Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Today's Blind Items

I hope everyone here has had a great holiday season so far. I also hope that all of you are sitting at home and not stuck in the office reading this. It actually took me a minute or two to figure out what day of the week this is, and it is not entirely because of the drinking. Thanks to everyone who sent e-mails or e-cards, and copies of the letters you sent to all your friends and family.

I gave WD the week off this week, but she will be back next week and also I think a blast from the past may stop by and give her take on the world in a way that only she can. Also next week are reveals, although this past week has taken away two juicy ones, and with Jon Peters getting sued I think at least one other juicy one may hit the media before I get my chance next week. If you enjoyed the "singer" blind item from Monday be prepared for more. The spy I like to call RN has more from the world of five star hotels and the celebrities that frequent them.

#1 During a required physical last week this singer indicated she is HIV+. If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year.

#2 "But how do you really know that this male B list film star is really gay?" Answer- "Because he spent a great deal of time on his knees proving it to me."


  1. Does Ent consider Gyllenhaal B-list?

  2. Damn. These are nice and juicy. I need a minute to mull these over!!!

  3. I was thinking J Gyllenhaal too for #2.

    For goodness sakes, please let it not be Brit Brit for #1.

  4. I also thought Brit for 2. I can't think of another really out of control singer besides "The Wino" but she's married.

  5. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hee hee I thought of Jakey too.

  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Ah, I got it. Singer. Courtney Love. Rumor has it she walked up to an ex's date, and informed the woman that the man (Steve Cooligan?sp?) was HIV pos and she knew, because he'd given it to her.

  7. Well, which female singer would be having a "required physical"?
    Someone in rehab, doing a movie, or on required drug testing?

  8. #1 my first thought was Brit, but the courtney love thing so works too.

    #2 Jake G?

  9. I think Britney - follow the partners could refer to people even pre-Federline - what if he is too? Who knows in that family

    #2 Has to be Jake. I would say John Travolta, but he is considered A list, yes?

  10. Yes....Courtney is a great guess!!

  11. i think #2 is Will smith, there were pictures of him all over this week of him on his knees and doing the walk of fame

  12. The required physical happens before you can start work in a movie... so our singer is an actress too? Yes?

    So I can see this being Courtney Love.

    It would also explain her sudden change of habits in the last year. Trying to clean up and get healthy.

    I have always been perplexed by the whole Jake G. thing. And why Ted C. is so obsessed about Jake/toothy tile activities.

  13. Will Smith is inarguably A-list. Always the star, opens lots of films, award noms. I'd say that Jake G is, too, but that one may be closer to call.

    I'm much more interested in the first one on this. That's BIG news.

  14. #1. courtney is a good guess. actually my first thought was Whitney Houston. she's still trying for a 2008 comeback in the u.s. with a new album and possible tour(as far as i know). any one associated with this venture would require regular physicals i'm sure. the "revelations" could include Ray J/ Kim K/ L'l Kim/ and all the lucky girls that get to sleep with Bobby Brown.

  15. Anonymous2:24 PM

    With #1, I get the vibe that a) we have seen this girl-singer with a zillion high-profile people this year ("incredible revelations"), b) doubt it's an actress or he would've said singer/actress. Please be Jessica Simpson!! (kidding, wouldn't wish it on anyone). I have no clue, but Brits is a good guess (babies are hiv+ would be pretty incredible).

    #2 - Jake sprang to mind.. but only because I wish he were proving it to me... sigh, donnie darko.

  16. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Yeah, Courtney is still a good guess, 'cept she hasnt been seen with a ton of people. There were rumors of her making crew members of her show "service" her, though. Damnit.

  17. the "required physical" could be for ANY insurance policy, not just a movie.

    I, too, first thought Britney, and shuttered a little. Imagine if those poor children have been infected! As if their little lives aren't already tragic enough.

    For #2, I honestly just don't even care anymore who in H'wood is gay, out, bi, etc. I basically just assume it's a 50/50 chance with all of them, and it makes no difference.
    I can understand why they try to hide it. Clearly it does affect their career and the roles they get, especially in film, but I personally could give a rat's ass.

