You don't think that somewhere in her heart Madonna is getting ready to boot Guy Ritchie to the curb? Even though Sean Penn will probably be over at Eve's house quicker than you can say Mr. Hand, you know Madonna wants one more chance. She might indicate otherwise, but look for Madonna to start spending lots more time in Los Angeles. I don't think Sean will want anything to do with her, but you know Madonna does. When Sean got married to Robin in 1996, Madonna went to bed for a month. I also don't think she went alone but instead took a procession of people to bed to fill that lonely month. The only time Madonna wasn't a cold heartless person was when she was with Sean. So maybe she wants to get her heart back and Sean at the same time.
Normally I don't really comment on divorcing couples unless it is someone I know or there is something salacious about it. I do know that I am going to have to go through the blind items because there are a few that may come out should the divorce proceedings become public.
Robin Wright Penn is truly one of the great people in LA and I think this will be great for her. She has been in a shadow for far too long now and this will allow her to move on and grow and be able to breathe. It can really be confining and restrictive being married to Sean Penn. Even more so in some ways than being married to Tom Cruise because you get the feeling that anyone can kick Tom Cruise's ass.
I posted this in an earlier comments section. This blind is from September. Sean was a popular guess.
ReplyDelete#1 This married, award winning A+ film actor and director has a new assistant. His assistant is female and very attractive. His wife was concerned because our actor and his assistant were going to be spending so much time alone on the road doing publicity for his new film. Not to worry said the actor and the assistant. They both told the wife who is also an actress that the assistant is a lesbian, and has no interest in men. That is why it is so tough to figure out why the assistant spends each and every night in the same hotel room with the actor, has been seen making out with him, and why she thinks she is going to be the next Mrs. Actor.
Ent's mentioned several times lately Tom kicked his ass kicked, his balls kicked, etc. Intriguing . . .
ReplyDeletethat's not the blind he's talking about.
ReplyDeleteit's the one where the husband was beating the crap out of his wife, and she was to the breaking point.
the cheating? phhhffft! that's hardly anything that's a concern in the industry.
it's the abuse, both physical and verbal that's the issue here.
i've been trying to find the BI about the photog on a boat taking pictures of the husb beating the wife...
ReplyDeleteis that it?
It could be both blinds. EL said some of the blinds would be revealed...I think you're both right.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteShe was always way too good for him. But I'm biased 'cause I loved Santa Barbara so much. :)
ReplyDeleteI always thought she should have had much more success than she did. She is an amazing actress, I have never seen her do anything but improve a movie she has been in.
ReplyDeleteShe seemed oddly content to defer to him and stand in his shadow. I hope she gets her own chance to shine. He is undoubtedly a very talented actor, but always struck me as a not very pleasant person. Who knows.
What about the blind about the man who prefers black women even though he is married? what's up with ENT saying Sean will be at Eve's house? Is he referring to Eve the singer?
ReplyDeletestill, there has got to be something wrong with her (a lot wrong) to stay with this asshole 16 years. this cheater, beater, anti-american asshole. robin thank god you came to your senses. the public will embrace you with open arms. you should have left this asshole years ago. don't let him control your children, and take as much money as you can. you deserve all of it.
ReplyDeleteMeredith, remember when Eve (the rapper) was tossed in jail and Sean Penn visited her in the clink? I think that's what EL is referring to.
ReplyDeleteFrou Frou,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. i think this is referring to the blind about the husband who is keeping his wife cooped up in his house and is beating her. Ent talks about how she is better off, and then mentions the physical threat of Penn versus Tom Cruise.
I think Penn was a wifebeater and Robin finally had enough.
meredith - eve's been his on-and-off drinking buddy/mistress for some time. i think he even bailed her out when she got the DUI last winter.
ReplyDeleteAnd on the Tom Cruise note- when the blind came out everyone guessed Tom Cruise...so what I think Ent was saying was that instead of Cruise as the blind item culprit, it was instead Penn.
ReplyDeleteGood call also on the Eve comment. No one could figure out their connection, so the blind about the married actor who likes black women could fit too.
I love reveals!
I loved Sean Penn's comment about being married to Madonna, though - something along the lines of, it took him a while to realize that having a good date with someone doesn't always make for a good marriage.
ReplyDeleteBethany said...
ReplyDeleteAnd on the Tom Cruise note- when the blind came out everyone guessed Tom Cruise...so what I think Ent was saying was that instead of Cruise as the blind item culprit, it was instead Penn.
I don't buy it - what photo would a pap get by stalking Sean Penn's house that would make up for months of staking out the house?? It's Cruise. Period.
The blind they're referring to has the pap taking a photo from a long distance away (I don't think it was on a boat, though), where the actor was beating a woman. The pap didn't know if he should go to the police or not.
