Thursday, December 20, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 I think everyone thinks this couple is happily married. After reading this, you might not be so sure. Just like Tom & Katie, this A list couple has separate bedrooms. Unlike Tom and Katie, this couple actually gives the impression that their sex life is spectacular which leads to speculation as to why they don't sleep in the same room, and not even on the same floor. Well maybe it has something to do with the fact that exes aren't always exes, and the wife enjoys spending some time every week or so with her ex. Often the ex arrives unannounced in the middle of the night, and to prevent an awkward situation (like this whole damn thing isn't awkward) when the ex crawls into bed, our happy couple maintain separate bedrooms.

#2 This celebrity, pretty close to a billionaire, if not there already was caught leaving the residence of someone not his wife the other night. Would probably have not been a problem except for the fact it was 3am and the guest he was visiting ran after him in her nightgown because he had left behind his gloves.


  1. #1 - Will & Jada. Gotta be.

  2. #1 will and jada #2 tiger woods

  3. #1 Heidi and Seal

  4. i was thinking will and jada. Who are their ex's?

    Donald Trump for #2?

  5. #1 could be the Beckhams...

  6. Would an extra person really be considered "awkward" for Will & Jada?

    Ashton, Demi and Bruce.

  7. Sheree Zamponi or something close is Will's Ex and Trey's mom.


  8. I think it's Demi/Ashton/Bruce

    The way this is written makes it seem like the current spouse (Ashton) knows it happens, which would indicate to me that all three must have some sort of relationship and could there BE a more involved ex-couple than Bruce and Demi? Also, the Tom and Katie reference could be a hint at the age difference between Ashton and Demi.

  9. Could #2 be Harvey Weinstein? He's in a random photo today with his wife...

  10. By the amount of youth-restoring surgery Demi's had, I think she works hard to keep Ashton interested. I don't think she'd be okay w/ Ashton sleeping with an ex. And if she's sleeping with Bruce then Ashton could sleep around. I just don't see it. I think she keeps Ashton on a short leash.

  11. beckhams
    or anthony's

  12. I think Tom/KatE hint points towards Will/Jada since they are buddies. Isn't Jada always making comments about how she keeps Will happy and satisfied?

  13. Anonymous1:48 PM

    julia, I think you nailed it for #2 - Big fat Weinstein

  14. I also see the Beckhams for #1

    They're A list - even Grandmas know who Posh 'n Becks are.

    They definetely give the impression of a great sex life. Maybe that's just to uphold the Beckham Brand? How else are you going to sell a His & Hers Cologne set?

    I'm thinking of several shots of Becks holding on tightly to Victoria. His hand on her ass, etc. Her comment about going to bed naked every night because she's cklimbing in beside David Beckham. Drive all the women wild, imagining themselves climbing into a bed with David there, laying across the white sheets like he is in the Armani Underwear ads. You know, the ones where it looks like he stuffed 'em with a tennis ball.

    Besides, I think Victoria is plenty happy just to keep the status quo. Her fame, which she is clearly hungry for, is forever linked to him. So, she must stay with him.

    The only thing is the ex. D&V have been together for a long time. Who would be the ex? The girl who David was caught with before?

  15. Posh and becks. The interview in which she spectacular sex life. What a shame I actually like them as a couple.

  16. I just have to put it out there ... Brad and Angie with the ex being Billy Bob.

    I know it can't be them all the time but sheesh.

  17. The Pitts, is the wife that is with an ex not the husband so it cant be the beckhams!

  18. wow! I wouldn't have thought of Posh & Becks. I was just fuming with jealousy earlier when I had read that they seem to still act like newlyweds with eachother. Hmmm, would make sense though. Sex sells, especially when it involves two good looking people. But just as mentioned earlier..who could be her ex?
    I was thinking John Travolta and his wife (& tate donovan)
    But I like the Jada & Will one. I wonder if Jadas' ex in reference is a he or a she?

  19. It's the Clintons. Just met DC insider on vacation. Known fact.

  20. Not Trump. He's already a billionaire. Weinstein is a good guess.

    I'm not feeling it's Jada and Will. Jada doesn't have an ex, that we know of. Could it be Angelina and Brad?

  21. Corgi, when have they EVER alluded to having great sex? Unless you mean Bill is talking about having great sex with other women.

  22. Three of us posting it was Brad and Angelina at the same time. Must be them! LOL

  23. Sorry Corgi...I have never heard of the Clintons having a great sex life...with eachother that is.

  24. But Brad and Angie aren't married.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. HA Sorry my bad. Point taken.

  27. Oh, Jolara. Don't try to confuse us with

    Damn. I loved that guess.

    Could it be an A list couple even if someone is outside of the film/television industry? Because the other couple that came to mind was Cindy Crawford/Rande Gerber with Richard Gere as the ex.

