Friday, December 07, 2007

Sex And The City Trailer

I know there are about half of you who hate the thought of a Sex And The City film and could care less about seeing it or even watching the trailer. But, the other half lives and breathes for Carrie and the other women so I think it is only fair that I show them the trailer. The rest of you can just ignore it and pretend you are not interested. Of course, I think many of you are secretly going to click on the clip, and dare I say it, watch it when it comes to an airplane or a hotel near you.

For you guys who just don't care, I will tell you that almost 10% of the clip is Sarah Jessica Parker in only bra and panties. I guess the reason for that is when they show the trailer at the theater, the gf/wife/whatever can say, "see, you can go with me, you can see SJP half naked."

Of course we are not talking close-up here and we are talking about some very good lighting, but it is better than seeing Kim Cattrall naked for the 100th time. If you are into that, I suggest you watch Porky's when she was about 25 years younger.


  1. is anyone else dreading the inevitable marketing campaign that will DOMINATE our TV's, the internet, and ALL magazines?
    YOU KNOW there are going to be women lined up in groups of four with their cosmos in sippy cups!

    THANK GOD for Tina Fey taking over weekend update and helping me see that Carrie and Co. are total sluts

  2. Seeing a horse in a bra and panties is not going to get me into that theater.

  3. Yawn. Am so over this tongue-in-chic schtick. But as they say "Anything for a paycheck."

  4. Enty sez...

    I think many of you are secretly going to click on the clip...

    Somehow I managed to resist.



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