  18. Belated Merry Christmas to all!

    Like the Courtney Love guess, but there are so many possibilities here. Same with the second BI, but I will be dull and agree that it is probably Jake G.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. #2 : doesn't that sound like that running joke from the 40 year old virgin "how do i know you're gay?" so im thinking paul rudd or that other dude he does that with. or steve carrell? can't be. paul or that other dude.

  21. i HOPE #1 is C-love.

    might have gotten away with murder but HIV sounds like a fitting punishment, except for her daughter.

  22. Anonymous2:51 PM

    You know, Ive never bought that Courtney-killed-Kurt thing. She stood to make more money and have more fame with him in her life, writing her songs, and being in Nirvana...

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. #1 I wondered about Courtney too. Apart from her husband Amy Winehouse's lovelife has not been too well-publicized as per former partners. Plus, she hasn't said much at all recently, since she's been back and forth to prison, answering police questions, etc.

    So my money's on Courtney, she's much more fringe and can say things without it all causing a fuss in the blogs like it would with Britney.

    #2. This is really vague, dude! But I'll go with Jake because I think he is closeted and the romance with Reese seems painfully staged to me. I think he likes to be around guys much more and more power to him. I'm another one that could care less if someone is gay or straight but closeting is big business. And I think Ent considers him B List.

  25. Oh, maybe we're overlooking a clue here at #2...

    "#2 "But how do you really know that this male B list film star is really gay?" Answer- "Because he spent a great deal of time on his knees proving it to me.""

    Wasn't Jake in that movie with Gwyneth Paltrow...Proof? Maybe that's a clue.

  26. off topic...doesn't britney make over $300,000 a month? i saw that amount somewhere regarding disclosure and her divorce. why is she selling photos to paps and hawking used clothing on ebay? just craziness or is she cash poor? i don't get it....isn't her net worth somewhere between 50 and 100 million dollars? i'm lost...

  27. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Actually, captivagirl, she makes almost three quarters of a million dollars per month.

  28. 1. Whitney Houston
    2. Jake Gyllenhaal

  29. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Larla - I'd take Paul Rudd, too, except he's married.

  30. #2 - I am going to have to agree with Larla on the 40-Year-Old-Virgin clue. Sounds like it was taken right from the movie. I think that all of us here are always too happy to jump on the Jake Bandwagon for every B-list in-the-closet actor blind. By now, Jake's publicity team realizes that Jake is famous for "being" in the closet. If/when he comes out, it will just be a big disappointment for everyone...and then, EEEKKSSS!!...No more attention for Jakey. By the way...Jakey is SO B-list for acting...SO A-list for being in the closet.

    #1 - EL states that if you follow the partners, there could be some incredible revelations, which leads me to believe that we would "know" some of the partners in question...

  31. I may be a little out of it, but it says "the past week has taken away 2 juicy ones". Besides Jamie Lynn getting pregnant by an old man, what else was revealed?

  32. Does anyone know anything about EL statement: "Jon Peters getting sued"? Do we know what the lawsuit is about? Jon Peters was a movie producer and ran Sony Pictures for several years. Also, if you go on Wikipedia, it states that Steven Speilberg "specifically had it written into his contract that Jon Peters not be allowed onto the set".
    Is Peters a Scientologist? Think this possible reveal might have something to do with Tom Cruise and the upcoming release of the "tell-all" book. Just a guess...thoughts?

  33. 1)Mandy Moore. She dates so many stars, it would be nuts. DJ AM(sorry Nicole!), Zach Braff, Andy Roddick, Wilder Valderrama.....THIS WOULD BE SO NUTS!
    2)Seth Rogan. I agree that its tied to the 40 yr old virgin cast

  34. To me, Courtney Love is the obvious guess. What with her hard drug lifestyle, this would not come as too much of a surprise. Perhaps the surprise will which men are infected!

    No guesses for #2. Apparently LA's closets are stuffed with with B-list actors.

