Today's Blind Items
In the past, readers have sent me blind items, and after I have had a chance to check them out, I have published them. This time I am going to publish three which I have not been able to verify, but are fairly innocuous and thus I don't have a problem revealing and taking a chance. The background on them checks out, but I have never been able to confirm them. Don't forget that the the first week of January will be a monster reveal or update of the past six months worth of blind items and an update or reveal on many, many others. I hope this time they will be easier to read and wade through. It is a monumental project, but something I know all of you love.
This first one comes from a reader who is best friends with one of the nieces.
#1 What Movie Actor (B list?) who was up for an Oscar used his celebrity to bed numerous women -not unusual- but the girls, hoping to get a "call back" left articles of clothing behind. Rather than do more than a 1 night stand, this actor brought all the sweaters, shirts and coats back home to his family at xmas time for a holiday grab bag for his young nieces!
This one I did actually check out more completely, but didn't post it because it had an additional element involving another person which I couldn't verify so removed that portion and left in the good stuff that I could.
#2 This visiting male writer at a Midwest university has been dating a very famous singer/songwriter who is well known for her name and heroin chic look rather than any successes in the past few years. Once he finished his commitment at the university he was supposed to move in with the singer back in LA. Only, he's not been faithful at all. There is a cute little poet here, quite the ingenue, who he pursued and pursued heavily since he got here, before the semester even began. She held off for about a month, told everyone what he was doing and how gross he was being, but for the last two months or so, they have been involved in a dirty dirty relationship. They don't even try to hide the evidence. I've overheard people talking about the compromising situations they have found them in, and have in fact run across them outside our local dive bar, up against the back wall being a bit more than just friendly. It's not unheard of here for professors to hook up (and often marry) the students, but it's not looked upon very well, and even in spite of this the writer and the poet have been very indiscreet. Like sex in public, loud kind of s and m stuff overheard by the neighbors, caught and ticketed by campus security kind of indiscreet. Our singer doesn't know anything about it. In fact, she's just waiting for him to finish up the semester and move out there. She's real sweet and the whole thing disgusts me.
#3 This female singer who is alleged to be a lesbian has always had a thing for young Asian girls. This went on for quite some time. The only problem was she could never pick them up on her own at a club and so whenever she was with one she paid for them. She paid well for them and paid often.