Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This former A list film and television star and now a B lister simply because he hasn't appeared in anything in awhile got quite the shock at an event this past week. Seems our closeted gay actor. Oh, did I forget to mention that part? Anyway, he decided to leave the boyfriend at home because there would be too much press, and he didn't want to have to deal with the hassle of arriving separately and adding his boyfriend to the guest list. Seems the boyfriend didn't take kindly to this arrangement and showed up midway through the event demanding to be let in. When asked by security who he was, he said I'm ________'s boyfriend dammit. Since he was causing a scene, he was let in to sort out the story, and eventually our actor came and claimed his boyfriend and headed straight out the door to a waiting car.

#2 Since reaching the age of majority and being able to access his earnings, this former A list child and teen actor has run through almost his entire fortune. With no jobs on the horizon, and an expensive lifestyle to try and maintain, our actor has been selling off almost everything he owns, and is moving back home with his parents. It sounds better than it looks though since our actor did buy his parent's house for them.


  1. Is 2 Frankie Muniz?

  2. #1 - Jude Law (really I have no idea)

    #2 - Frankie Muniz. He just listed his house and hasn't done anything lately. Has to be him.

  3. 1. No idea
    2. Frankie Munez?

  4. No clue (yet) for # 1, but for # 2 my first thought was Frankie Muniz as well, but wasn't there a picture up somewhere recently of Gary Coleman trying to sell his car, maybe on eBay, because he was in bad shape financially?

    Although he was a child star, he may be a bit old for this blind.

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Hm Frankie Muniz sounds good, I guess thats more relevant that Macaulay Culkin.

  6. How about Jaimee Fox for #1? Or is he still A list?

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I first went with Culkin, but he wasn't a teen star. I think Frankie hits both. Malcom in the Middle was on for the requisite 5 years to certify A-List in EL's mind. It couldn't be any of the Home Improvement kids, could it?

    #1) Jude hasn't done TV. Sounds like a whiny bitchy boyfriend who's in it for the fame, not because he cares. Could it be Sean Hayes? He wouldn't be A-List film, but he is a) (probably) closeted, b) solo at Bucket List premiere(which he's in), and c) A-List TV b/c 8 yrs on Will & Grace.

  8. I'm surprised; I'd understood Muniz had invested well. Coleman ran through what little money his parents hadn't spent a loonnnnggg time ago.

  9. I dunno about Frankie. I know he made a ton of cash from those teen spy movies, and Malcom is in syndication. Also, he is way into racing, and that is NOT CHEAP. I know he got started as he was going to BUY a NASCAR team.

    Maybe it's the I see dead people kid.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. #1 - jamie foxx is a great guess brenda22.

    #2 see frankie's house that's for sale here:


    totally him

  12. #2 haley joel osment?

  13. I'm thinking Leo DiCaprio for #1.

  14. I wonder if the amount of spaces used in the underline for #1equals the letters in the name - i am counting 8. I don't have a guess yet, but starting there...

  15. But was DiCaprio ever an A lister on television? I don't think he was.

  16. Leo was on Growing Pains, but for maybe one season and not the star. Tom Hanks?

  17. 1.Jaimie Foxx does fit, but I have a hard time "really" believing he prefers men. Foxx was a standout on Network TV and his film career has been extremely successful.

    2. Frankie Muniz. I remember he had a penchant for buying REALLY expensive cars right after he got his license. He hasn't worked in a quite some time either.

  18. Scumkid, thanks, I forgot about growing pains (that's how large his role was!). I don't think it's him.

    I also don't think Schwimmer was ever A-list for film and I'm not getting the gay vibe from Foxx either.

    Hmmmmmmm.......who COULD this be?

  19. Leo and jamie Foxx are both A list, and seem to be constantly working.

    How about Matthew Perry? He's been A list Tv and had some good film roles, but not lately.

  20. how about Kevin Spacey for #1???????

  21. oh oh oh!! Kevin spacey!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. But is Kevin Spacey really considered closeted? I thought it was common knowledge that he liked them young and male.

    I don't think he's an A list TV star. He has a few guest spots in the early 90's before he hit it big in the movies.

  24. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Isn't Kevin Spacey in another country?

