Monday, December 24, 2007

Today's Blind Items--Jackass

Have to have a Jackass on Christmas Eve right? Tis the season and all that. I'm not sure this guy got coal, but I do know he spent 3 hours locked inside a bathroom at a Cisco Adler party. This is a different night however.

This male "singer"/talk show dude decided to get drunk. He got so blindingly drunk that when he went to his hotel room he couldn't get the keycard into the door of his room. He then went down to the front desk, told the desk clerk what room he was trying to get into and that the hotel sucked, the clerk's family sucked and that if he didn't get into his room right now that he was going to keep yelling and abusing the poor clerk all damn night. The clerk gave him a new key, and the "singer" returned to the room. This time the key worked. Without turning on the lights he got into bed. Unfortunately he got into the bed of an elderly woman who was the rightful guest of the room. She obviously didn't know she was sharing the bed of a famous "singer" and instead began screaming at the top of her lungs for help. Security came and our "singer" realized that maybe the elderly woman's room wasn't actually the room he was checked into for the night. Not even the correct floor. Never did apologize to the desk clerk either.


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  3. Lucky for him the lady wasn't armed. Now that would have been a story!

  4. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Any chance its Donny Osmund or Ryan Seacrest? Ryan was a contestant on the first American Idol wasnt he? Mark McGrath, lead singer of Sugar Ray, also has a hosting gig. Donny Osmund had that talk show with his sister and there are talks of bringing it back....

  5. Anonymous2:01 PM

    HA as if supporting my Donny guess, theres a Marie Osmond mention in the next article.

  6. Donny drinks alcohol?

    OMG, what's this world coming to?

    Next you're going to tell me there's no Santa.

  7. Henry Rollins? I find this hard to believe, but anything is possible. I have seen this man twice at Trader Joe's in WH. He is nothing but kind and gracious to all his fans. He takes extra time to talk to people and is never rude.

  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Things I can't see ever happening: Henry Rollins at Cisco Adler's party.

    Thing I can see: Mark McGrath doing this.

  9. Henry Rollins isn't a "singer"/talk show dude.

    He's a singer/"talk show dude". You can't put the singer part of his career between quote marks, as he's been a lead singer for more than 25 years.

  10. Besides that, I didn't think Rollins' was a drinker and just as mentioned by dnfrommn I can't see him wanting to be anywhere near Adlers' party.
    I can totally see it being McGrath though.

    Oh, and Merry Christmas everyone!...or Happy Holidays if you prefer! :0)

  11. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Angela, but in all honesty, Rollins doesn't so much "sing" as yell/scream. And lately, he's only been doing spoken word concerts. I still don't think it's him.

  12. it's regis philbin, he did the same thing to me once!

  13. just kidding...danny bonaduce is my guess, radio talk show and "singer" partridge family (quotes because really not a singer)

  14. ooo Captivagrl you've sold me on the Bonaduce guess. besides the radio he also was part of that view-like talk show with dick clark. and he's a known jackass.

  15. Ya, but wouldn't EL have stated radio talk show host?

  16. Wayne Brady had a talk show for a while

  17. I like the Bonaduce guess. Wasn't Henry Rollins part of the whole straight edge movement? I am pretty sure he was/is and straight edgers definitely don't drink!

    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!

  18. He may have become edge at some point, but intially Henry Rollins was part of the drink beer and kick the shit of out someone movement.

    Regardless, I don't think it is him.

    Sounds like Bonaduce.

  19. Yea, I'll have to concede the Rollins guess in favor or Mark McGraf. It was just the first thing that came to my head. Still not a fan of the new show though.

  20. Jerry 'springer'

  21. Definitely not Henry Rollins; he has been famously "straightedge" forever. He is also very polite and considerate to fans and others. I've seen Mark McGrath be very polite as well.

  22. Mark McGrath of Sugar Ray/and that EXtra tv show.

  23. The douche that is Mark McGrath!!!

  24. Danny Bonaduce. The clue doesn't apply to Mark McGrath. "singer" implies that he is not a singer, but somehow got the profession of singing in his line of work. Mark McGrath was a singer long before he was a talk show. So he doesn't qualify. Danny Bonaduce just lip synched when he was on the Partridge Family and didn't do any actual singing.


  26. Anonymous1:49 AM

    no way is it Rollins for all the afore mentioned reasons. I do LOVE the DB guess since he's very famously a drunk, has the radio show, had the tv show, and was a "singer" on that tv show.

    though donny osmond doing this would be the best christmas ever.

  27. Not McGrath. He IS a singer, not a "singer".

    And he isn't an idiot, or angry, or rude.

  28. Not Henry Rollins...he's very honest and outspoken and if it were him, he'd tell everyone.

    I don't suppose the Hoff counts as a talk show host, eh?

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  29. I'm more confused about why/how the clerk gave him the key to someone else's room -- and he just happened to find the "right" incorrect room...

  30. Anonymous9:08 AM

    d - I caught a few eps of the Rollins interview show, and I agree. He doesn't feel natural as an interviewer, though I do love his ranting.

    Joey Fatone has always been known to be overly gracious and down to earth (like Rollins in that way only).

    Danny Bona-douche is a great guess. I didn't realize he only lip synched. Nice guessing everyone! Merry xmas to those of you who celebrate it. Happy belated Hannukah to those who celebrate that.

  31. Jackass may have rattled the clerk and he got the key for whatever room he claimed was his. Hotel software is soooooo slooooow (ever notice how looooong it takes to check in and out?) that the clerk may have just thrown a key at him for the sake of the other guests who had to listen to Jackass screaming.

    I have a new friend who worked for years as a GM in some of the best hotels in the world. Man, does he have stories. It's always the pricks with money or celebrity cache who steal everything that isn't nailed down and bitch until they get even more that they promptly steal.

  32. Wayne Brady "sings"- on Whose Line and on his now-defunct talk show.
    He was my first thought.

  33. ...And the hotel desk clerk just blindly made a new key without first confirming the room number of our jackass?

    Also, FWIW, I was backstage at a charity concert a few years ago (a friend was on the bill). Eric Clapton showed up alone, carrying his own guitar, humble and polite as all get-out. McGrath was accompanied by a posse of "handlers" who at one point quite literally shoved me out of the way so the guy could walk six feet across a corridor. Just sayin'.

  34. Much has been made about Mark McGrath's 'singing' and his band, Sugar Ray. They have always been considered a joke, and their success an anomalie. The quotes around 'singer' implies that ENT is perhaps being sarcastic. Mark may sing, but that doesn't mean he's good at it. That could be an obvious reason to put the word in quotations.

  35. McGrath at a Crisco party? totally.

    Must have been a Merry Douchemas Party.

  36. I'm going to agree with Randomramblings. Donny is a singer and is known for that. Danny is not and never has been a "singer". Although I'd like to think it was Mark (who is a talk show host) but Mark is also a singer first. Sadly, I'm going with Danny "small pee pee" Bonaduce

  37. My immediate thought was Mark McGrath, for the reasons aptly stated by Rummer above.

    Merry Christmas all!

  38. Jamie Fox sings, has a talk show on sirius and was running around Miami half-naked two weeks ago........

  39. I can't wait to hear Ent's take on Amy Winhouse's husband testing positive for heroin.

  40. I know, right, Mooshki? WAKE UP ENT lol

  41. this might be reaching, but another thing that makes me think it's bonaduce is that ent calls him a "jackass" -- remember how he threw johnny fairplay (by the ass) over his head at that reality awards show?
