Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This reality couple's pre-marital difficulties are ridiculous because one of the couple is already legally married to someone else anyway.

#2 This married A list film star was seen leaving an event with another woman who was most definitely not his wife who he left at the event.


  1. #1, say it ain't so, spencer...
    #2, will smith or tom hanks? both have had premieres lately...

  2. If one of Speidi was married, wouldn't the marriage license be all over the intrawebs by now?

  3. I think it's that pregnant ANTM reject and the young man from surviver who lost his teeth when Danny Bonaduce (sp?)flipped him. I have no clue what their names are, and they aren't worth the energy to google them.

  4. Michele Marie and Johnny Fairplay (aka John Dalton).

    Yes, I am a sad, sad person.

  5. Ya i was gonna say Hanks too.

    What about Nick and Vanessa? They are both reality people. Did the divorce not go through and is it part of a BI EL alluded to b4 but didn't come forth with yet??? wasn't there one about a long drawn out divorce?

  6. ellen it just so happens Tom Hanks was in the Random photos today. You may be on to something.

  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    yeah i'm kinda on the Hanks bandwagon with the "random" photo today

  8. #1-Spencer and Heidi (but thats just nasty.)

    #2-Tom Hanks sounds good..I think his cheating ways have been BIs in the past.

  9. I don't think Spencer is married, I think if there is anything that speaks against those two, it's the fact that he's a flaming homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  10. Tracee, I agree. I remember a BI about an A list couple rarely seen together anymore because of affairs- I think Hanks is the answer for that one as well as today.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Seinfeld isn't an A list film star, though.

    Hanks is pictures about a bazillion miles away from wife Rita Wilson.

    Hmmmm. I'm in the Hanks camp.

  13. Gawd, I hope it's Jerry Seinfeld. I cannot stand that wife and she needs a little karmic retribution

  14. 1) My Fair Brady stars, don't care to remember their names.

    2) The "A list film star was seen leaving an event with another woman" - Will Smith left his Walk of Fame event with Tom Cruise.

  15. Anonymous2:54 PM

    lol george.

    Tom hanks was my guess for #2, as well.

    don't care about reality show people.

  16. 1. New York and Tailor-made...his wife has even been on the show

  17. Pre-marital difficulties means - they aren't married yet.

    1. Spencer and Heidi
    2. I'm going with Will Smith and Jada. Will just had his star on the walk done, and I'm sure there was an event involved. And doesn't he often speak about their "open" marriage?

  18. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I'm with maggie on #1. What a d-bag he is.

  19. 1. Spencer and Heidi from the Hills. Although, who really cares if they ever get married.

    2. Will Smith. When is he going to come out and announce that him and Tom Cruise is a couple?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. 1. Gotta be Spencer and Heidi. But which one of them is married already? I thought Spencer was the subject of a few of Ent's BI's about the male reality star caught in the act with another dude?

    2. All the buzz in the past few days about Will and Jada makes me think its Willie!
    Sidenote: I kinda can't wait for "I Am Legend"

  22. I was thinking the first item was Mary Delgado and Byron Velvick from the bachelor. She was recently arrested for assaulting him and they are under the radar enough no one would be looking around for things like marriage licenses.

  23. oooh Ashley, great guess. It seems like they've been engaged forever, close to three years I think. You know what they say - S**t or get off the pot!

  24. Will Smith is a fun guess.

    Have to agree with you dn . . . I could care less about reality show people, either. Just. Zero. Interest.

  25. Maggie is correct. For #1 - it is indeed Tailor Made and New York. Its been rumored that New York chose him and on top of that, they were seen together on a date to Red Lobster (lol) like a few weeks ago in NY. And Tailor Made is still in fact married. He has never officially got a divorce from his current wife, who was seen on the show. So New York's and Tailor Made's relationship is pretty much "ridiculous" since Tailor Made is still married to his wife.

  26. ummm Tom Hanks in the random photos, seems likely for #2.

    Just saw I AM Legend, it was ok, def not great. But Will Smith is HOTT! Saw him up close and he is def HOTT! (for me anyway)

    oh and Tom Cruise was there too. good friends, Aren't they? LOL.

  27. wow-i love newyork is mainstream enough to become a BI

    i need to get a life apparently :P

  28. Anonymous10:05 PM

    actually i like jerry seinfeld for #2. he was in the random photos with the hint and i do think that it would have been mentioned if both people were famous in the couple.

  29. Seinfeld isn't film. He's a, but television. I vote Hanks since the caption with it seemed a bit stilted..as if it were a hint.

  30. There was a blind recently about a tall comedian cheating on his wife. That could be the Seinfeld reference. Can't recall the exact details though.

  31. seinfeld isn't tall tho, is he?

    i'm going with hanks.

    how is it a blind item if everyone know tailor-made is still married. we already know that. and red lobster is hilarious bc he is always bragging about how loaded he is and how he would get her anything (yes, i love to watch the reruns on saturday and sunday morning when i'm hungover, i swear that's the only time!!)

    also, with the couple from the bachelor, that show does a pretty comprehensive prescreening. I would think they wouldnt let a married contestant on the show and if they did, wouldnt they use that for some drama?? remember how that one guy from 98 degrees was supposed to be the bachelor but then they found out he had herpes so they dropped him.

    why am i rambling on??

    my guess would be.... i dont even know?? i think it is a couple we r missing, i'll think about it and report back