    I thought I read somewhere that Muniz was doing very good in real estate investment.

  25. I wouldn't consider Spacey an A list television star, but he was an A list film star.

    Gammagirl, I think people are considered closeted until THEY come out of the closet. Like Jodie Foster was closeted for so many years, even though we all knew she was a lesbian.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I was waiting for the GC guess.

    Aimee - the blind says:

    "#1 This former A list film and television star and now a B lister simply because he hasn't appeared in anything in awhile....."

    George Clooney hasn't appeared in anything in a while??????

    It can't be GC, he's waaaaaaay too busy.

  28. Plus, he's A list, not B list.

  29. Anonymous2:19 PM

    how about mathew perry for #1

  30. I thought of Matthew Perry too, for #1.

  31. Perry was never A-list for film.

    This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

  32. I really do NOT consider Spacey to be closeted.
    he may not talk openly about it, just b/c he has a little more class than that, but he certainly doesn't do anything to try to give the appearance of straight.
    IDT it's him.
    I also do not get a ping on the gaydar for Foxx.
    but I don't have any other guess.

    at least we seem to have consensus on #1

  33. Who was considered A list on television and also A list on film at one time? Maybe if we rattle off some names something will pop up?

    Richard Dreyfuss
    Robin Williams
    Clint Eastwood
    Michael Douglas

    Who else?

  34. OK, twisted here's more names for you, but they does nothing for me.

    William Shatner
    Bruce Willis

    Who else?

  35. Thanks, dijea. I'm hoping if we go through a list, someone will pop out.

  36. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Frankie Muniz - hey, if Michael Jackson could blow thru all that freakin' cash he had, ol' Frankie should have no problem.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. 1. Matthew Perry? I don't know.
    2. Frankie Muniz.

    There was an blog posted on a gossip site mentioning how rough Carmen Electra is looking lately with photographic proof. I wonder if this is confirmation that she is one of our cocaine addicted B/C list actresses that Ent mentioned in his blind?

  39. #2 - Haley Joel Osmet. I know he wasn't a big teen star, but the line "It sounds better than it looks" doesn't make a lick of sense, except to refer to "I see dead people," maybe.

  40. frankie muniz has several investment homes in so cal.

  41. #1 " hasn't appeared in anything in awhile" mike myers...just voice work, b-lister now. #2 h. j. osment

  42. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mike Meyers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a great guess, especially since there was a not so blind blind about him being gay a while ago.

    Way to go, Cap, I think he's the answer.

  43. You beat me to it, captivagirl - I agree with Mike Myers!

  44. Hey Twisted!

    ...That's all. Just "hey!" :)

  45. Hey, Perez is reporting the Britney's sister is preggers. Wouldn't that be the answer to an earlier BI about the star of kid's show where the producers wanted her to take a pregnancy test?

  46. Did everyone read that Jamie Lynn has admitted to being pregnant and is giving an interview about it? Answer to enty's blind from a few weeks ago.

  47. Can you post the BI link to JL? I can't find it...

  48. 1- Mike Meyers for sure
    2 Munez

  49. I cannot believe Jamie Lynn is pregnant!!! Just wow. Really. ENT did have a blind about something like.

  50. TMZ is confirming the JL Spears pregnancy. Classic. That fucking family is total WT.

  51. 15 year old girls should never be living with boyfriends. the mom is useless and neglectful. where is the dad? trailor trash 101. no education. no basic parenting skills. drugs. alcohol. no respect for themselves or other people's property. on and on.

  52. anyone want to lay odds on how long 'til Jamie Lynn loses custody of the kid?

  53. Did anyone watch the CHOIR show last night?
    I still think it's Michael Bolton and Nicolette Sheriden and Maria Menudo for yesterday's blind.
    but it could be Nick and ManillaFolders

  54. I was thinking the same thing while watching the choir show last night! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  55. if j l-s is the answer to the blind then it is a lot more scandalous than what we are hearing.

    oct 05, 2007
    "#1 I don't even know how you define what list someone is when they are on some ensemble show watched by teens and pre-teens, so go with the above, and make her a female. Make her pregnant which is causing the producers to have a heart attack because they really don't need anymore scandals. But wait, there's more. One of the producers who is old enough to be her grandfather shouldn't be having a heart attack because of shock, because he is the one who knocked her up. New boyfriends are being lined up as we speak."

