Monday, December 03, 2007

Today's Blind Items -- Part Two

What you have here is a marriage between a female top 40 singer and another singer. They have made some visits to this space in the past. Mix this very strange married couple with an A list television star on a very hit dramedy. He is also no stranger to this space. So our A list actor starts hitting on the female singer right in front of the husband, behind the husband, around the husband. Everywhere. The husband has grown to being ignored and abused by his own wife so this is nothing new. What was shocking though was that apparently our female singer who dislikes men with a passion, finally had enough of the actor hitting on her and just reared back and kicked him right in the balls. No mincing words. She got him really good. Not quite, drop on the ground and call for mommy good, but close. Makes you wonder how many times the husband has suffered the same type of fate.


  1. Avril...I'm just surprised that another man would hit on her.

  2. Aimee Mann and Michael Penn?

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    J.Lo? Though I think Marc runs the show in that family.....

  4. Anonymous1:16 PM

    aimee mann is awesome, but not 'top 40'

    and j.lo is all sorts of pregnant and has rarely been out. plus she seems a little too classy for that.

  5. Not so much classy, but JLo might break a nail or scuff a shoe. She'd *hire* someone to kick a man in his tackle.

  6. Avril for SURE.
    Jeremy Piven? it doesnt say its a NEW show.

  7. Why the hell would get married if you're a man-hater?

    Kicking obnoxious man in the balls = funny.

  8. Who the hell would hit on Avril Lavigne?

  9. Ent, counting on you to print Lainey's Riddle.

    My money is on Ryan Phillipe

  10. My money is on Avril
    Re Lainey: I am so on the same page as Kellysirks. Ryan Phillipe is a total scum bag.

  11. I think Avril too, classless, and someone who will spit and kick. Definately NOT Gwen, she dotes on her husband.

    Definitely NOT Ryan Philippe - he is not A list. He and Reese don't go out together, and they are seperated and dating other people.

    A list actor could be many people, Ent we need another clue please.

  12. Def Avril - who's the actor from the hit dramedy?

    Ryan is the answer to Lainey's Blind, customer. (she has a hate-on for him ever since he constantly cheated on Reese while on location in Vancouver a couple of years ago)

  13. Anonymous2:34 PM

    As much as I loathe to say this:

    Zach Braff is A list for television in a hit dramedy, isnt he? Has been the subject of blind items before, too.

  14. Oh. Zach makes sense here.

    He has a reputation for hitting on chicks at anytime, anywhere, in front of anyone, all while using the lamest lines ever.

    Avril would totally kick him in the balls.

  15. Zach needs a kick in the balls in a big way.

    I still say the Pivert..he's short and so is Avril so maybe he has a short he's a total douche that would hit on married women IN front of hubby.
    Plus what guy would back down? Derrick lil wooby Wibley..he's a total pussy.

  16. Lainey's - I'm thinking heath ledger....riddle me this?

  17. Kara - oops, didn't realize you all meant Ryan for Lainey's blind item. He just can't win in the court of public approval, can he? Though who knows went on inside the marriage? It never makes it okay to cheat, but for years I read that she made him go to couples counseling. Maybe he tried to divorce her and she wouldn't let go (because of the kids) and forced him into counseling. I heard she acts polite to everyone but is really tough as nails, who knows if they ever really got along? She's not the #1 paid actress because she's a weak pushover. So maybe he made his behavior (consciously or unconsciously) so abominable that she had no choice but to leave him?

  18. who hijacked the thread???

  19. Parisss, I don't think Gavin is a singer.

    Wait, what are we talking about here? The blind or Lainey's?


  20. i have a freind who worked on something with Reese and he said she was a MAJOR biotch. Uptight nasty bitch is what he called her.

  21. TS...Gavin Rossdale is the lead singer of a platinum selling British/International group called "Bush"--Bush X in Canada.

    He's very much a jack of into that what you will. ; )

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Lainey's blind could equally be Ryan or Heath. Both rumoured to be dogs, both posing recently for photo opps with their kids. I'd go with Ryan though, since Lainey so hates him and has mentioned his pathetic attempts to get sympathy from the media.

    The Crazy blind sounds like Avril, though I've never heard she dislikes men in particular. More of an equal opportunity misanthropist. I do hope the guy who got sacked is Zach Barf though. But is Scrubs a "dramedy?" Is it a big hit?

  24. I don't think Avril kicks. I think she mostly whines.

  25. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Fester, yes, Scrubs is UNDENIABLY a dramedy and equally undeniably a hit. Its been on seven years now and has increased dramatically in popularity since it went into syndication.

  26. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Poster_child it cant be Pink--EL said both spouses are singers.

  27. Thanks, Trix. I saw "man-hating singer" and immediately thought of her. Der.

  28. no way it's Avril. When have her and her hubby ever made appearances on a blind. It's rumored that Gavin and Gwen have been on blinds before, not sure if anyone remembers the blinds about a male hubby loving the trannys...well that's supposedly about Gavin.