ReplyDeleteWhy does it have to be Cruise? I think they're right and this is Sean Penn. EL is giving us the answers in todays post.
Is this the abuse blind you're talking about (from May)? If so, it's not Penn. Says the guy is a TV actor and that the couple had recently divorced:
ReplyDeleteIt's not often you can shock me anymore, but this one comes close. This former A list film actor who is now a TV regular but no longer A list recently got divorced. The reason given of course was irreconcilable differences. In reality, he beat the living crap out of his wife. What is worse is that after beating her he didn't want her to go out in public to be seen and commented upon so he locked her in a two room suite in the house when he wasn't there or when people visited. When friends would visit during her incarceration periods she was either on vacation or out shopping depending on the circumstances. She finally had enough and got a huge settlement to keep it quiet.
I stand corrected! Sean penn certainly is not a TV actor...so that rules him out...
ReplyDeletewho knows, but I do think Ent is revealing a blind here, I just can't figure out which one! (and no time at work to go looking UGH!)
oh- and bmorelaxer/bethany are both me:)
ReplyDeleteI thought Eve was suppose to be a lesbot? Personally I think anyone would be better of without Sean Penn.
ReplyDeleteI'm not at work (Thank God), so I'm trolling through old blinds.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to the pap who stalked the house and caught an A-list actor beating his girlfriend (so it's not Sean and Robin).
Scroll down toward the bottom. You'll see a graphic of a man standing menacingly over a cowering woman.
WIth all due respect, because I don't know absolutely what the deal is with EL, it is starting to get a little ridiculous the credit we are giving him for "forecasting" all this stuff through old blinds. There have been a few noteworthy breakups of celebrity marriages and a few engagements, plus a pregnant teen star, and everyone is working themselves into a frenzy fitting them into EL's vague blinds from months ago. I am not saying maybe EL gets one or two (maybe through a connection to Star Magazine), but the rest is all speculation: Oh, yeah, Sean Penn fits the one from nine months ago where the husband beats up and locks his wife up, and now his wife is finally getting out! Or could it be Brendan Fraser? Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteIf EL knew all of this intensely personal and secret and explosive stuff about everyone, he would have to be God. Have fun with this, but don't give this blogger so much credit!
I think you guys are confusing blind items -- one was about a guy who beats his wife, the other was about a pap getting a money shot that had to be bought by the star (and led to the star getting a new, more private house IMHO -- Cruise).
ReplyDeleteSean Penn is the only person Madonna was with who ever dominated her. Of course, I remember from stories that he regularly humiliated her to his friends and the like. Who would want to go back to that? Oh wait it's Madonna, Ms. Fetish Girl....
ReplyDeleteBut the abuse would explain why we haven't seen much of Robin Wright. Victims have a tendency to withdraw from the world. If it's true I hope she and her children get counseling.
ReplyDeleteCreate a section of the site called Blind Items and archive all the blind items under it. Put a title over each blind like, "Confined, beaten wife" or "Pap's money shot" (even in the Four for Friday blinds). It honestly would make it so much easier to go back and find these things, rather than digging week by week, and doing a search isn't always productive unless we can remember key phrases you used in writing it. I think Tomtyler is right in saying we're confusing things by mixing blinds in our minds. Yeah, that rhymes. I'm getting in touch with my inner Jesse Jackson.
Love her, glad she got out.
ReplyDeleteI think Sean LOVES Bi women and lesbians and 3sums and that is sort of his connection with Eve. He can now be free to get his KINK on.
ReplyDeletewhatevs! by H'wood standards, he is no worse than anyone else.
He is a great political activist and a gifted actor/director.
If he was beating on her, that's shitty, but I think they just grew apart, and he wants to explore his sexuality and she just wants to be a mom.
Hope they both find happiness and MOST OF ALL, hope their children do OK with the split.
I've met some real lefty movie production ppl in my life, union folk who idolize Leo Penn.
ReplyDeleteBut if you ask them who is the worst actor they ever worked with they will all answer "Sean Penn". They have never told any specifics, but they are all in agreement. Even if I compliment him as an actor, I get a negative response.
Wonder what's really going on with Sean to make him so damn unpopular.
I've never been able to stand him (and he's so horridly ugly to boot) and was never terribly fond of her, but run for your life Robin, and I hope you get a massive settlement out of this.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't be surprised if Robin got knocked around by Sean; he certainly wailed on Madonna enough (another person I loathe).
"I think Sean LOVES Bi women and lesbians and 3sums and that is sort of his connection with Eve. He can now be free to get his KINK on."
ReplyDeleteI think we should fix him up with Rosie O'Donnell immediately.