  56. JL has been with her BF for awhile now. And her show is on Nickelodeon, not Disney.

    I can't wait to read the OK interview!

  57. Actually... just read this so maybe...

    She recently told the Associated Press that didn't have a serious boyfriend.

    "I kind of just keep my options open," she said. "I have a bunch of friends that I always hang out with, a bunch of guy friends."

  58. ZOMG! I wander off and something big happens!
    You know Lynn Spears is feeling like a total fuck-up right now....

  59. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I had totally forgotten about that blind. I had hoped the JLS would not turn out as trashy as her big sister, but...yeah. kind of sad actually.

    on the other hand it makes for some damn good gossip.

  60. ohh xmas came early.

  61. Anonymous6:48 PM

    hmmm...hearing about JLS reminded me of an older BI - but if she is only 12 weeks (which I also don't believe), than this would be too old (sept 1 BI):

    #1 This teenage B list actress may still be a teenager, but she also may be pregnant. The single actress has told producers it's just a little weight gain, but the producers want her to take a pregnancy test and prove to them she's not pregnant before they make any additional commitments. So far she has refused.

  62. I remember guessing that BI was about Jamie-Lynn but secretly hoping i was wrong.

    So much for comparing her antics to Ali Lohan's in a few years....

  63. Mike Meyers and Dr Barry Cohen at the 2007 FM World Charities Holiday Fundraiser, 12/17/07 (per Wireimages).

  64. @tomtyler: Nice find!

    I guess I got a little thrown off on this one because I thought Ent was suggesting someone who has not been rumored to be gay before.
    Lainey had a BI about MM that basically outed him a few months ago.

    Why is the unknown more dressed up than Mike?

  65. O mah’ gah’ ya’ll!
    eetz a Creesmas meerakuhl
    da babee Jeebus is rizen
    in da wuuum of the chiiiiil Speeerz
    hala Lou Yah

  66. Klown has the right blind for Jamie Lynn ... I even e-mailed ET tonight (for the first time) to ask him to bring back that blind and reveal now that it's out.

    I am just so SAD for these babies.

    Doesn't anyone bother to get married anymore before having kids? Sheesh ... they're PEOPLE, not pets.

  67. Anonymous8:22 PM

    jaw drop

  68. Tomtyler, nice sleuthwork!!!!!!

    Gammagirl, there was another blind from a year and a half or more ago that read:

    Let us give you something to talk about!

    What recently divorced Saturday Night Live alum is gay?

    Yup, we're pretty shreked shocked too!

    The funnyman already has a boyfriend, and he's not that quiet about his new relationship.

    The star and his stud recently stunned partygoers by showing up together at a gay barbecue.

    "They were totally together ," a source tells us.


    We're all verklempt! This news is like butter!

    No way, you ask? WAY!

    P.S. This could explain why he and his plain looking former wife never had kids.

    Kelly, you hitting the eggnog again?

  69. Twisted, don't do egg nog, but just got back from the wine country, and have lots of Reds.
    I was just thinking, you know, the old addage is true:

    The Glade apple candle doesn't roll far from the trailer

  70. Kelly, wiser words were never spoken.
    Even after lots of Reds, you are still brilliant!

  71. I can slightly confirm Joquin Phoenix for yesterday's blind about gluing money to walls. When he was here for a film festival he was a mess the whole time. Glassy eyes, dialated pupils, the works. Ok, that wasn't so much of a confirm as it was an agree. I'm new, what can you do.

  72. ok, JLS. She's 17, he's 19? IIRC? I looked up the statutory rape laws in Louisiana, and way too complicated for me. If her BF was chosen by the studio to cover up the dirty old man, I hope they passed it by a criminal lawyer. And isn't this K-Fed2 now?

  73. Is they kidding??!? Are they seriously risking the life and reputation of a 19-yr old kid to spare some old-guy Nickelodeon producer/pedophile?

