Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This is a quiet couple you rarely ever hear mentioned on the gossip sites. He is a B list film actor with A++ name recognition. She is a B list primarily television actress. Married for awhile, they have always seemed to be the happy couple. Seems though that if either of them get drinking they tend to become violent towards each other. He hits her, she hits him. Rarely have the police ever been called to their home because their neighbors are used to the screaming and the flying objects smashing into walls. Lately though, he has found a little someone to have on the side and his new mistress doesn't like our actor drinking. He has stopped, but the wife has not, and her violence level has increased since she found out about the other woman. So far the pair remain stubbornly together although our actor has been spending more and more time away with the girlfriend while the wife just drinks and works and drinks, and calls in sick to work to keep drinking. Something needs to give soon.


  1. Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman?

  2. I refuse to believe it's Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman, and I'm going to cling to the thing EL said about them once, how he has NEVER heard anything bad about them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. William H Macy and Felicity Huffman?

  5. Freddie Prinze Jr and Buffy Gellar

  6. Is Buffy working at all? That was my first thought also.

  7. iwas thinking Huffman and Macy too.

  8. I'd say Felicity primarily does film (save for DH), and William H. doesn't have A++ name recognition.

    All I could come up with was Russell Crowe and his wife. But I think Freddie and SMG is a real fine guess.

  9. It's totally Freddy and Buffy.

  10. Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck

  11. Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick?

  12. Anonymous1:01 PM

    david d and tia leoni

  13. thomas jane and patricia arquette

  14. Oooh, babybear Kevin and Kyra are an excellent guess! But I'm not counting Freddiw and Sarah out either...haven't seen them together in awhile.

  15. How the hell is Freddie Prinze Jr. A++ name recog? Please he hasn't done shit in forever. And when he did it was like 5 movies.

    Aim higher.

  16. Jax, don't count out Freddie. Ent says he has A++ name recognition doesn't say he is A++

    and Macy isn't exactly A++...just sayin.

  17. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Wow...yes...I was trying to think who could be a B actor w/A++ name recognition...and Kevin Bacon sure is a good example of that!

  18. Kevin Bacon, Freddie Prinze, William Macy, David Duchovny, Thomas Jane, etc. are not A++ fame-wise.

    The list of possibilities is actually pretty small. I agree that it's Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. Remember the blind and all the hints about Ben and his assistant a few weeks back?

    I was going with Tom and Katie until I got to the "mistress" part. hehe

  19. I think Kevin Bacon has A++ name recognition.
    but kyra...primarily tv?

    could be affleck, i guess. i never watched alias or felicity, but weren't those big shows?

  20. Tracee...not sure where you are but up in these areas Macy is 10x more a recognized actor that FPjr will ever be.

    Fargo vs fuckin Sooby Doo? puhleaze...

  21. Kyra's got her own show, so that qualifies as "mostly TV" - at least for now.

    And Kevin def has A++ recongition. Think of the degrees of separation.

  22. I don't know about Affleck and Garner. Haven't they been the subject of a few of Ent's BI's?
    Also, Jen and Violet are attached at the hip. She may or may not have taken advantage of the casting couch but I don't think she's the type to take her toddler to the park wasted.

    I think it could be Freddie Prinze Jr and SMG. The "work" comment could be a reference to the projects she keeps "turning down" (I've seen two blurbs in the past week)

    I really hope its not William H Macy and Felicity Huffman but they are a definite possibility.

  23. Maybe so Jax, but these A++ ratings are subjective, soooo what's the point of going back and forth...we both could be way off base.

    I just don't think Freddie could be ruled out because he is B list with A list recognition...you might scoff at Scooby Doo, but that helped make him a household name. Gawd, my niece is 10 and knows who Freddie Prinze is.

  24. This could easily be Diane Lane and Josh Brolin if you take away the B-list actor/actress tv criteria.

  25. I like Kevin and Kyra for this. He's A++ name recognition b/c of Footloose & 6 Degrees of Separation and she's done a lot of TV (currently on The Closer). Have been married for ages and always seen as "happy" in the press. And they're rarely mentioned in gossip sites.

    Freddie and SMG are less likely - you hear gossip about them here and there, he's not A++ and she's not really working that much now, and NOT on TV. For those wondering, he does get some bonus points on his name recognition on account of who his father was (Freddie Prinze of Chico and the Man, died in the 70s - there's a whole sequence about him in Fame, lol). But still - not them.

    - Alexa

  26. "these A++ ratings are subjective, soooo what's the point of going back and forth...we both could be way off base."

    repeated for emphasis.

