Thursday, December 27, 2007

Something Has To Be Said

Look, I know it is two Lindsay Lohan posts consecutively, but hey, I didn't see these photos of Lindsay and her sister Ali until after I hit publish. Besides, something needs to be said. Ali Lohan looks like a 14 year old girl working a street corner for the first time and Lindsay is the 21 year old hooker who has been doing it for 7 years or show showing the new kid the ropes.

It is time to remove Ali from the clutches of Lindsay. Yes, Lindsay is supposed to be clean or cleaner right now, but it still doesn't change the fact that she has and will sleep with anything that moves. Even though she is younger than Paris, my guess is she has slept with twice as many people. Ali is still young enough where she doesn't have to end up like Lindsay. Lindsay is wearing a skirt over her leggings. Notice Ali isn't. Does Ali think she looks sexy? She doesn't. She looks like someone who can be completely taken advantage of by a smooth talking guy though and the next thing we know Ali doesn't have that innocent look on her face. Instead she is pregnant or carrying a STD for life.

I don't know where Ali and Lindsay were staying, but I guarantee you that Dina or Michael probably loved the way the pair looked.

Ali. Listen to me. Whatever your mom or dad says to do. Do the opposite. Go live with any random neighbor and you will be better off than living with either of your parents. Also, I know that it is hard because your sister gets you into nice places and gets lots of free shit, but you need to stay away from her until you are about 18 or 19 and become who you are as a person and not who your family wants you to become so they don't have to get real jobs. Do it now before it is too late. Please.


captivagrl said...

amen to that.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

uh...Ali needs to wear panties with spandex. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

For fuck's sake, Ali, stand up straight!

GammaGirl said...

What kind of older sister lets her TEENAGE sister out of the house with all her business hanging out?
My god....

WTF said...

Why are her arms hanging like a monkey??

jax said...

camel toe party of two!

Kory said...

Why does Hohan look like her lips just lost a fight with a vacuum cleaner?

Jesse D said...

Uhh make that "stay away from your sister until you're thirty or so", and I agree completely. Whoa. Gotta love this "trend" of celebrity parenting going on now...

kimmypie1 said...

Those pants look like the ones Sandy wore in "Grease" at the end when they are monkeying around in the fun house singing "You're the one that I want".

ooh ooh ooh honey said...

Kory, those are called "dick sucking lips". It is caused by over-developed and swollen lip muscles from obsessively sucking dick.

I had a roommate in college. It was 1986 and she was very into aerobics. She had some workout wear that looked a lot like those pants/leggings Lilo and Ali are wearing. I personally don't think those are leggings, they are shiney workout pants that would be perfect if she had on a leotard with french-cut legs and a thong back. If the leotard was neon pink or green and she had a matching scrunchie for her hair, she would have been the shit at Gold's Gym twenty years ago. I have been thinking and I have come to the conclusion that Lindsay wears leggings (or whatever) so often because her crotch is sore. If you were having sex so often, your Ginny might be a little sore, too. Rather than wearing skin tight jeans, which surely chafe, she wears skin tight leggings. She's sore, guys, that's all.

Majik said...

I'm thinking it might be a good thing that I have a lo-res monitor and can't see the camel toe...

I wasn't aware that there was a market for young, freakish, ape-walking girls with whorey sisters....

kellygirl said...

where the hell is Child Protective Services?

Dick Insideu said...

Ali is sporting a nice camel toe. She's been fucked hard so much that her back is broken.

bluegirl said...

Yeah, definitely she should stay away until at least 30! If that's possible. I don't think you have any idea who you are at 18/19. She'd still be easily manipulated.

And to echo what everyone else is saying: Why the hell is she walking like that?!

Unknown said...

im not gonna lie...i like matte black leggings with a loose, long shirt or sweater...i had a pair i bought a year ago...i told my brother's gf that i could use another pair when she asked me what i wanted this xmas...she bought me these same shiny spandex pair...i almost died when i opened them and again when these pics surfaced the following day...thankfully she is returning them but who the hell would think they were cool lol...only her and hohan...scary...


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