  74. Sad about Joaquin Phoenix.

    And can you imagine how much money Nickolodeon is about to lose? Think of all the Zooey lunchboxes, pajamas, Barbies, board games, CDs, DVDs, etc. that are now in the toilet because of this. The writers, the producers, the costars, the below the line folks, etc--everybody is completely fucked. I bet the lights are on in Nickolodeon corporate tonight....

  75. Darn! I got the right answer (pregnant J-L Spears) to the wrong blind (singer's sister getting pregnant).

    I had guessed KFed getting J-L Spears preggers.

  76. 1. You guys are good - sounds like Mike Myers - maybe with Shrek 3 they told him to keep the boyfriend home.
    2. I don't think it's Frankie Muniz - he was just in a Criminal Minds episode 3 weeks ago (Wednesday nights - CBS) - so that's a job. I remember reading about one of the Home Improvement kids losing everything and getting divorced after trashing a really expensive Beverly Hills Mansion. Could it be him? Here is the link:

  77. thinking maybe #2 is one of the Harry Potter kids. Not Dan, maybe Rupert or Tom. Whom I think are both of the age of majority in England and both were in the movies as children and teens, Tom was in Anna and the King at a fairly young age too. don't know about the house thing though.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I'm choosing to respond to Trix's post about me in the previous BI here.

    Trix: i've been sure as hell more open than you have. for instance, my name is actually justin. i've even talked about my job a few posts before this. should i believe you name is twisted sister then? even so, this IS the internet. you're preoccupation with WHO has an opinion seems to point to you not even being used to this at all.

    all i know about you is you get angry over matters that hardly concern you, you inject yourself to conversation like a pathetic geezer trying to get noticed. again, what gives you the right to have strong opinions about everything and basically telling me not to have one just because i'm not part of some imaginary clique you think you're part of or actually exists?

    Oh and you know what? All this talk about me posting in anonymity is actually a prerogative I have because I have a keyboard and an internet connection. Just as you have.

    Lest you forget, you're reading a blog of a man who also posts in said anonymity, possibly even crafting lies about actual people and influencing and manipulating the "mindless peons" such as yourself about how you perceive actors and actresses. god knows, some of you think everyone in hollywood must be on drugs or slept with patrick dempsey at one point.

    and if you don't think EL is enjoying this, you're wrong. Traffic galore.

  80. #1 - Kevin Spacey or Mike Myers
    #2 - ? Frankie Munoz does seem to be a good guess.

    As for the Spears Family - Isn't it sad when Fox News actually has a segment every day about Britney Spears?? Yesterday's segment was about Jamie being pregnant and all I could think was how relieved I was that it wasn't something Britney did...and I don't even like Britney Spears. Those poor kids...all of them...

  81. Betsy, Your comment about Haley Joel Osmont reminded me...

    the "sounds better than it looks" I think could be a big clue for him.

    He's not exactly turning into the handsome devil people hoped/thought/etc. (Anyone remember his mugshot? I thought it was photoshopped at first because his face was so.....strange looking.)

    BUT, he does lots of Voice Over work, especially for video games. He's the main character (english version) for the Kingdom Hearts franchise (that'd be Sora) (random side note, Hayden P. does the voice of said character's bestfriendmaybegirlfriendplotbunny).

    Could this be a clue? Ent does like to point out and use clues from a celeb's full roster of work...

  82. I think EL simply meant to say, "It sounds worse than it looks" and it is just a typo and a continuation of the point that the actor was wealthy at one point and spent lavishly.

    #1 This teenage B list actress may still be a teenager, but she also may be pregnant. The single actress has told producers it's just a little weight gain, but the producers want her to take a pregnancy test and prove to them she's not pregnant before they make any additional commitments. So far she has refused.

    Jamie Lynn Spears

    Would this be about 3 months ago? It's dated 9/12... seems pretty likely.

  84. justind every time you rant with someone you drag twisted sisters name into it. I've never seen anyone so fucking obsessed with another poster before. Dude get some help you obviously have a fucking problem since a good majority of us are sick of having to deal with you.

  85. #2 could be the youngest boy on Home Improvements. i read awhile ago that he got divorced from the older girl he married and he was almost broke. i think his name as taryn something?

