe it's blohan and not britney.
    "If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year."

    britney's partner pool is what: kfed, brandon davis, jr rotem? hardly mind-blowing.

    blohan's would be far more revelatory, imho of course.

  36. Don't you have to give consent for an HIV test??? They arn't allowed to just test for it unless requested. If I remember correctly.

  37. Kim

    I saw THAT People photo/blurb your talking about and thought the exact same thing! I just went to the link from above, and your right that is not the guy in the People photo. I'm going to go dig through my pile of mags and see if I can find it.

  38. Jindi, Britney has also had sex with Lohan and Paris Hilton, Jenna Jameson, etc., so pick your poison (no pun intended). She's not exclusively heterosexual.

    Junglekitten, the BI says that the person disclosed it herself during the physical.

  39. Ok, if we try to think outside the US for #1... Could it be a british singer? Amy?

    #2 HURL!

  40. Anonymous3:03 PM

    remember that Ent said he was in one of the photos at the evan almighty premiere AND at the World Poker Tour.

    Not that we really want to out our Ent, though. If it becomes public, then the blog will end, most likely :(

  41. One more thing...Would a BI abot liLo say "singer"? Not so sure...

    And for brit, well not impossible, but I don´t think so.

  42. Charlie, Amy Winehouse? I don't think she sleeps around on Blake.

  43. just a thought.... how is it possible Brit went anywhere near a doctor's office/clinic/ hospital without it being reported? she is followed 24/7! however i do think she has unprotected sex....but i don't think this BI is her. who has sex for drugs?

  44. I can imagine Amy having sex for drugs or having an abortion b/c of the drugs. And Blake is a nobody "unknown" right?

    Actually I am not really in to the Amy guess, just threw the non-US thought out there and she sort of came along with it..

  45. Anonymous3:15 PM

    The singer is probably somebody random.

    What about that American Idol chick who's in jail right now and was rumored to be pregnant?

  46. Captiva ... the Olly girls are now doing abortions to go along with those tanning sessions when they come out to your home (kidding ... I hope). I agree though, the more I think about it, the more i think Star or whatever rag would have run with this by now if it was Britney. But then again, no one confirmed Jamie Lynn's pregnancy until OK! ran with it last week.

  47. Why would you need to list a father for an abortion? I don't know anything about these things. Unless she said herself the father was unknown.

  48. "The latest CDC report on woman to woman (WTW) transmission of HIV reports that it is rare. Of the 109,311 cases of AIDS reported among women through 1998, 2,220 reported having sex with women."

    that's .02%


  49. ok, just found out Brit was leaving a doctors office the FIRST time she ran over the paps foot. that was in sept.

  50. Jindi, Women to women HIV transmission is very rare, but if you mix your sex with IV drugs and high risk male partners, not so much. I'm just saying ... any of these women would create a panic amongst their various sex partners.

  51. not sept.. but oct.17, the report was she had fuller lips when she left the doc's office

  52. Anonymous3:47 PM

    #1 Courtney Love. As someone already mentioned, the "incredible" revelation is a hint, leading to suspect that it is someone Edward Norton has been with, this Miss Love.

    #2 Leslie Panetierre. The Mario link gives it away.

  53. Cap said:
    "the report was she had fuller lips when she left the doc's office"

    Maybe she gave him a blow job.

    Okay, seriously -
    Wasn't Jessica doing Johnny Knoxville while they were filming together? I would think he could be high risk.

    All these pregnancies just blow my mind. Are these young girls not using any protection? They should be on some form of birth control and they should make the guy wear a condom, the combination of which should be 99% effective. They obviously aren't being realistic when it comes to STD's.

  54. Courtney Love is 43. Given her history, who or what would be having sex with her without protection? I think it's a younger singer.

  55. KIM and IMM1969 - what month was the People Mag.? I never saw that picture and caption. Funny, though! I hope you're able to find the back issue. Keep us updated please.

  56. twis- just thinkin maybe she had an abortion and covered up the fact with lip injection. that was mid oct. she did look pregs at the vma awards sept 9. some states require an HIV test with preg bloodwork. does cal?

  57. OK. after reading the 2 Lindsay posts, I am absolutely convinced that she is #1. But ENTY, a "singer"??? really?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Don't forget Britney and Tony Romo, or Lindsay and Bruce Willis ... kids get around today. Sadly, neither as #1 would surprise me.

  60. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The only way Courtney would abort a child would be if the father didn't have money. Sad but true.

