Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Today's Blind Items

All this clamor for whether or not JLS is a blind item revealed is the perfect opportunity to remind you that on January 1, lots of blind items will be revealed. Not to be a tease, but hey, tis the season for surprises, there will be a reveal of why something was not revealed to everyone's satisfaction in the past.

This married B list film actress who has been in some of the top movies of all time has a child or two or three. If I told you how many it would give it away, but she is definitely still married. None of this divorce or separation business. Did I mention the A name recognition. Not A+, but A. With all these letters you would think it would have something to do with teachers or school or something and you would be correct. Celebrities who are decent parents actually go to parent teacher conferences and such. Usually they are once or twice a year. Our actress has been going every week. Not that her child(ren) are doing bad in school. They aren't. But the actress is being bad after school with her child(ren)'s teacher. Bad is in she paid for an apartment for the two of them to visit every week. Bad as in he is married with children as well. Bad, as in they used to mess around a little at the school sometimes until someone saw them. Bad is in huge scandal for the actress and the school.


  1. Please ... don't let it be Liv Tyler!

  2. I hope the blogger servers will survive the January 1st traffic. :)

  3. ooooooh juicy. Thanks Ent. And I have no clue...but I don't think it's Liv. She's been in a couple great films, but I wouldn't call her career as being tops really.

    You DO give an apple for being a good student, perhaps it is Gwyneth afterall...

  4. That didn't make any sense. I mean, you give an apple to ....ah, forget it. Plth.

  5. Ent's comment that "how many kids she has would give it away" led me to believe that this person has at least more than 2 kids. And I don't think Julia Roberts or Gwenyth Paltrow have kids that are old enough to have parent-teacher conferences. No clue who it is though...

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    What does it mean "top movies of all time"? Top grossing?

  7. The kids are three, and in those elite neighborhoods, much sucking up is in order or the prissy parents will pull their little darlings out of those private schools and send them somewhere else. So, I think even with three year olds in school, there could be teachers conferences. It's called sucking up but teachers conference sounds more professional.

  8. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I thought I read at one of the gossip sites that Gwenith marriage is not strong. Both go there separate ways when they appear in something.

  9. Actually, I think it can't be Roberts or Paltrow, because they're A list, not B.

  10. Sounds to me as if the children might be over the age of 5 because that's when kindergarten starts.

    But I still have NO Clue. Dying to know though.

  11. what about Kate Winslet? Does she have kids?

  12. Julia Roberts.....Top movies of all time?????!!! What about Demi moore?? Naaahh, Julia. I'm sticking w/ Julia

  13. d-d-d-d-demi moore?

  14. d-d-d-d-demi moore?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I think it must be someone with a lot of kids, if exposing the number would reveal who this is.

    Kate and Demi are good guesses, but I'm thinking someone with four or five kids? Are there any B-listers that qualify?

  17. Either Liv or Kate Winslet. Liv has a 3 year old (eh, a little young for school), but was in three Lord of the Rings films. Kate has 7 year old and a 4 year old, but was only in Titanic.

  18. is uma thurman married?

  19. I think we need to think of someone who has starred in some big movies, and maybe also made more minor appearances in big movies, but is not really working too much lately.

    Demi Moore fits very well. Any others?

  20. Even b4 i finished reading i had Kate Winslet..Titanic.

  21. Rumer is out of school..the other one is at school in France..the lil i heard was home schooled.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. C Zeta Jones
    Nicole Kidman

  24. No way Angelina is B list.

    Kate Winslet sounds good.

    How old is Coco Arquette?

    Also, I wonder if it's someone whose marraige has been recently rumored to be on the rocks?

  25. Julia? Maybe that's why she went after that photographer at her kids school?

  26. C'mon people Kate Winslet is A or A+ by any measure. She's been in loads of major films.

    'If I told you how many' could refer to the kids or the number of films. Liv Tyler was in all 3 LOTR films - saying she was in 3 top films of all time would be a big hint at a trilogy. Plus she's married and B list with A name recogntion from her dad. I'm going with Liv.

  27. I don't know....the way it's written makes it sound (to me) like he's talking about the number of kids, not the number of movies.