  86. http://www.tmz.com/2007/07/17/home-improvement-stars-house-a-real-s-thole/

    here is a link for taran noah smith.... im pretty sure it's him

  87. Wow, I guess no one did watch "Studio 60." (re: the Matthew Perry guesses)

    I find it impossible to believe that Kevin Spacey would have a steady boyfriend. He's not a settling down kind of guy. Mike Meyers for the win.

    Louisiana: Misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile is sexual intercourse with consent between someone age 17 to 19 and someone age 15 to 17 when the difference in their ages is greater than two years.

    #2 Def Malcolm. I'm sure he gets some income from past work, but not enough to be a hobby racer.

  88. (Jamie Lynn is 16, not 17, right?)

  89. Frankie is on the Forbes 20 Under 25 List..... really don't think it his him. just bc he is trying to flip a property does not mean he is going broke. i believes he owns several investment properties and people like to make a return on their investment, hence "INVESTMENT". The Olsens have done this a few times, in fact they sold a 3.something millinon dollar home a few weeks ago, does that mean they are going broke??

  90. but i do like the haley joel osmont guess too (besides my taran noah smith which may be too common knowledge to be "blind") remember when he got that dui and the car he was driving was some crappy toyota??

  91. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The BI about the pregnant teenager says she's single, but it appears Jamie Lynn has been with her boyfriend for awhile. Maybe the BI was about someone else, maybe someone smart enough to get an abortion.

  92. " maybe someone smart enough to get an abortion."

    Trix, not everyone feels the same way about that. And Jamie Lynn broke up with the dude this summer or post conception, anyway.

  93. It sounds better than it looks refers to the fact that the kid bought the house for his parents. It 'looks' bad that he is so broke he's moving in with his parents... It 'sounds' better when you consider he is moving into a house he bought.

  94. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Will anyone be surprised if JL's baby shows up a bit "early"?

  95. Quote from TMZ on JLS: "Another interesting note: We hear Jamie is further along than the 12 weeks she says in the mag's article. Expect a spring baby. "


  96. Anonymous10:04 AM

    cali girl...."Will anyone be surprised if JL's baby shows up a bit "early"?"


  97. 1) Totally Mike Myers. I remember some blinds about him, thanks Twisted for re-posting one of 'em!

    2) Frankie is the only used-to-be that fits the bill. And if I remember correctly, he's selling off his place for hardly any profit, IF any, after the taxes & fees to the realtor.

    Haley Joel Osment was driving a beat up Buick (or some similar old domestic) when he was pulled over. Doesn't match with, " expensive lifestyle to try and maintain".

  98. "Haley Joel Osment was driving a beat up Buick (or some similar old domestic) when he was pulled over. Doesn't match with, " expensive lifestyle to try and maintain".

    It was a Saturn.

    Last I heard, HJO was still in college at NYU.

  99. Frankie has done quite a bit more than just "Malcolm" over the past 10 years. It would be close to impossible for him to have gone broke unless really bad investments were involved:

    Division III
    Extreme Movie
    Walk Hard
    True Night
    My Sexiest Year (2007)
    Really Rich Real Estate
    Choose Your Own Adventure
    "Malcolm in the Middle" (135 episodes, 2000-2006)
    Danny Roane
    Stay Alive
    Racing Stripes
    Agent Cody Banks 2
    The Fairly OddParents
    Chester McBadbat
    The Boy Who Would Be Queen
    Super Bike/A Mile in My Shoes
    Agent Cody Banks)
    Clifford the Big Red Dog
    Little Big Pup/Getting to Know You Frankie
    A Wurm in Our Midst
    Test of the Tested
    Deuces Wild
    The Nightmare Room
    Camp Nowhere:
    Too Damn Good
    Big Fat Liar
    Moville Mysteries
    Dr. Dolittle 2
    Boy Bear Cub
    The Simpsons
    Trilogy of Error
    The Andy Dick Show
    Kid Krist
    102 Dalmatians
    Miracle in Lane 2 (
    It Had to Be You
    My Dog Skip
    Little Man
    Lost & Found
    Sabrina the Matchmaker
    "Spin City"
    The Kidney's All Right ( Three Men and a Little Lady
    What the Deaf Man Heard
    To Dance with Olivia