  61. Shouldn't that be Jessica and Tony Romo? Or was he involved with Britney, too? If he was, he a 'ho!

  62. do you think hayden was aware of this suggestion if it was her?

  63. if lindsay is considered a singer than so is's not them.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. #1 is sick. So if she is HIV positive and now pregnant, then she is consciously passing it around. Isn't that illegal?

    Um....having an orgy with your mom is SEROIUSLY disgusting. WTF is wrong with people?

  66. That the singer "indicated" she was HIV+ might mean that she already has symptoms and/or is taking medication for HIV. She doesn't have to be a drug user - could have had sex with one or someone who's on the downlow. May men in the music industry are.

  67. hey maybe its jessica sierra from american idol..she's pregnant and a known addict. who knows who she's been with though.

  68. Ent, I wish you would do a celebrity death watch pool (or celebrity divorce pool or celebrity knocked up pool) and donate the proceeds to charity.

  69. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Pamela Anderson.

  70. i think the abortion is in the past and HIV maybe one the reason for terminating. lissa - please tell me that the always lovely pam does not sing....

  71. Ent sometimes distorts clues to make it harder...maybe "singer" is one and its lindsay...she sings at times...and its rumored she had a pregnancy scare with stavros...

  72. Lindsay is as much a singer as Britney is an actor. Given how closely Lindsay is monitored these days, I think she'd be spotted going to a doctor who could perform an abortion.

    Sadly, this is looking more and more like Britney, given how insane she has been lately.

  73. No 1 very well could be Lindsay, notice in the post below (with ALi) Ent comments that Ali is still fresh faced but if she stays in Lindsay's clutches " Instead she is pregnant or carrying a STD for life." hmmm, that really makes me think it is Linds, and it is so asd, whoever it turns out to be.

    As for No2 that woman should be arrested; it's absolutely revolting.

  74. STD for life = herpes. It's no secret LiLo has that problem.

  75. Hope, your comment seems naive. HIV is not a disease spread only by homosexuals and drug users. Regular old heterosexual sex is enough!

  76. Hope, your comment seems naive. HIV is not a disease spread only by homosexuals and drug users. Regular old heterosexual sex is enough!

  77. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn just filed for divorce. It looks like another of Ent's blinds just got revealed.

  78. DNfromMN
    which blind are you referring to?

  79. no one likes my mandy moore guess for number one. but i stand by it.

  80. Tempting as it is to think that Blohan is the HIV+ singer, I think that this blind item actually refers to Parasite Hilton. Parasite was a apartment hooker during her first year in LA, and she was known for fucking johns without condoms. She is morely likely to have been exposed repeatedly to high risk categories, i.e. whoremongers who fuck junkie whores, than Blohan.

    Following this to its logical extreme, Blohan could very well be part of this viral chain as she has fucked Parasite's greek boyfriend more than a few times. And, by extension, it is possible that a substantial number of Blohan's current and former fucks, including Bruce Willis, Cash Warren, Riley Whatzhisname, Stavros, Wilmer, and the rest of them, could be part of the same viral chain and HIV+ as well.

  81. 1. I guessed Beyonce yesterday, so let's try it again. Why not?

    2. Sounds like Hayden Panetierre's Mom (spelling?). Within two years, Hayden will become another Lohan or Spears.

  82. (KL) I think the singer could be Ashlee Simpson, from Pete Wentz.

  83. Let's look at the clues:

    Female; Single; Abortion; Required Physical; has been involved with several Hollywood/Famous/Infamous types; doesn't know who her baby daddy is:

    Likely candidates:

    Courtney Love

    Foxy Brown?
    Rihanna (really don't think so)
    Brooke Hogan?
    Mariah Carey?
    Sabrina Bryan?
    Christina Milian?
    Alicia Keys?
    Nicole Sherzinger?
    Joss Stone?

    HIGHLY Unlikely:
    Hilary Duff
    Miley Cyrus
    Fergie (would Josh have proposed?) the engagement announcement is new. She would have been diagnosed earlier.
    Not JLO (preggers)
    Madonna? Too old for another pregnancy and already has kids (would have tested + before)
    Mel C? Unlikely.
    Beyonce? Nah.
    Mandy Moore? Hell no.
    Shakira? Monogomous even before current guy.
    Shania Twain? Nope.
    Gwen Stefani? Nope. Possibly trying to have another baby.
    Jojo? Nah.
    Avril Lavigne? Nah, don't think she sleeps around on Derek
    Kelly Clarkson? Nah. Stays away from the famous dudes.
    Jessica Simpson? Nah. I think she would keep the baby and frankly, she seems like the type that would use a condom. You know, FEAR of unwed mother syndrome...
    Ashlee Simpson? I don't think so either. She seems (seems) pretty monogomous. And her F**K list is unimpressive.