After making a movie which glorified an emotionally deranged kid who left without a trace to go live in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness, then *surprise* the idiot got himself killed when he ate some moldy seeds - I would divorce him too after such insanity!! Seriously, though, the guy is a professional psycho. Robin Wright is an unbelievably gifted actress and she deserves a real man who will truly love her. I am so happy for her that she's dumping the toxic waste from her life.
ReplyDeleteTwo ways to find blinds:
ReplyDelete1) Click on the "Blind Item" tag at the bottom of any blind to bring them all up, then do a "find" on each page to look for keywords like "married," "A list" or "director."
2) At Google, type in site:crazydaysandnights.net then type in keywords like "blind," "married" and/or "director." (That's my workaround because I can't get the search function on this site to work.) Also, if you know you commented on a particular blind, type in your posting name. Or if you remember someone who was a guess, type in his/her name.
I really do have better things to do -- I just don't do them. :P
Thanks Trashtalker, I never get results with search either.
ReplyDeletewasn't referring to the caged wife blind, either.
ReplyDeletethere was one a while back that had the good ol' "i can't say more because then you'll know" disclaimers all over it, and it was about some A lister (actor, producer, director?) beating his wife. there was other stuff, too, and i think most everyone guessed it would be the penns. big surprise, really. buttercup can only take so much abuse.
i think that horrible movie, "She's So Lovely" was an accurate portrait of their marriage, actually.
sean's a dick. rides around town in a shitty el camino, and hangs out in seedy bars. the people of ross are stoked he'll be leaving soon.
Sean Penn has always been abusive. I can't imagine it stopped when he married Robin Wright. Many people thought she was crazy for marrying him. She has kept quiet and stayed married to him long enough for people to forget. I hope she writes a tell all.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read a BI about a guy beating someone Sean Penn is my usual suspect until I can rule him out. I'm not ruling him out of the photog BI just because Ent. said boyfriend instead of husband.
I didn't say he wasn't a good actor. He also moved up a few rungs on my ladder when he went out in a boat in New Orleans rescuing people instead of running to the Superdome with a camera crew or coming in after the fact with pink tents and Larry King.
Now that's funny, because Penn moved DOWN a few rungs after I saw he brought his publicist, his cameraman, his hairstylist, his makeup person and one or two other people, leaving space for ONE or TWO people in his stupid little dinghy. Nothing but a photo opp, that.
ReplyDeleteI use the search engine, but it doesn't work when you can't recall the exact phrases used in a blind.
Brace yourselves...
ReplyDeleteHere are some more blinds that people guessed were Sean Penn.
A marriage that everyone thought was headed to divorce years ago because of bad boy behavior is actually heading to divorce now because of drug use and violence. His wife has always denied it in the past and been a big supporter of this bad boy. BUT that is all about to change and will become public knowledge very soon.
And the update a week later:
***If he makes it another week without being arrested for drug use or ending up in rehab, everyone who knows him will be shocked.***
Which married bad-boy Oscar winner has a bit on the side with an early-20s NYC Latina beauty, said to resemble Beyonce?
FROM MAY, a two-parter (somebody guessed Vince Vaughn and Sean Penn, while filming Into the Wild):
So this very A List Actor was shooting in the middle of nowhere. OK, I guess it wasn't the absolute middle of nowhere because there was a strip club with a very catchy name. The strip club was the only entertainment in town and our actor did his very best to make sure every dancer had enough to live on for a year or more. He also made sure the bouncers had enough for a year also because they were the ones who supplied him with his vast quantities of coke for the entire shoot. Well it's a depressing movie so you might as well do something fun.
So a little help with yesterday's item may be in order. How about recently filmed, but not out yet. How about our A list actor was not alone. How about he was joined by another brooding A list actor who happens to be married. No word on whether the married actor partook of the drugs but certainly did partake in the strip club fun.
#2 This A+ film actor who has become sort of a do gooder as of late when not making mostly forgettable movies recently was at an event with regular folks. You know, the people who have jobs and spouses and families. Didn't stop him from making the moves on one married woman as he told her all the things he could give her if she spent the night with him or at least a few hours. They had been flirting all day but he became increasingly arrogant and blatant in what he wanted to do to her and finally she had enough. She told him no and said that if he didn't stop, she would get her husband to kick his ass. He might play a tough guy in films, but in reality it seems that the threat of a good ass kicking turned more than his hair grey.
#1 Academy Award winner. 3some. Jail.
Which married Oscar winner has a reputation for throwing orgies in Los Angeles where the girls are grossed out by his unappetizing sexual tastes?
Sorry Twisty I missed that. But I did see him and one other guy. The other guy could have been any of the people you mentioned. But there were no cameras when I ran into them. They were rescuing people. Perhaps there were other celebrities out in the mud and water in bigger boats helping people and I just didn't encounter them.