  28. Brad has talked about the kids jumping into bed with them and how it prevents them from having much of a sex life. So they sleep in the same bed, and there's no way Angie would bring an old lover around her kids.

  29. Forbes list of billionaire celebs who would are married:

    Donald Trump
    Michael Bloomberg
    Steven Spielberg
    David Geffen (married?)
    Mark Cuban
    Tiger not mentioned

    For #1, Helena Bonham Carter admitted in an interview that she and her husband, Tim Burton, do not even live in the same house but in houses side-by-side, attached by a long hallway. So it cannot be them.

  30. David Geffen is gay. And I think if the celeb was an athlete, wouldn't EL say so? Or no?

  31. OHH.. Grace, if it IS Tiger, then the gloves could be golf gloves.


  32. I am so stuck on Posh & Becks or the Smiths for #1.

    #2- I think is Spielberg- I thought I heard rumors about him and Kate not happily married.

  33. Spielberg is already a billionaire, though, and the blind says number 2 is pretty close to being a billionaire.

  34. Ha! I made a funny...who in Hollyweird IS happily married to eachother???!

    Good clue on the gloves...

  35. Leaving behind his gloves probably means he is either an athlete or living in a colder city like NYC.. who needs gloves in LA right now??

  36. #1 - Liz Hurley and her hub Arun (ex is Hugh Grant)

  37. Kelly, that's a great guess!

  38. Hmmmm, I read about ~cough(bitch)cough~Liz sneaking off with Hugh earlier today. Could be them. I just never hear about her and her hubby enough to get a vibe that they are "happily married with a great sex life" vibe.

  39. there is an article in Huffington Post today called
    "Inside Sting and Trudie's sumptuous sex den"


    I still think it's Liz Hurley/Arun/Hugh Grant

  40. I was thinking Posh and David for #1. I heard they are just publicity and she has been heard saying how great their sex life is.

  41. Ent, much too vague! For all I know, 90% of T-town sleep separate! Or have extramarital affairs! Or are closeted gay/lesbians.

    Please, give some specifics.

  42. This is driving me nuts.

    Enty baby, pls send more reveals.

  43. Absolutely no way the Beckhams. Victoria's last ex was years ago and he's an average joe living in England, I hardly think she would fly what she would consider a nobody in to LA.

    Also she's not into sex, it's all a front, that's why David goes elsewhere. They're on overdrive with the 'happy couple' publicity right now, DO NOT be fooled in USA.

  44. #1 Doubt muchly it's the Beckhams... After this time together, surely we'd get a whiff of an ex from either of them, and I can't even recall either of them going out with anyone before they got together. Plus, he's got to be on his best behaviour after his lapse - Posh would cut his 'TV Remote' off if HE was the guilty party!

    The Smiffs; Liz Hurley is sooo obviously still boffing Hugh Grant, that it's a BI in my books...

    As to #2.. Tiger. Mind, I'm laughing at Uma and those horrendous thingies she had on her hands the other night.. anyone want to help me out here? (and who wears a nightgown? Ent, you are SOOOO old fashioned in your terms!!!)

    Grace: HBC has the right idea! as the saying goes... 'I want a man in my life, I just don't want him IN MY HOUSE!' I can relate...

  45. Meredith wrote:
    "...who needs gloves in LA right now??"

    It's been raining all week. We're not used to dealing with weather so it's hats, scarves, gloves.

  46. Hey guys. Although I'm not sure who it is, I don't think it's Harvey Weinstein for # 2, as he just got married this past weekend. I don't think he'd be stepping out on his bride of less than a week. And if he did, well, that's just sick. Also, isn't he known more as a producer, rather than a "celebrity"?

    I think Tiger is a great guess.

  47. i guessed tiger earlier because i checked out the forbes celebrity list and the gloves clue. and jada's ex maybe a woman?

  48. Come on. Posh would NEVER cheat on Becks. She's riding that train until it ends. She strikes me as way too insecure. Remember when he was caught cheating?

    I vote Will and JAda for #1, or Sting, as his marriage is obviously a bit unorthodox. Seal and Heidi aren't a list.

    Trump. How else would anyone have spotted him, unless he was in NYC? Noone in LA lives close enough to one another to spot.

  49. Come on. Posh would NEVER cheat on Becks. She's riding that train until it ends. She strikes me as way too insecure. Remember when he was caught cheating?

    I vote Will and JAda for #1, or Sting, as his marriage is obviously a bit unorthodox. Seal and Heidi aren't a list.

    Trump. How else would anyone have spotted him, unless he was in NYC? Noone in LA lives close enough to one another to spot.