    Have we explored country music singers?

    Carrie Underwood? HIGHLY unlikely
    Faith Hill? Heck no.
    Sara Evens? Divorced but I don't think so. F**K list - unimpressive.
    Lee Ann Rhimes? Married.

    Who else?

    Toni Braxton?

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. ashanti? just throwing it out there, she's dating nelly but the word is she's pulling a joss stone and is sleeping around for tracks for her album (irv gotti, ja rule, p diddy were a few of the names that i can recall)

  86. I don't think it's Britney on this one. You know her mother has pimped both those girls since they were young young. I'm sure Britney was pimped and that's why she doesn't speak much to her mother anymore. And I don't blame her. Jamie Lynn probably got pregnant because then the pimping would have to stop. That was probably the only way she could get out and keep her mother from pimping her further. She probably watched her sister and figured that was the only way out.

    I hope somebody starts checking this out. There's more than what's being reported now. I have a feeling Disney is a bad, bad place.

    Also don't think #1 is Courtney. I don't think we'll see her getting pregnant again. Ever. Just a feeling I have.

  87. Ok, here comes my crazy theory for the HIV+ Singer....

    Gwen Stefani.

    Let me explain myself before the Harajuku girls come and stab me to death...

    Gwen was rumored to be pregnant earlier this year. Like, it was everywhere. (ENT even said it as late as November...)

    Suddenly, she's not anymore/rumors have stopped.

    Rumor also had it that Gavin was VERY NOT HAPPY about this development. As in "could possibly convince his wife to get rid of it" unhappy.

    The incredible revelation? Several come to mind:

    1a) Gavin really is into guys and has contracted something and given it to Gwen.

    1b) Gavin KNOWS he has this and continues to do so....

    2a) Gwen had something and gave it to Gavin, which makes me wonder about Tony before (her bandmate in No Doubt - they dated for maybe 9 or so years)

    2b) And Gavin continues to sleep around on the side with men KNOWING he has this disease....

    3) Kingston might have been born with the disease.

    4) Kingston might have been CONCEIVED in "I know we'll pass on this death sentence to our kid, but lets have him anyways".

    5) One of their 'things on the side' is a shared 'thing on the side' and has given the disease to another famous person....possibly another londoner...

    Ok, that's my wacky theory.

  88. Britney can't be the #1. she has paps with her 24/7 and wasn't see to get a physical last week. and if she's pregnant she wouldn't get an abortion (moreover if she doesn't know the father because it means for her no custody war)and people would talk about her as much as they talk about her sister (even more) and that's what she wants.

  89. An apartment hooker? Elaborate. People are crazy.

  90. An apartment hooker? Elaborate. People are crazy.

  91. Everyone's forgetting that Britney and JT were gettin' it on back in the day, despite their protestations of virginity.

  92. Also saw that Brendan Frasier and his wife are divorcing - perhaps Brendan could be the answer to BI about the husband with the drug problem (or one of the other BI?)

    On another note - just saw pictures of Ellen and Portia looking very happy. I thought we had decided they were the gay couple who were breaking up. Anyone know any scoop on these two? I know - completely off topic.

  93. Wow! de anne - if that's right it would be shocking!!

  94. HIV+ i agree w/ the poster who said Gwen Stefani. I think it would explain one reason they are still together.

    Either Gwen or Courtney Love.

    maybe fergie?

  95. i don't see britney having it all the way back since she dated jt. She a different person back then. Her career was going really well and while she may not have been the brightest, i think she had a lot more clarity in her life than nowadays. i really dont think the answer is brit, but if it is, it probably happened within the past year since her divorce. before people get married and have kids, they usually have extensive bloodwork done to make sure everything is A-OK genetically. (hiv testing is probably one of the tests done). I doubt she would bring children in the world knowing she had HIV. If she does really have it, she prolly got it this year when her life went out of control. pretty sure she hooked up with greasy bear who could have given it to p.hilton and from there, watch out.

  96. KellySirkus - I don't remember which issue it was. My mom gave me a bunch to read on Christmas so it was a pretty recent issue.

  97. hey i remember ent hey i blind about a singer getting something from her boyfriend/husband and thats why she was too afraid to live him because she was afraid to have to tell her next partner could this be the same person.....

