Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Today's Blind Items -- Part One

This married with children A list film actor is having real problems with his marriage. Seems as if he finally discovered that maybe he didn't have all that much in common with his wife, and he is also having trouble figuring out how one woman can spend almost $100,000 each month on shopping. His last "wife" would go months without going to shop for clothes. Our actor also has been cheating up a storm with not only several of his co-stars on a recent film, but also anyone, anyplace who will give him the time of day.


  1. Tom and Katie

    The "wife" gives it away - it's a business agreement

  2. Yes, but who would cheat with him??

  3. krisd_r: apparently (according to a pervious Blind Item, Lee lee Sobieski

  4. Anonymous1:30 PM

    If it's Tom than does this mean he isn't gay LOL.

  5. Kristen S.: REALLY???? I am thinking the same thing as

  6. Cheating up a storm with his costars...

    Tom and Eddie Izzard? AWESOME!!

  7. I was thinking it was Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the way ent quoted "wife" is rumored that Brad has someone else on the side and that they are not together anymore except for show......

  8. i feel like we dont' see angelina spending money going shopping all the time. Katie, on the other hand....

  9. Anonymous1:41 PM

    you really don't see angelina shopping unless it's for the kids. katie does nothing but shop. so I'm going to say Tom.

  10. Katie is always on some shopping, given the rumors that this was a semi-arranged marriage, it would make sense that NOW he's discovering they don't have anything in common (most people would find this out pretty far in advance of marriage). The "wife" in quotations marks could refer to the perception that Nicole was a glorified beard.

  11. Do you guys really think that Nicole Kidman would go "months" without shopping for clothes? That women practically lives on the high fashion circuit. Don't think it's Tom for this one.

  12. I'm still in shock about the BI with

  13. dammit it should read "woman"

  14. We could also be talking about Penelope Cruz?

  15. BI (general consensus is LeeLee)


  16. Or "wife" could be referring to Mimi Rogers? I find it difficult to believe that Nicole Kidman didn't shop for clothes for months on end.

  17. IDT it's the Crazy Cruises.
    I think that's probably on the top of the contract for Katie, that she can shop shop shop. I think that's ALL she can do. It seems like that is her job.
    Plus, we all know Nicole wouldn't go days without whipping out the Black Amex, no way months.

    I think the "wife" would refer to a live-in girlfriend.

  18. kristen S - THANK YOU...I'm just in shock...never in a million years did I think he was straight...

  19. OT
    as to Lainey's Condom-Free Sleaze, I think we all have agreed it's Ryan Phillipe (esp since Lainey has nixed just about everyone else.)

    Any chance the girl is Abbie Cornish?
    She's photographed shopping with his daughter Ava and kissing Ryan.

  20. People at the very top of the fashion food chain get the couture stuff free -- and she was always cutting edge.

    I'm wondering if Katie is pulling a Jackie O -- buying multiples of the same expensive garment, keeping one and selling the rest at consignment shops, then keeping the tax-free cash, squirreling it away for the moment when Cruise dumps her.

  21. Sorry, I was trying to say Nicole got/gets her high-end couture red-carpet garments free or loaned.

  22. Maybe Tom is bi.

  23. yes - maybe he's bi...of course if Lee Lee was "rough" with him...bleh...I'm starting to feel nauseous...I think I need a life.

  24. Phillipe is not "A" list.

    I cannot get out of my head this thought, no matter how hard I try. Perhaps the "wife" in quotes means it was someone he played house with but wasn't really married to.

    And I'm not coming up with anything else.

  25. Phillipe is not "A" list.

    I cannot get out of my head this thought, no matter how hard I try. Perhaps the "wife" in quotes means it was someone he played house with but wasn't really married to.

    And I'm not coming up with anything else.

  26. Harrison Ford and Callista Flockhart? Except I guess she'd be the "wife" and I don't really see her spending $100k on clothing a month.

  27. It states that he is currently married, but his "last wife" is quotated.
    I definately don't think it's Camp Cruise.
    WHAT Hollywood wife could possibly go months without shopping for new clothes? They don't get THAT much free stuff. That leads me to believe she wasn't an actress herself or in the business and didn't attend many parties or gatherings. (?) Just a thought...
    So, who is a (I'm guessing recently-5 yrs?)married A list film actor with a "common" ex-wife?

  28. The BI about LeeLee says "B list actor with A list recognition". This one says "A list". The blinds are only 1.5 months apart... wouldn't that mean that this would be someone else?

  29. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Nicole dressed really modestly when she was with Tom (as did Penelope Cruz) and didn't really become a fashionista until after their divorce.

  30. I know a lot of gay men who LOVE to be dominated by women, but do not necessarily have sex with them. While the previous blind that kristin_s quoted definitely sounds like Tom and Lelee, it could actually be just some fetish play, not sex.

