Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Satutory Rape Ya'll

I know there must be a million articles about Jamie Lynn Spears and her pregnancy, but I haven't seen one mentioning that Jamie's 19 year old boyfriend was arrested for statutory rape. Actually he might be 20 by now, but I don't know for sure.

California Penal Code 261.5 (the statutory rape law) makes it illegal to have non-marital sex with a minor under three circumstances:

1. If the minor is less than three years younger than the defendant, the offense is a misdemeanor.

2. If the minor is more than three years younger than the defendant, the statutory rape offense may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, and punishment can be up to three years state prison.

3. If the defendant is 21 or over and the minor 16 or younger, the statutory rape offense may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, and punishment can be up to four years state prison.

Sexual intercourse means any penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or genitalia by the penis. Ejaculation is not required.

It is not a defense that the other person may have consented to the intercourse.

Under the law, a person becomes one year older as soon as the first minute of his or her birthday has begun.

I think we can safely presume that Casey Aldridge had sex with Jamie Lynn Spears. His own mom said it was true. The only question that needs answering is whether Casey is going to be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. Of course I guess the police could just choose to ignore the law. I mean Jamie Lynn is famous, and everyone knows that the same law doesn't apply to famous people. We can't have Jamie's baby daddy sitting in jail while his baby is being born. That would be wrong. Kind of like when a 19 year or 20 year old guy can't find anyone to have sex with but a high school junior.

Now you may be asking yourself, "well what if they had sex back in Louisiana? Is the crime different? Maybe 19 year old guys can have sex with minors there."

That's a very good question. Let's look at the law in Louisiana.

"Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile is sexual intercourse with consent between (1) someone age 19 or older and someone between age 12 and 17 or (2) someone age 17 or older and someone between age 12 and 15. Misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile is sexual intercourse with consent between someone age 17 to 19 and someone age 15 to 17 when the difference in their ages is greater than two years."

In Louisiana, Casey would be looking at serious jail time and sex offender status for life. Under the law he would be arrested and charged with a felony. For some reason though, I just don't think he is going to be charged. I think that everyone with the power of investigation or arrest will ignore this little tidbit and the authorities will instead go after some other poor guy who doesn't have OK and US Weekly in his speed dial. If you are not going to enforce the laws equally, then just don't have them.


  1. As I got over the shock of her pregnancy, I immediately inquired about the age of the bastard who knocked her up. Upon learning of his age, I thought of statutory rape to. They have been "dating" since she was 13 and him 16. WTF was Lynne?

    Sadly in this country, 16 year old girls getting pregnant is common, but it is still quite unfortunate and a situation that the young mother will have to deal with for the rest of her life.

    I hope she cleaned out her dressing room at Nickolodean. Stupid little girl.

  2. Simone I thought the same thing. I immediately noticed than no where did it say how old "Daddy" is.

    This is just sad. It shows that the whole family is a total wreck from top to bottom. Unfortunately nothing will ever be done.

    Heck of a role model huh?

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    The fact that she's having sex with her 19 year old boyfriend doesn't shock me, but the fact that she actually got pregnant does.

    She's not some naive, sheltered girl. She can't afford to go on the pill? Use condoms? Hell, even pulling out with the occassional need for the morning after pill would be more rational.

  4. wasnt this a blind item?

  5. Please she's's no ones fault but her own. wear a condom..take the pill. She's a 16 yearl old girl in a 3 year relationship in happens.
    Maybe if people stopped preachin about abstinenece and got a clue and started preaching condoms and birth control this wouldn't have happend.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Friday, October 05, 2007
    Four For Friday

    Don't forget about the meth dentist.

    #1 I don't even know how you define what list someone is when they are on some ensemble show watched by teens and pre-teens, so go with the above, and make her a female. Make her pregnant which is causing the producers to have a heart attack because they really don't need anymore scandals. But wait, there's more. One of the producers who is old enough to be her grandfather shouldn't be having a heart attack because of shock, because he is the one who knocked her up. New boyfriends are being lined up as we speak.

    PLUS there were reports as far back as July 28th that she was pregnant....