  35. Jon Peters lawsuit can be googled:

    A lawsuit filed yesterday in California superior court accuses the famously deposed Sony Pictures chieftan of sexually harassing a female employee, and claims he exposed himself to her three-year-old daughter.

  36. Anonymous4:20 PM

    mucchimooch, Jon Peters is being sued for a couple different forms of sexual harassment.

  37. I can't believe everyone is so full of tryptophans they actually think Britney would show up for a physical. (Just joking. No need for a verbal beating by the blog police.)

    Enty, Thanks for all the recent music BIs. Keep'em coming.

  38. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I'm having a really hard time believing anybody would reveal their HIV status if they didn't want to. I can't imagine any "required physical" that demands to know if someone is HIV positive. So for me this entire item is suspect.

  39. im thinking whitney too who got it from bobby who got it from karina "super head" stevens who has f*cked half the NBA and most of Hip Hop.

    jake gayenhaal.

  40. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Trix said...

    You know, Ive never bought that Courtney-killed-Kurt thing. She stood to make more money and have more fame with him in her life, writing her songs, and being in Nirvana...
    Exactly, Trix...and Kurt told Courtney he wanted out of the marriage and out of the business...and then ends up dead. You do the math.

  41. What about Mel B.? Just a whacky, out there guess but I'd believe it if you told me each Spice Girl undergoes a regular physical...her tryst w/ Eddie Murphy--his alleged homosexuality, who's he slept with, eh?

    I favour the Courtney Love guess, but it could be a few people.

  42. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Trix - LOL!
    Steve a Cooligan a cool hooligan?

  43. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Oh yeah, and as much as I love the Courtney guess, I feel like ENT would have described her as a rocker....let's face it, Courtney's not noted for her incredible singing.

  44. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Yeah fabiola I can kinda see what you're saying, but killing him because he wanted out is soooo Mafia. I cant see a mother killing the father of her child because he simply wanted out. Sounds a little too overdramatic for a couple of lethargic heroin addicts. I still think, whether or not he wanted out, that he was worth more to her alive than dead, and he battled depression for years. His would not be the first suicide commited by the difficult, but doable, method of death by shotgun. (Trust me though, I live in Seattle and have to hear about this ALLLLLL THE TIME even to this day. My sister is a particular fanatic.)

    haha brendalove, as you notice, my post said "sp?" along with it. I was slightly off. Steve Coogan. I knew I was at least close! :P)

  45. Anonymous7:59 PM thats a little more on their sex partners and craziness, I guess you could say

  46. lissa - that's why I made the comment about other kids of insurance policies and required physicals.
    IMO, the most likely would be a life or health policy,
    in which case it would come out anyway, but the premiums would be so high, I can't imagine it being worth it to buy the policy.
    there is NO WAY britney is responsible enough to take out any insurance on anything. shit, she can't even get a Driver's License.
    She might be required to give blood for some custody-related issue, but they would be forbidden by law to check her HIV status. I absolutely know that for sure.

  47. ooops, unless, she disclosed it to explain the positive test for various drugs she is using to treat the infection

  48. 1. My first thought was Beyonce. She has been attached to Jay Z which is attached to pretty much every R and B/rap female in the industry. It could get very interesting if that was the case.

    2. Jake Gyllenhaal.

  49. Wino could still be a guess for #1. It could mean her shooting up partners not sexual partners. Ex: Doherty.

  50. Britney had one VERY famous partner. We all know they had sex even though they denied it!

    Mandy Moore is a really interesting guess.

  51. Lily Allen? Do you need a physical to work in another country?
    Joss Stone? Ooh pretty juicy if it were Joss - hasn't she *done* things for tracks? Again with the above question - do you need a physical to work in another country?
    Man I am bad at these blind items....
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

  52. this has nothing to do with these blind items, but socialite's life is reporting the JL Spears was actually pregnanted by an older exec on her show and Casey is being paid off to take the fall.... could this be the answer to the other BI?

  53. hiv tests are required when you go to jail.... maybe it is amy winehouse?