  27. What about the David D, Tea Leoni guess? Seems like he's still pretty well known, name wise, you don't hear much about them in any gossip columns, AND something tells me that they're capable of beating the living Jesus out of each other when drunk

  28. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I'm on the Kevin and Kyra bandwagon (as heartbreaking as it is since they always seemed to be a good couple).

    Jen Garner is film exclusively now, and they're always photographed on the gossip sites.

    David D is more known for TV (X-Files, Californication). Tea hasn't done much TV since her show went off the air.

    I agree that Freddie Prinze is not A++ anymore. (I think when he had a romantic comedy come out every year, he probably was, but since his tv show got canned, strictly b/c list in my estimation.)

  29. "This is a quiet couple you rarely ever hear mentioned on the gossip sites."

    I wonder if that first sentence isn't meant ironically. A++ name recognition usually means that the person is a major feature on the gossip blogs.

  30. But Tea what is Tea working on? I haven't seen her on TV in a while. I like Macy/Huffman out of those better. But could be someone nobody's thought of yet.

    What about David Arquette & Courtney Cox?

  31. I don't think of David D. as a film actor. And I don't think of Tea as a primarily TV actress.

    And Kyra was pretty much a film actress before The Closer. Although I agree that Kevin has A++ name recognition.

    How about Richard Gere and Carey Lowell?

  32. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Intriguing on Richard Gere. I always liked him.

    I think when ENT puts A++ name recognition, we are talking about someone even our mothers have heard of.

    Not FP Jr. Maybe Kevin Bacon. Definitely could be Richard Gere. Not on clues . . . on name fame.

    This is a good blind . . . a couple who is quiet, seems happy but smashed & violent . . . loads of fun guessing this one lol

  33. They are not married, but might as well be. I am thinking Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart.

  34. kyra and kevin fit..... good work babybear

  35. Interesting quote from Kevin Bacon on his IMDB:

    [on keeping a successful marriage] Keep your fights clean and your sex dirty.)

    BTW-If anyone can be an A-list TV star, it would have to be Kyra. Her show is the most watched cable television show in history and she has won at least one Golden Globe. They live in Connecticut and have never lived in Hollywood. I would hate for this to be them. I can't see Kyra as an alocholic, although I believe she plays one, correct?

    BTW, Ent-why don't you ever give us any "and it ain'ts" or respond to our guesses by ruling some people out. It really helps the process.

  36. Seems like ENT had another BI one time about a drinking female TV star that a bunch of people thought hinted at Felicity Huffman. Either that or she came out and said she was drinking too much or something... Although A++ name recognition could be the key with the Kevin Bacon "game."

  37. In the tv world, Kyra isn't B list; she's A list on a show that's a huge hit & won a GGlobe for her role. Gere/Lowell fit really well.

  38. Also, I'd call Felicity Huffman A list tv, not B.

  39. My very first thought was Macy and Huffman. Don't know why, they seem happy and are very quiet.

  40. kevin bacon and kyra sedgewick
    popped into my head
    dont know why, but i am sticking with it

  41. this one is tough. it's not huffman/sedgwick because they are a-list. david d. not b-list film more like b-list television. thomas jane not a-list. freddie/smg not anything and always in gossip columns. richard gere is a buddhist so i can't see him slapping his wife around - although they fit this well. arquette/cox might work...sort of.

  42. Hmmm, my 1st thought was Jada and Will

  43. Well, Huffman and Macy and Sedgewick and Bacon live in NYC, afaik, so neighbors would be able to hear thru the walls...

  44. jen garner is currently in nyc. when you are the lead on broadway you DO NOT call in sick.

    kyra and kevin are a good guess because even though the Closer is a hit for kyra... it is still a hit on cable. and with the footloose/6 degrees kevin def qualifies as A++ known.

    richard gere is a buddhist. it is very very unlikely he drinks at all.

  45. In no universe is Kevin Bacon A++ name recognition. It's not them. And she doesn't call in sick to work, she's a complete pro.

    Ben and Jen is the most likely couple that popped into my head (now HE is A++ name recognition), but it's not them. She's done enough bad films to put Alias and TV status behind her. Plus she's such the mommy, she'd never sit around drinking. She's always at playgrounds and Mommy and me classes. Not sitting inside swilling vodka.

    So far none of the guesses here ring true. I don't think anyone has figured it out.

    Huffman, Duchovney, Freddie Prinze etc...no way in hell are any of those guesses correct. NONE of them have A++ recognition. A++ means Clooney and Pitt level of fame/awareness and NO ONE we've listed comes close to that level of fame.

    Keep guessing folks. We haven't cracked it.