  50. Trump is a billionaire and has been for years. That doesn't fit with the blind.

  51. not to get "picky" here, but technically, Trump is NOT a billionaire.

    he WAS at one time a b'aire
    but he lost most of his cash and "paper" money in the '90s

    He just goes to great lengths to make himself LOOK like he is still wealthy.

  52. my first thought for 1 was Angie & Brad but since they are not married...

    #2 I like the Tiger guess. But who wears a nightgown to a trist?

  53. The blind says is or close to a billionaire. Spielberg was my first thought.

  54. hey, what about Jordan amd peter? Ent doesn't mention a profession, and they don't do anything, except talk about how "great" their sex life is. As a couple, they seem well known. And, well, it does have the ring of truth.

    gonna go with weinstein for 2

  55. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Dijea said...
    But who wears a nightgown to a trist?

    OMG that made me laugh right out loud LOL

    I think Will & Jada is a good guess. I know it's NOT Angie & Brad bcs of the not being married thing, as others pointed out. But as to who it IS - yeah, Jada & Will makes the most sense to me out of all the guesses. And I KNOW I've heard (well, read ;) Will make many MANY comments about their sex life.

  56. p.s. nothing says "billionaire" like a reality show

  57. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Hey anyone read the Perez blind item today?
    Seems related to the EL blind item about an actress taking care of her drug problem during the convenient (for her) time of the writers strike.

  58. i haven't read the comments yet, but.......#1 stiiinnkkksss of will & jada......and #2....i am probably very stupid when i say michael j or someone involved w/ the simpson trial.....i know... ishould read the comments 1st.....but i jsut get soooo excited!!! :')))

  59. alright...sorry...prob should have read the comments, but c'mon......i have 7 out 10 nails painted right now.....don't want to smudge....there has to be time in b/w to dry!!!

  60. and my totinos pizza rolls were burning...................jus' kiddin!

  61. Samaire Armstrong is a known addict and I'm sure it's her for the perez blind.

    No way is Hurley A list. Arun is not on a list.

    Anyone else catch the gloves-I think that puts it in NYC too.

  62. Anonymous8:44 PM

    d - you said Jordan and Peter Andre, they are really D-List, maybe C in Britain if they're lucky. Although it was the first thing that popped into mind for me, too. That and Jordan's ex left her when she got pregnant with their child (the one with developmental delays).

  63. I will digress for a moment....

    Thank you for pointing that out.
    **see below**

    It bugs the cr*p out of me how Trump still is desperately trying to tell that billionaire lie. There isn't a bank in NYC that will loan him money for squat.

    It is a matter of time before he ends up in Federal lock up for shady accounting practices.

    ~~**kellysirkus said**.~~
    not to get "picky" here, but technically, Trump is NOT a billionaire.

    he WAS at one time a b'aire
    but he lost most of his cash and "paper" money in the '90s

    He just goes to great lengths to make himself LOOK like he is still wealthy.

  64. I'm the only one who thought Jerry Seinfeld for #2?

  65. #1) Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber and the ex, Richard Gere??? There have been numerous blind items about Gerber cheating on her...although they don't exactly "give he impression" their sex life is spectacular, but I can see Richard Gere sneaking into her room for some nookie....

  66. #1) Ashton and Demi, and the ex is Willis???? The three of them have been seen even vacationing together!!

  67. craig, I like the ashton & demi guess. Totally works for me.

  68. First thing that popped into my head for #1 was Demi/Ashton/Bruce.

  69. EWWWWW! could a woman not want to spoon Kutcher and instead want to do the horizonal hoochie coochie with Bruce? Blech!

  70. well, if ashton is busy with Rumer, then Demi has to go to to Bruce. Or, if Ashton goes to Bruce some ol ex of Demi has to fill in.

  71. Demi & EMILIO!!!!

    Now HIM I could see Demi inviting back into her bed...I would too.
    To me, he is SO much better looking than his brother.

  72. I so would love to believe this is Paltrow/Martin, and that she is still getting it from Pitt, who is thus cheating on Jolie...but there have never, ever, been any indication that Paltrow/Martin have a "spectacular" sex life...quite the opposite, the thought of the two of them doing it makes me want to vomit.

  73. #1 So many good guesses... I liked the Paltrow/Martin guess...I can totally see Pitt being the ex. Any other exes of Pitt's married with kids?

    #2 I'm on board with the Jerry Seinfield guess.

  74. Pitt and Paltrow ain't hooking up. I know.

  75. My first thoughts were Will & Jada for #1 (particularly with the comment about new "BFFs" Tom & Katie in the blind).
    #2 has got to be Jerry Seinfeld.

  76. I love the Seinfeld guess! I'd say the Tom & Katie reference does seem to be a clue for either the Becks or the Smith's. It's a coin toss, really since both seem to fit.

  77. 1. David and Victoria Beckham.
    2. Donald Trump