  98. #1 has to be Britney. The backlash would be HUGE, with all the mags printing charts of lovers and lovers of lovers, tracking the course of possible infection.

    Britney wouldn't have an abortion if Lynne were still in the picture (Lynne loves jesus and Dr. Phil.) If her current crew is good for anything they know where to score drugs and a quick abortion. Funny, Brit's friends, nasty as they are, would give her better advise than Lynne on this point.

  99. Amphetamines (dexedrine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, crystal meth): Norvir (an HIV medication) is predicted to increase amphetamine levels in the blood by a factor of 2-3. Isn't this what she tested VERY positive for a few months ago??

  100. I agree ... Britney is not above having an abortion! This is a woman who would rather party in the Four Seasons or hang out with the papparazzi than raise her two young children.

    Also, Gwen does not work for a BI where the father is "unknown." It would only be Gavin.

  101. i didn't have to get blood tested when my husband and i got married? i think they just asked if we knew of any blood borne illnesses *shrug*

    Congress just signed something saying that HIV tests legally be common practice in prenatal testing.

    all this being said, why aren't these people afraid of HIV/AIDS?!

  102. ENT - please a hint! is she married? what kind of singer? something..... please???

  103. I am all for exploring the Gwen Stefani, Mandy Moore, Beyonce guesses. At least they are more fun to consider than the usual suspects.

    Britney, Lindsey, or Paris can't be the answer to every BI involving a female.

    I wish Enty would remove all the usual guesses (both male and female) as possibilities in future BIs so we would all have to expand our gray matter ever so slightly in 2008.

  104. As for Penn, I reckon this one was him. He was a popular guess back in September when it ran:

    #1 This married, award winning A+ film actor and director has a new assistant. His assistant is female and very attractive. His wife was concerned because our actor and his assistant were going to be spending so much time alone on the road doing publicity for his new film. Not to worry said the actor and the assistant. They both told the wife who is also an actress that the assistant is a lesbian, and has no interest in men. That is why it is so tough to figure out why the assistant spends each and every night in the same hotel room with the actor, has been seen making out with him, and why she thinks she is going to be the next Mrs. Actor.

  105. could this be EL? Only going off his own description mind you. :) This was at the evan almighty prem.

  106. has anyone said mariah carey?
    that would be epic.
    but i can't think of a "fuck list" for her other than Eminem and Derek Jeter

  107. Julie, I don't think anyone has guessed Mariah yet, but even though you can't think of a fuck list for her, can you imagine the fuck list for Jeter??????!!!

  108. mariah and derek jeter dated a loooong time ago. i really think it is someone within the past year. "If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year." Do you really think that someone had hiv for five+ years and all of the sudden, this upcoming year is the year for the revelations? i think it is someone who got it this year and is now going to have to go back thru the hookup web to let her partners know...or not.

  109. Ah, who knows; I'm sure someone could have HIV for years and not know it. Courtney isn't too old to get pregnant, but not saying I am 100 percent convinced it's her.

    I don't know why I have a feeling that the reveal will be less spectacular/shocking than I am leading myself to believe.

    For the record, I have absolutely nothing against anyone getting an abortion.

  110. Jax, I will share Ali Larter's fiance with you. He is super hot!!

    And I forgot that Enty was in the Evan ALmighty premiere photos. Hmmmmm....


  111. I get the feeling that Mariah isn't all that into sex. Posing as a Long Island street girl for anything that looks like a camera is about as sexy as she gets.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Gwen Stefani has only slept with 2 men her entire life - a GOOD thing when those men are handsome and supportive. She is the perfect daddy's girl - in the best possible way. Daddy adores her. She expects that from all men. She doesn't abuse herself because Daddy taught her she was something precious. Gwen is a sweetheart, even if she can't write music or sing worth a damn.

    BI #1 really has to be one of the usual suspects, one of the uber-skanks.


  113. The previous guess(es) for #2 - of Hayden Panettiere's mother - stage mom, Mario Lopez - actor/host, Karina Smirnoff-celebrity girlfriend seems to fit. Found the following blurb about Hayden and Mario: -- and Hayden did turn 18 in August of this year...

  114. Sorry but I think Gwen Stefani is a terrible guess for number one. Suggesting that Kingston has HIV+ is really offensive.

  115. I think the singer is Courtney Love. She's not too old to get pregnant and doubt she'd want another kid. She's been shooting drugs for a long time. She's been with a lot of people including Jamie Burke, who during the same time period, has been with Kate Moss, Lindsay Lohan, Sienna Miller. Sienna's been with P. Diddy, Josh Harnett...