  46. I unfortunately think it may be Kevin Bacon / Kyra Sedgwick.

    Everyone knows Kevin bacon (six degrees of him, ha ha) which gives him A++ recognition. Kyra is now primarily a tv actress.

    I hope it's not them, but it may be.

  47. I agree with the the Kevin and Kyra guess.

  48. Kyra Sedgewick and Kevin Bacon.

  49. Beth, EVERYONE knows who kevin bacon is.

    It's totally him and Kyra

  50. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Beth I think you are confusing B list actor and A++ name recognition.

    Clooney and Pitt are not B list actors.

  51. I'm trying to reach farther back: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.

    But Joanne is a former film actress.

  52. Scratch my answer. Joanne isn't actively working on TV regularly, either.

  53. Is the last line a clue? Who was in "Something's gotta give" and would fit this blind?

  54. Not sure that it's him but i would think that, because of his father, being "Freddie Prinze jr" would give one lifelong at least A, if not A+++, name recognition.

  55. I almost could have said Frances McDormand and Joel Coen but he is not an actor. Reason would be b/c of "something's gotta give"

    there's also the 1962 film but i don't see any connections there.... yet


  57. hmmmm

    looked up richard gere and carey lowell - seems like a very plausible guess

  58. I love when people come on here and offer no solutions, but just criticisms and not necessarily good ones either!

    It definitely is not so and so because I, the God who knows the difference between the letters of the alphabet, said so.

    As I recall there were people who were "It is definitely NOT ALICE BRADY." They were wrong. So wrong.

  59. DEFINITELY Kevin and Kyra-it totally fits and the other choices don't. Affleck is A list. Garner is A+ list. Gere is A list. Lowell isn't on any list. Freddie Prinze is C list, if that. MAcy and Huffman are both A. Newman and Woodward-puhleeze.

  60. And to define A list, it's carrying a feature. It's not carrying a television show.

  61. what about Ben Stiller and his wife?

  62. John Travolta and Kelly Preston?

  63. I agree with the Kevin/Kyra guess. I always liked them as a couple and individually, but reading this, they're the first who popped into my head.

    Out of the guesses I've seen, most of them seem plausible, too. But I'm sticking with Kyra/Kevin.

    I definitely don't think it's Will and Jada, just from the letter definitions.

  64. Tom Hanks. He's spoken in interviews about his "dark side" and temper,(sorry I'm too lazy to find a link). Wife Rita primarily T.V. Item solved.

  65. theo there is no way Tom Hanks woulb be considered B List. He's A++++ list and recognition.

  66. you know, "A++ name recognition" doesn't necessarily have to be recognition that comes from the actor being in the press. it could come from the name ITSELF. Macy's department store, anyone? our grandmothers would recognize "Macy."

    that said, i think Kevin & Kyra are a better guess.

  67. Ben Affleck recently started dringing again and had quit for quite some time so I don't think this is him. Not to mention, there have been plenty of bliinds for him

  68. Is anyone else curious where the infamous HEZ is? She's alive and well, and has come back in the shape of JAX.

  69. I'm still not sure who this could be, but I doubt it's Affleck/Garner if for no other reason than that Garner is currently on Broadway, and as far as I know, she's been on, not her understudy. I think it'd be difficult to hide that, right? Plus, they're both mentioned in gossip pages a lot.

    Kyra Sedgwick might fit, except it seems like she's been working constantly for the last few years (even another tv series I've never heard of at the same time as The Closer), so that doesn't seem to fit (thank goodness, I really like her).

    I think Richard Gere and Carey Lowell is a good guess. Just because he's Buddhist, doesn't mean he doesn't drink. It makes it less likely, but it's not a certainty. Plus, she really has not worked at all since 2005.

  70. This was mentioned in the beginning: Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman.

    I live in NYC and always see Bacon/Segdewick around. Not that this discounts them but they are totally normal. Take the subway, get their dry cleaning, etc. Never heard anything to the contrary.

    Richard Gere is gay - don't think he would have a female mistress. I heard it from a longtime neighbor in the Hamptons.

    Garner/Affleck have been discussed ALOT in the press!

    And so have SMG and Prinze - rumors about her being a lesbian.

  71. Buffy just legally added "Prinze" to her name a couple of weeks ago. Sure, it was a pr stunt for her new film, but if this were going on I don't think she'd have done it. They looked really happy in the pictures too.

  72. Anon, that is so funny, I have had the same sense with her posts! I have wondered the same thing.

  73. I like the russel crowe guess

  74. Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick. Fits the clues perfectly.

  75. Hez! I forgot all about her...where's she been?