  8. My thoughts exactly Ent on the statutory rape... but here's what else i thought - the articles said that they lived together... I am assuming w/ Mama Lynne. It then quotes Lynne as saying "Jamie Lynn's always been so conscientious. She's never late for her curfew." What the hell good is curfew you stupid b*tch if he's sleeping in her room or even down the hall??/ Jesus what the hell is wrong with this woman? Must be where Britney gets her "smarts"

  9. I with Khemenu on this.

    After the shock and initial rush of schadenfreude wore off, I realized that homeboy is too old to be protected under the age of consent laws.

    This is just BAD.
    I know Lynn Spears can't be blamed for this, but who lets a 16 year-old girl (who was possibly ignored as child) live with a 19 year-old boyfriend?

  10. Brit Brit---

    yeah, I do believe that this was the blind about the singer and her sister who weren't speaking, and it was because the singer's sister got knocked up by the singer's man (husband? boyfriend? some ex? I don't remember exactly). I have to go dig up the blind and post the link

  11. Funny, it's not the fact that she got pregnant the shocks me. The fact that we're hearing about it, is. Jamie-Lynn is not the first Hollywood teen to get pregnant, but the first to announce that they are keeping it in an exclusive tell-all, that's also somewhat shocking. Kids today have no sense of shame. At some point Lynne Spears has to accept that exploiting her children is part of the problem. If she wants fame, she needs to pose for Playboy, but the media whoring needs to stop.
    The Knowles family and Keisha Hughes did it correctly –have the kid but lie low. I’m sure Lynne is already selling the first baby photos.

  12. What's the statute of limitation on statutory rape? I ask for no good reason!

  13. When I was 16 lost my virginity to a 19 year old, and I can tell you that I was far more mature than he ever was. I got on the pill right quick, too, which makes me smarter than Jamie Lynn.

    So yeah, technically it was statutory rape, but speaking as an interested party, I can tell you it most definitely was not!

    16 is the new 20, they should adjust the laws to compensate for this.

  14. Preach it, Khemenu! LOL!

    And her mama saying she was shocked when she heard the news needs to get some teeth knocked out for telling that lie. What does she think is happening between them when she's not home?

    She should've put that girl on the pill the minute she started rolling with that dewd. Dumb bitches, I swear!

  15. How can he be guilty if the baby isn't his? The usual suspects seem to be K-Fed and a producer?????

  16. Please help me figure this out. Who is responsible for arresting him? Does someone need to file a report frst? How does this work?

  17. I read something on Perez about K-Fed knowing about it before anyone else or at least before Britney. I though it was the BI rat mommy posted too...

    So I guess mama Spears' book about good parenting is going to be postponed now....*LOL*

  18. I went back to read the blind items from 10/05/2007 (about JLSpears' pregnancy)... what's the deal with the meth dentist? What's that about? There was a picture of him posted yesterday I believe.

    Sorry this is a little off topic.

  19. Anonymous10:41 AM

    rebecca, ent had written something about a dentist who specializes in repairing meth damage back in june. Shortly after that, LiLo left Utah to "visit a dentist in california".

  20. Sounds to me like she's trying to "one-up" her big sis.

    Congrats on the additional meal tickets. Nice to expand the "Spears Dy-Nasty".

  21. Oh Ok. Is he the same dentist that Britney visited a while back too?

    On topic now: Was is public knowledge that Jamie had a boyfriend? I mean, did this boyfriend just show up out of nowhere as these pregnancy rumors began or was he around way before?

  22. I was 16, he was 22. He's now 35, I'm 29 and we've been quite happily married for over 11 years (and 3 kids). As a 16 year-old I was quite mature. I knew what a condom was, how to use one, and we used them until 2 years after we were married. They didn't charge him, and neither did the USAF.

    16 year-olds have sex, get over it! 19 year-olds have sex, get over it! 19 year-olds have sex with 16 year-olds, get over it! Deal with the consequences - which JLS actually seems to be doing. She's not opting for an abortion, she's not giving the kid up, she's going to try raising her little consequence. I give her kuddos for not taking the 'easy' way out. Don't think its only Mama Spears to blame - unless she held the 16 year-old down and spread her legs ...

    That said, that mama is a complete and utter idiot! No one in their right mind allows a 19 year-old to live with them unless its their kid! Let alone if they're 'dating' their younger child.

  23. rebecaa: He's been around for a while, not to the point that he's ever given an interview though.

    I'm not so sure about K-Fed being involved with this. I would like to think that Jamie isn't THAT foolish, but who the hell knows?