  31. married with children. is there anyone from that show that can be considered a-list. and still does film........

  32. majik, thanks for the lesson...guess I'm a bit naive...

  33. Anonymous3:09 PM

    That subject has been tossed around here quite a bit: what sexuality is a man who wants to sleep with men, but likes being dominated by women. I chalk it up to the indefinability of sexual orientation: that many people are simply bi, under the right circumstances. To sum it all up, it matters not so much about gender, but about what "does it for you". I guess men, and dominate women, are what does it for him!

  34. Any chance it's Tom Hanks and Rita wilson? His first wife (she died a few years ago) was a civilian.

  35. Kevin Costner? Has grown kids from previous marriage and just had a baby with new wife. And I don't think she's in the biz so maybe that's why we don't see pictures of her shopping.

  36. 1:35 KATIE or anyone else in the know

    where is it "rumored that Brad has someone else and that he and Angelina aren't together anymore?" I thought I kept up pretty good with all this stuff, but havn't seen that one. Give me websites please....I need new smut to kill the time. Thanks!!! ;)

  37. I too think it's Tom. Nicole may have shopped, but i suspect it was mostly her money.

  38. I think by "wife" he means a relationship like Goldie/Kurt or Tim Robbins/Susan Sarandon. That's what I took it to mean.

    However, it could be Tom. Notice it says he's been cheating up a storm with co-stars. It doesn't say the Co-stars are female.

  39. Angelina Jolie spends money shopping for children.

  40. 3:19
    I don't think Angelina Jolie is the type to fake a relationship. When her relationship with brad Pitt is over I'm sure she will let us all know about.

  41. this screams nicolas cage and his wife/concubine alice kim

  42. Nicole may have shopped but not like Katie does..that girl shops 24/7.

  43. Another vote for Tom and Katie. Nicole became a fashion icon after the divorce ... prior to that, it was merely for his premieres or for awards shows. TC also had several MEN he could sleep with while filming Valkrie, along with a gay director who proabably was doing the same thing (Bryan Singer).

  44. I dunno, I'm still not convinced on the Cruise thing. ENT would have surely have mentioned if it were a BI thing or gay for that matter. Makes for a juicier blind.

    However, I really liked the Kevin Costner guess...We have all read how he cheats like crazy and enjoys a happy ending at spas.

    Hanks have been married "forever", so I don't think it's them.

    Don't think it's Brangelina either. She was recently bitching that HE spent too much money frivolously.

    I still think we are missing someone here...

  45. I don't see this being Katie. I have always suspected she was seen so much outside the cult compound, to give off the appearance that they had a "normal" marriage.

    When Nicole was married to MiniMe she was rarely, if ever saw alone, outside the cult compound without MiniMe holding on to her arm.

    Plus... geez.... Tom and Katie can not be the answer to every blind item about a married couple on this blog. HAHA!!

    I am reading this BI being a couple were the wife is just as well known as her husband. Maybe even a bit younger than the husband. Since I am reading the hint of "he didn't have all that much in common with his wife"... as in there is a age gap between them.

    It would have to be an actor with serious CASH for her to be spending 100K a month. He would have to be filthy rich.

    If I was going to name a random couple... it would be Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta...

    Even if there is a alledge pre-nup about cheating... he could get out cheaper by cheating and divorcing her if she is spending 100k a month on clothes.

  46. I would go with the Michael Douglas-CZJ guess, however, ENT put "wife" in quotations implying that the prevous referenced relationship was not a true marriage - that it was arranged or they were living together and not married.

  47. If I was going to name a random couple... it would be Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta...

    oooh good one. Except his last "wife" was a wife. Ditto Brad Pitt. Costner would be "former A list" or "A list name recognition". I'd still go with Cruise if the last "wife" was Penelope Cruz. Matt Damon?

  48. Costner's a good guess (such a horndog) but his first wife really was a wife rather than a "wife," i.e., live-in girlfriend. But if we go with "wife" meaning a legal spouse, then maybe Banderas/Griffith would also fit? She's mentioned further down in the blog, otherwise I never would have thought of her. This one's hard.

  49. Tom and Katie.

    Who the heck is Lee Lee Sobeiski? After IMDBing her, I still have no clue who she is. Couldn't Tom at least get a B-lister to cheat with. I'm sure Lauren Conrad is available and she will do anything for attention. He really went to the bottom of the celebrity list to find her. Must be getting desparate to prove to the world that he really isn't gay.

  50. i like the nic cage guess..."wife" could refer to his marriage to patricia arquette...during which they didnt live together and lived seperate lives...