  54. winehouse would lead a hot trail: Doherty - Moss - Lazareanu and this is just the first (known) level.

  55. ks: scroll down a few posts....

  56. There were some storys in UK Mags claiming Doherty and Wino often had sex before her wedding.

    Also the Brit guess could be a good one. Her kids were scheduled for some drug test. But, in this case, it could be more likely thats HIV they are tested for. That would be sooo sad.

  57. Didn't Courtney Love and Edward Norton date? (Edward Norton then dated Salma Hayek, who dated Josh Lucas.....etc. etc.)

    I could be wrong but I remember hearing something about that and thinking Courtney/Edward were a strange match.

    Woo hoo! My first guess! :)

  58. The answer is never obvious.

    I said in an earlier post it was Whitney Houston. Look at the rampant drug use between her and Bobby. Bobby is now with Karen Steffens a/k/a "Superhead". She is a promiscious women who dated Bill Maher off and on and every other rap star still breathing.

    I can see Clive Owens making Whitney submit to regular physicals and drugs test due to her past usage. He has an investment to protect.

    Bobby supposedly had a heart attack which he shot down. Maybe it was something else altogether. You don't do the amount of drugs in the fashion that Whitney and Bobby did without contracting HepC or HIV.

  59. sorry kristen s, i missed the winehouse guess. i zoned out a little bit. but i was thinking more about the hot trail... winehouse/doherty/moss who hooked up with Jamie Burke, who hooked up with LL and Sienna Miller if I remember correctly, and they have hooked up with half of hollywood

  60. oops..ks...I was meaning to respond to your query about JLS being the answer to the BI about a producer knocking up a teen star. EL revealed a few posts below that JLS is the answer and now it's being reported in the tabloids.

  61. oh i see, i was saying that JL could now also be the answer to the blind item about a teen star pregnant by a show exec old enough to be her grandfather. i'm pretty sure he only revealed the one that said there was a teen star that had gained a little weight and everyone suspected she was pregnant. Socialite life is reporting that JL is pregnant with an eldery show exec and Casey is being paid off to take the fall.

  62. ks - scroll down.... that was all revealed yesterday.....

  63. . It's one thing to make fun of pomposity or wealth, but to stir up HIV rumors around famous people-or anyone- kind of goes against the whole AIDS DAY show Enty put up here a few weeks ago, so well. I am really kind of disgusted by the decision even to print this rumor. Sure, if someone pretends to be straight and is really gay, that's newsworthy. But how is this terrible disease newsworthy? Does a public figure have to like, hold a news conference and say, "by the way, buy my new album and yeah, I have HIV?" Would any of us do that? Of course not.
    I'm all for gossip. Even mean gossip-the celebrity machine in this country is out of control. But it really seems pretty low to print things that only foster hate, and suspicion, and fear.

  64. YIKES!! I"M SORRY EVERYONE!! i was away for christmas and today is my first day back on the computer!! i will ground myself from posting for at least a week.

  65. Sarah, gossip is gossip. I don't think that one rumor is less hurtful than any other. Maybe the gossip blogs are just not for you. Whoever this blind vice is about I feel no hatred or fear just nothing but heartfelt sympathy. It is tragic no matter what way you look at it.

  66. I think the big clue is "singer" meaning not someone who really writes music or plays an instrument, so to me that leaves Courtney out. I also wonder if the use of the word "incredible" might have some hidden meaning?

  67. Aw, crap! Edward Norton was in The Incredible Hulk! Maybe #1 *is* Courtney?

  68. Anonymous9:46 AM

    #1 is it Paris Hilton?

  69. I'm still wondering about the comment " week are reveals, although this past week has taken away two juicy ones..".

    I thought maybe EL was referring to the breakup of Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn, and Brendan Fraser and his wife, but they weren't in the reveals. Any idea what EL was referring to?

  70. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way. There were 2 BIs about a male and female who were each reluctant to get married. One was revealed - Katherine Heigl, but one was not, presumed to be Jimmy Fallon. Both just got married - maybe these are the two EL referred to? Although I thought both were to be revealed.
