Thursday, December 06, 2007

Scott Stapp Kisses Ass -- Domestic Violence Charges Dismissed

On February 5, 2008, the former lead singer of Creed, Scott Stapp was supposed to be facing a trial for domestic assault charges. Now, because of the fact that he has no doubt kissed his wife's ass enough and probably bought her some huge things, she is going to drop the charges.

In May 2007, Scott was arrested for allegedly throwing a bottle of Orangina at his wife's head. The bottle missed, but, his wife Jaclyn Stapp called police anyway. In her emergency call to Florida police, Jaclyn claimed Stapp had been high on marijuana and other drugs when he returned home from a night of wild partying. The felony assault charge was later reduced to a misdemeanor after Stapp agreed to undergo drug and alcohol testing.

Now, the obnoxious ass is going to have all the charges dropped. A statement released by one of the lawyers for the couple said,
"We are passionately in love, blessed with two beautiful children. We believe in the sanctity of marriage and the commitment we made to each other before God. Any problem of the past we have overcome together as a family."

I guess in the world of Scott Stapp that commitment involves the alleged use of drugs and domestic violence. You know that if he had connected with a full bottle of Orangina at her head, it wouldn't just be misdemeanor assault he was looking at, and no matter how much sucking up he did, the wife wouldn't be able to drop the charges. I thought Florida was a state that allowed prosecutors to continue in the case even though the wife dropped the charges. Guess not. So, if his wife ends up dead after another alleged incident, you think Florida might change that particular law, or are they ok with losing a woman or two a year just keeping the status quo.


  1. "We are passionately in love, blessed with two beautiful children. We believe in the sanctity of marriage and the commitment we made to each other before God. Any problem of the past we have overcome together as a family."

    Damn liars! He's such a hypocrite!


    I wish I could kick him in the balls for all the times I was forced to listen to "Higher" during Pep Rallies!

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Even though he has sex with groupies on video, beats on his wife, and has eyes that look like they're on the side of his head (fish-like), I still think he's hot (if he were knocked out cold, couldn't talk, sing, or beat the crap out of me).

    Horniness aside. Why did he have Orangina?

    And she truly must have been paid off in order to drop charges against his dumbass.

  4. wow drfrommn..i lost a whole lot of respect for ya

    Scott Stapp is beyonf a douche..he is the douche king- King Douchelot.

    So was all this love and the sanctity of marriage,before during, or after he got a rim job from some strippers with Kid Rock?

  5. Major jewelry and the house is now in her name, I bet.

    Rather cynical of him to move in for the affection and sentimental memories during the T-giving/Xmas/New Years' window.

  6. Anonymous2:11 PM

    This guy is at the very top of my hate list.

    Baron Von Douche.

  7. Even God hates Creed.

    In his defence, wifey doesn't know her drugs, cuz the most violent thing a pot smoker's ever done is rip open a bag of chips.

  8. Anonymous3:42 PM

    majik / jax

    i agree with everything you say.
    stapp is a douch

  9. i know i love how they say he was doing MARIJUANA..something illegal but not strong enough for anyone to care.

    I agree Majik..please if he was really smokin he wouldn't have the brain power to throw a perfectly good bottle of Orangina..especially with cotton mouth.

  10. In the report it says "marijuana and other drugs". I'm not an expert, but I guess there are some meds you should definetely not combine with anything else.