  28. julianne moore is married with 2 children ( 5 and 10 yrs.). she is a b-lister. her big grossing films include: the fugitve (#95), hannibal (#131), the lost world (#56) and others

  29. liv's kid is like 3 or 4 MAYBE. that's not really full on school age right?

  30. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Is this "there will be a reveal of why something was not revealed to everyone's satisfaction in the past." going to be something to do with Timmy/Shimmy? or MV?

  31. I can't wait for Jan 1st!!!!

    So gwyenth's marriage has been rumored to be on the rocks, but I can't see her taking up with a teacher...and if she had, Laniey would be on it like white on rice.

    My vote goes to Julia. That stalkerazzi confrontation looked so random and haven't she and Danny been rumored to be fighting since this summer?

  32. julia is not b list

  33. My first thought was Demi, but didn't know her kids aren't in a school? That's weird too.

    Like the Catherine Z Jones guess

  34. I guess it's not Rita Wilson (Hanks) -- she hasn't been in a # of blockbusters, has she?

    Could it be Kate Capshaw?

  35. Now that I think about it, it can't be julia (missed the B list clue)

    Maybe Catherine Zeta Jones?

  36. With all the "A" clues, my first thought was Annette Benning.

    YAY for reveals on New Years!!!!! Thanks EL! I was about to start singing You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore.

  37. I'll be sad if I'm right, but this really seems like Jamie Lee Curtis. A name recognition, as her parents and whom she is named after are Tony Curtis and Janet Lee. Plus the Halloween movies were huge and are still being remade. It would be really sad if this was her.

    BTW-everyone guessing people with little kids...I know this is sounding sexist, but I know of not one male teacher personally in early education. There are some in primary schools, but most male teachers are high school teachers and college professors.

    I'm not trying to sound sexist, but that is where the money is and that is where the men try to migrate and they are typically the breadwinner in the family.

  38. I'm going to throw out Geena Davis. Has been in A League of Their Own, Thelma & Louise, The Fly...

    Married to a doctor, has 3 kids - a 6 yr old and 4 yr old twins.

  39. Hey...well I had several male teachers in elementary schools and middle school as well.

    oh my 4yo is in pre-K and I have parent teacher conferences too and she has both a male and female teacher.

    So anything is possible.

  40. I can't picture a man being a preschool teacher, which is where Julia, Liv and Gwyneth would be taking their kids. Because of the no divorce thing mentioned it can't be Demi as she and the father of her children are exactly that. I will Guess Catherine Zeta Jones.

  41. jada pinkett smith??

  42. I think this sounds like someone more on the lines of a Pam Anderson...someone with kids who are a little older. I can't see this being a day care teacher. I also am not seeing where it says she is married. Just that he is married.

  43. I have a really fugged up guess: Tea Leoni.

    She was in Jurrassic Park III, Bad Boys and Deep Impact. Definitely not biggest movies of all time, but that's who I thought of.

  44. Michelle Pfeiffer. She has two young children by her current husband. She was in Scarface and Grease which are two of my favorite movies of all time.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Robin Wright Penn. Two kids, about 10 and 16. Has been in Toys and Forrest Gump.

    If the rumors of Sean Penn fooling around is true, then this might be payback (or an open marriage).

  47. I thought of Demi Moore. I even thought the A/letter A thing might be a clue since she was in the Scarlet Letter a few years ago. She isn't A list, but has A list recognition. She's married (the blind didn't say the acctress was married to the children's father). She has 3 kids.

    I vot Demi.

  48. Oops. She's been in Toys which is not the same thing as Toy Story. Not sure if Princess Bride can count as a blockbuster/high grossing film. If Princess Bride is not a "top movie" then, she doesn't fit all of Ent's criteria.

  49. Doesn't Meryl Streep have 4 kids?

  50. OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH I love the Michelle Pfiefer guess!

  51. Robin Wright Penn was also in The Princess Bride...But I still wouldn't call her B list.

    I don't know who I like for this :(

  52. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I'd LOVE it to be Patricia Heaton (she has 4 school aged boys) except she isn't a film actress.