  51. Anonymous6:27 PM

    If Tom Cruise turns out to be totally straight, not gay or bi, then I'm going to rent a billboard in my town and publicly apologize to him.

  52. Matt Damon was the first to come to mind, but I also really like the Nic Cage guess.

  53. Leelee and Nic Cage, not Cruise
    The author of this blog cannot possibly be a lawyer with such atrocious grammar.

  54. Leelee and Nic Cage, not Cruise
    The author of this blog cannot possibly be a lawyer with such atrocious grammar.

  55. Brendalove, you are hilarious!

  56. Anonymous9:04 PM

    "anyone, anyplace who will give him the time of day"

    There's got to be a clue in there... don'tcha think? The only thing I've found so far is Angelina Jolie's movie "A Place in Time."

  57. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Oh, and "cheating up a storm" must also be a clue...right? If you continue along the lines of Angelina/Brad...they've been very involved in helping in the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans...

    The shopping thing...I don't know if it fits, but she always seems to be dressed to the nines...even just picking up her kids from school.

  58. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Pitt and Jolie can afford $100,000 a month on clothes without denting the interest on a checking account. Please. Moreover, Brad has a taste for luxury and clothes, so shopping wouldn't be some new mystery burden to him. He probably shops more than AJ.

    I first thought of Banderas/Griffith too, because it seemed such a whirlwind hookup when they met, but you'd think if things were going to cool off for lack of somethign in common, it would have happened many years ago. Still, he is rumored to cheat like the devil.

    What has me puzzled is the cheating with several of his costars. How do you pull that off without a shitstorm of jealousy and tabloids?

    Who just filmed and is a notorious A list pig?

  59. I'm on the Tomkat bandwagon.
    Katie is easily spending that kind of (Tom's) cash in a bid to buy happiness! She learnt everything she knows from Posh Spice - get your husband to pay the credit card bill.
    Nicole gets her red carpet clothes for free and she doesn't actually dress up when she isn't on show. I doubt she would ever have spent that kind of money - her and Tom weren't really about the designer clothes/friends like TomKat are.

    Angelina gets her clothes from the company she promotes - Jill St John(?)
    Also the last 'wife' clue doesn't fit for Brad & Jen.

  60. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Yeah, I agree that TomKat fits this....except couldn't the same be said for $100K a month not making a dent in their savings? I know, though, that just because they have the money doesn't mean they are comfortable w/spending it. He could be one of those "frugal" types despite his wealth.

  61. how about mark walhberg? is he married .. I am just picking up the storm part ...

  62. I'm thinking we shouldn't look at marriages that have been longer than a year or two, because of the hint that the man is just discovering he has nothing in common with his wife. Also we should possibly look at quickie marriages (people that didn't know each other long before getting hitched).

  63. acetomato777: Ent didn't say he couldn't afford it, "please".....he just said he couldn't figure out how his wife could be spending 100k monthly on shopping.....

    lmm1969: there are many web sites that rumor Brad has a blonde on the side, that the relationship is over, and they are faking it for PR to get thru the Oscars and movies they have coming out. Just google anti-brangelina sites and there are all kinds of stuff. I used to be a fan of both of theirs, now I don't really care for them very much....but I digress......I still think it is Brangelina...

  64. First, let me say that although these Blind Items seem to point to all of the same people, I truly think this one is Tom and Katie.

    Second, if you don't think Tom and Katie fit, just look at three things - who do we know that is an A list actor? and out of those A list actors, who has children? and out of those A list actors with children, who has a second wife who is ALWAYS out there shopping??

    I don't think anyone else fits?

    Nicole Kidman might spend all of her money freezing her face NOW, but never was out shopping when married to Tom. In fact, she was only out and about here and there. She was almost never photographed on shopping sprees like Katie.

  65. I don't think Tom would care if he and Katie don't have anything in common. It's all for show, so he wouldn't care how well they get along when they're not in front of cameras. I think he probably also likes that Katie tries to be glamorous and fashionable. It makes him look better. And if he really thought she was spending too much, he'd just tighten his fingers around the back of her neck a little more and say, "Honey, you really only need to spend $50,000 a month, OK?" And she would obey.

  66. what about the movie "the perfect storm"
    since "cheating up a storm" is referenced.

  67. I like the Matt Damon guess.

    How about Russell Crowe? He is considered A List, is married with a new baby and isn't so insanely rich that $100,000 clothes shopping would be a huge financial burden for him. I don't know who his last "wife" might have been and if she was a shopper, but at least it's another option besides TomKat.

  68. this is muy interesting:

    Nicolas, about his life with Alice:"I don't want to say [I am] happy because that's too fragile a word," he said last month, "but I'm definitely content, and I'm hopeful about the future."

  69. Anonymous1:10 AM

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