  29. Yeah, I think our A lister for this BI is most definitely Zach Braff.
    The Piven would have totally wimped out.

    As for Lainey: I'm still going with Ryan Phillipe. Heath does seem the the type to sleep around, but I don't know if his relationship with Michelle was ever REALLY legit (remember the BI about the couple with a child that only got together for paid photo-ops)

  30. Jax "Zach needs a kick in the balls in a big way." LOL!!!

  31. Although I'm not really sure who the singers are, I'm not loving Avril and Derryck for this blind. Ent says "this very strange married couple," and with them, I think there are a lot of similarities: they're both small, Canadian, young. Avril has well-documented anger issues - spitting, giving the finger; don't really think she's a man-hater though. Maybe a people hater. Is she really attractive enough to warrant being hit on by someone, especially with her husband right there. Not sure.

  32. Majik, well duh me!! Thanks for the education, I had no idea!

  33. I did see a picture of Pink earlier today where she was out and about in some biker gear-- IMO I don't think that she is the type of girl that TV actors are swooning over. Doubt that about Avril too-- however, I do picture her kicking someone.

    I am not sure if I could picture Gwen kicking someone but I know that Gwen and Gavin are indeed the subjects of many blinds (Gavin is into tranvesites). So, I could see that he would not raise any eyebrows at her flirting.

    Ummmm.. Gwen or Avril....

  34. gwen has recently been rumored to be preggers so it would be unlikely she is giving any balls a donkey kick.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. kris_r, heath is playing the joker not the riddler, wrong batman badguy.

  37. trix. . .Ah, you know I've never watched "Scrubs," except for half an excruciating episode featuring guest star Mandy Moore bumbling her way through some lame Farrelly-ish slapstick.

    I thought Avril had been featured here before. . she was a popular guess for some BI about a hubby-thumper, wasn't she? As for her being "attractive enough" to get hit on. . .seriously, the girl may have a toxic personality but she's far from ugly on the outside. Bad style, but good bones.

  38. Way off topic....


    Is there some place that guess' are made for Lainey's BI? I never could figure out if they are listed within her site.

  39. what about faith hill and her hubbie?

  40. Hmmmm. Yesterday I was here and clicked through a post to a pic of Brit brit sunbathing nekkid. Not that I wanted to look at her bare ass, but to wonder why the f she doesn't get any privacy in her own backyard.

    Whole item got deleted. Was there a c and d? Is there such a concept of privacy in relation to that woman?

  41. Why wouldn't a pregnant woman be able to kick someone in the balls?

    Many misconceptions about what you can and cannot do when you're pregnant!

  42. why am i the only one who thought of the 'pinket smith' pair

  43. Little Miss Smoke...duh...thanks for the least I was in the right movie! lol.

  44. Coming late to the party here but Scrubs is not a "dramedy" it's a sitcom/comedy. Dramedy's would be Desperate Housewives, maybe Brothers and Sisters,Dirty Sexy Money (which is frickin awesome by the way) so i'm thinking it's not Zach Braff. I've never watched Entorage but I thought that was listed as a comedy as well. Just adding my 2 cents. I vote for Avril btw for the singer... not sure about the dramedy star

  45. I say Faith Hill and her hubbie...

  46. Wow...never thought of Faith Hill. Is she supposed to be a beyotch?

  47. Anonymous9:11 AM

    irishstayc: ever WATCH the show? It IS a fucking dramedy, thats why a lot of people dont like it. Its dramedy up the ying yang. That show is one of the DEFINITIONS of dramedy.

    As for whether or not JLo did or could have kicked someone while she's pregnant...please bear in mind...who in their right mind hits on a heavily pregnant superstar? Seriously? Who hits on a pregnant woman AT ALL?

  48. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Oh and by the by, just to mix things up...Natalie Imbruglia is married to the lead singer of Silverchair.

  49. I was actually thinking Avril (since she was the answer to the blind about the girl who beats up her hubby) and Jesse Metcalfe

  50. Anonymous9:31 AM

    My first thought was Faith Hill, but then I realized it is only because they had that public incident with a fan and Faith used the word "Balls". That's the only connection. I don't think she's rumored to be a dyke, or a husband beater or to be anything but crazy in love with her husband (Tim McGraw, also a singer).

    Meanwhile . . Jada Pinkett Smith would be a great guess but I don't think she's ever cracked Top 40.

  51. Trix - thanks - i was behind the times on this one - i did watch it in the beginnning but haven't for a while - I shoulda WIKI'd up before typing - LOL per Wikipedia - a Dramedy is A drama-comedy may be either an hour-long dramatic series with very strong comedic elements … or a half-hour sitcom with more serious plots and content, shot on a closed set or on location instead of in front of an audience, and without the usual laugh track, such as Scrubs, Weeds and Entourage.

  52. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Its cool, irish, those who arent familiar with the show, or the term, could easily make the mistake. I'm sure from the outside that Scrubs seems comedy-only but one of the major complaints (mostly from guys) is that it gets to be a downer with the drama sometimes. it switches violently from slapstick to melodrama in a heart beat sometimes!

  53. Isn't Faith Hill country? I love country- and I've never heard of her being Top 40. I can't see her kicking tim McGraw in the balls. I'd love to, but I can't imagine it. I think she has bigger balls than him. I really dislike her.

    I guessed Gwen originally because with those little Japanese Hara-ju-whatever girls following her around... I don't know. She doesn't seem lesbo, but I could def see some man-hating in her. You don't have to be lez to be a man hater. The "I'm just a girl" song.... and I can picture her kicking her singer husband in the balls. Avril seems too much of a wussy to kick an a-lister in the balls. Totally my opinion!

  54. i was thinking will for top 40 and jada for the other singer