  53. I don't know about Demi...If I were her age with a husband his age and with his looks, I'd be hittin' it at home thank you.
    I like the Julia one, but geez, didn't she just spit out a few more kids recently?
    Gwen, I can see, but she lives in LA or NY. The name "Apple" could be a big clue, LOL.
    But, I would think it would be someone living in some backwoods city somewhere not so obvious and not so open to paparazzi.
    In a "oh man, I hope not,but could be" way, the JLC guess is a good/sad one.(She seems so grounded now to me).
    The more I think about it and the more beers I drink, I REALLY like the Julia a sad twisted pathetic way. I think she is really cute and has a great smile and charm. Given the right circumstances, what heterosexual man not so happy with his own marriage would kick her out of his bed or classroom?

  54. Oh yeah, I forgot she is "B" film I guess Julia is out. But...A list recognition...? Still could be...(I just want to be right on one of these)

    (sigh) Ok, now I am thinking about Gwen for my vote. I too heard that her and that ugly husband were on the rocks for a while now. Sad, 'cause of children being involved.

  55. Anonymous5:23 PM

    another vote for kate winslet.

  56. Michelle Pfeiffer. She did that school movie with Coolio.

  57. Hi everyone,

    I always enjoy reading your comments and guesses for the blinds. I haven't commented on here for months, been too lazy to retrieve my googgle blog password.

    I think Julia, Kate, Gwyneth are too big. I like Kory's Tea Leoni guess, she really fits and also I notice El keeps emphasising the word BAD i.e. 'Bad Boys'.


  58. Demi's girls are at a private school in L.A. I know which one, because I see them when I pick up other kids for my friend.

  59. Based on the clues, I am going with Demi Moore (B List, but has A List name recognition, and has been in some big movies -- Ghost, A Few Good Men, etc.). I also thought of Meryl Streep, but she is forever A List due to the Oscars, is still working regularly and gets above the title billing (to me, A List).

  60. it Brentwood?

    I still think it's Demi (Scarlet letter A was a movie she did).

    I don't think Tea Leoni is even B list and if she is, she is definitely not A list recognition.

  61. As soon as I saw someone mention Demi, I thought it was a good guess. Then Brenda22 mentioned The Scarlett Letter and it really clicked.

    Demi Moore.

  62. Not Winslet, she's a solid A-list actress

    Also not Julia Roberts. First, she's solid A+. Second, her twins go to preschool with one of my worker's children. She said Julia is NEVER there. Danny or nannies drop off/pick up the kids and she also doesn't participate in any of the school's activities like the rest of the parents do. She doesn't want papps following her around with her kids (she's very protective of them) so she avoids the school for privacy reasons.

  63. Kate Beckinsale? I immediately thought of her.

  64. Considering that Kate Bekinsdale left Michael Sheen for Len Wiseman after filming "Underworld", it wouldn't surprise me if she has a little something going on the side.

    I think she is the strongest guess so far!

  65. Susan Sarandon? Is she formally married to Tim Robbins?

  66. Sue, she and Tim have lived together forever, but never formally tied the knot. But honestly, her kids are too old for it to be her.

  67. modern millie:
    Cate Blanchett is a great guess, she was in the Lord of the rings movies, she's B list with A name recognition, she was just in a movie where she was a teacher having an affair with a student and the name of the movie had the word 'scandal' in it and she has two boys and a baby on the way, and that little bit is what throws all my clues off.....

  68. I'd consider Cate Blanchett to be rated A+. She's one of the or is the top Hollywood actress of our time. She's incredibly smart and humble, I'd be shocked if it was her, I really don't think she fits the profile.

  69. Haven't read the replies. Gwyneth has a daughter named Apple.
    That's my guess.

  70. Why do people feel its too much trouble to read other peoples replies but feel like everyone should read theirs? Sweater, Gwyneth has been guessed because she has a daughter named apple more than once. I dont think you can bring anything new to the forum if youre not considerate enough to read the replies of others. Obviously you only care about what you have to say.

    And before people get high and mighty with me sweater has been a bitch to other people here before so I don't feel at all bad about posting this.

  71. Robin Wright Penn.

    Read Lainey for Monday, Dec. 31 The post on Sean Penn & Robin Wright Penn.