ReplyDeleteLiveunderarock, no problem, a lot of people think he did a good thing and there's nothing wrong with feeling that way. I'm just not one of them - maybe if he only had one person with him I would have felt differently, but the news clip I saw had all those people with him. But I do think he's a great and underrated actor - possibly because of what someone already mentioned - that's he's impossible to work with. Sounds like you lived through that nightmare. Sorry to hear that and hope you're back in your home if you were part of it.
ReplyDeleteTrashtalker - Nice work and thanks for posting it. I'm not sold on the last three, but the initial posts sound like SP!
Twisty, New Orleans has been my favorite city in world since I was about 12 or 13. I have a place there. But I am not among those courageous people who lost their world.
ReplyDeleteLess than two months after Katrina, trees and shurbs in New Orleans and all along the Mississipi coast that had not been completely destroyed were in bloom like Spring. How can anyone not love a place where even the plants have too much heart to accept defeat?
I choose to believe N.O. can even soften the self-serving hearts of celebrities.
See, I get all sappy just blogging about N.O. and ruin my own curmudgeonly persona.
Everyone should go to the Gulf Coast, be a tourist and spend money. Where else do you have a chance of seeing Brad Pitt at McDonalds ?
Sean Penn may have divorce problems but I think he's far from anti-american
ReplyDeleteSean Penn tied Madonna to a chair and beat her while they were married. I don't think this is rumour, pretty sure it was admitted to because the Police were called. If I recall this was the straw that broke the camels back and not long after they divorced.
ReplyDeleteI'd say he could be the answer to any of those blinds. I'm glad she finally giving him the heave-ho. He cheated on her with Elle MacPherson back in the 90's I believe.
Trashtalker, you are an EXCELLENT sleuth!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Sean Penn is disgusting if all of these allegations are true.
Liveunderarock, it's okay to get mushy here (we won't tell)- especially when it comes to catastrophes and disasters. Love the comment on the trees and bushes. Nothing in N.O. will give up without a fight!
ReplyDeleteMia, I think a lot of people felt he was un-American (and downright stupid) when he visited and praised Hugo Chavez. He totally ignored the fact that the man is an evil dictator who tosses anyone who disagrees with him in jail. Typical self-serving Hollywood bullcrap.
ReplyDeleteA marriage that everyone thought was headed to divorce years ago because of bad boy behavior is actually heading to divorce now because of drug use and violence. His wife has always denied it in the past and been a big supporter of this bad boy. BUT that is all about to change and will become public knowledge very soon."
ding ding ding! that's the one, trashtalker! wow, was it really in march? time sure flies. shoot.
yup, mr. penn is a self serving ass and his attempts at being a humanitarian come off as self righteous PR stunts. sorry, but true. and his temper is notorious.
but one must understand that everyone cheats in the industry. any hollywood divorce that is blamed on cheating is a coverup of something else. prolly drugs and/or money, but the truth of the matter is that everyone sleeps with other people there. that's not something people get pissed off at in those circles unless they are new to it or the cheating happened with a family member. a lot of times when cheating is cited as the cause of divorce it's to mask abuse. with both wives and husbands. it's a way to hide the real reason but still make the offender look like an ass.
okay, i'm done with the little lecture now.
great job, trashy!!!!!
FrouFrou, please - everyone cheats everywhere. We hear about those in H-town because they're in the news.
ReplyDeleteTrash, your first BI posted at 10:56 am about the tv regular, I think, is Alec Baldwin. Notorious for vicious temper and violence.
None of Sean's behavior is Robin's fault. There is nothing wrong with her. Talk about an odd couple... About time she dumped his ass. Whatever she does from now on, I'll go out of my way to support.
Oh, yeah - Twisted: Great idea about separating out the BIs. I miss Hez.
ReplyDeletejudi, please.
ReplyDeletejudi, please.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Judi! I don't think EL will change anything based on my suggestion, but figured it was worth a shot anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt's not often you can shock me anymore, but this one comes close. This former A list film actor who is now a TV regular but no longer A list recently got divorced. The reason given of course was irreconcilable differences. In reality, he beat the living crap out of his wife. What is worse is that after beating her he didn't want her to go out in public to be seen and commented upon so he locked her in a two room suite in the house when he wasn't there or when people visited. When friends would visit during her incarceration periods she was either on vacation or out shopping depending on the circumstances. She finally had enough and got a huge settlement to keep it quiet.
ReplyDeleteCould this be James Caan? He starred in Las Vegas.
The reference to Eve is a ref to a threesome she participated in with Sean Penn and Robin, look it up.