  24. Anonymous10:52 AM

    rhianna - 16 yr olds and 19 yr olds DO have sex, I'm already over it. THE LAW however ISN'T over it. Whether I agree with that law or not, it IS a law. So no one HERE needs to get over it, the lawmakers do.

    Either fight to change the laws, or 19+ yr olds better realize they're running the risk of being charged.

  25. I have a theory.

    Work with me here. - If Jamie Lynn is the answer to 1 of those 2 blinds (Producer knocked her up or KFed knocked her up) there's a good reason for the OK! story. What if an editor at OK! found out, called the fam, threatened to release the story? Then the Spears' made deal to give them exclusive rights if the fam was given time to build a believable story around the pregnancy-- boyfriend she "met in church" - bitch, please!

    Note that they were not paid for the story. A deal was obv. brokered. Yes, they will get $1 million for the exculsive baby shots when the mistake is born, but something shady went down here.

    Furthermore, if Jamie Lynn is not fired/does not leave Nickelodeon, it's obvious that the producer blind has been solved. Think about it.

  26. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I pretty surprised that she's keeping the baby at all. I started having sex at sixteen, with a nineteen year old, but I was smart enough to march myself straight to the (un)Planned Parenthood and get myself birth control (I, too, consider myself at the point more mature than he was, but I also look back at much of his past behavior and realize he was a child molester waiting to happen, "grooming" my younger sisters. This of course is not always the case, but it was with me, which is why they have laws like that in order). So many teen stars get pregnant but turn right around and have an abortion to save their career, and we barely hear a whisper of it. JL's actions make me think she doesnt really care about having that career. Maybe she never wanted to at all.

    I guess Im just sorely disappointed because it would have been nice to see a Spears succeed and not go bat shit crazy.

  27. TMZ is claiming that there is a back end deal between Lynne Spears and OK.

    They also say that Jamie Lynn is further along than 12 weeks - as in expect a Spring baby.

    Am leaning toward the producer daddy. Like Marissa's theory too.

  28. Marisa - nice theory there. And maybe she got pregnant to get out of being pushed into a career by Mom!

  29. remember this y'all? ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 09/12
    #1 This teenage B list actress may still be a teenager, but she also may be pregnant. The single actress has told producers it's just a little weight gain, but the producers want her to take a pregnancy test and prove to them she's not pregnant before they make any additional commitments. So far she has refused. Hayden Panettiere; Jamie Lynn Spears

    from agc

  30. Anonymous11:34 AM

    What I find so interesting is that the National Enquirer "broke" this story back on July 28th. (I say "broke" cause for all we know, they had blindfolds on and were pitching darts and just happened to hit a bullseye) Which makes her MUCH further along than OK is reporting. And could explain the 9/12 BI about the producer and how there was apparent weight gain at that point in time. If she was truly only 12 weeks along, she would not have been pregnant at that time.

    I read somewhere that the Spears' found out the story was going to break and contacted OK magazine to try to have some control over how the story was released/handled. My question is: who was going to break the story? Was it OK! magazine itself as Marias theorizes? I think that makes a lot of sense....

  31. Thanks people. My theory is a sad one, no?

    Use condoms!!

  32. it will be very interesting to see when this baby is borm.

    how could Britney NOT have known, though?

    the sisters were just seen together two months ago.

  33. Marisa, I love your theory!! It makes a lot of sense, and certainly explains that "fishy" smells that have been wafting my way over the whole debacle.

    But the other BI mentioned also fits pretty well...who's to say that ENT wasn't talking about the same person in each one?

    If we have guessed right, who's the father? PLEASE don't let it be FedEx. And as you mentioned, if it's the Producer from Zoey 101, she won't get kicked off the show, surely?

  34. Hey Alan,
    that is exactly the BI i was talking about!! I had a feeling. I was to lazy to go threw the past posts

  35. Wendy Williams of WBLS in NY said this afternoon that if Jamie had been a black actress (say, Raven Symone) she'd have been fired by today. She said if Nickolodeon doesn't fire Spears by 5pm Williams is going to block Nick on her cable system and not let her 7 y.o. watch that "prostitute" (her word) in her house. I'm adding that she has a wide audience who may follow her example. I know I would.

    Remember Mama Spears had Brit and Justin living together when she was 16, altho Brit kept claiming she was a "virgin."

  36. does anyone have the pictures of Jamie Lynn with Brit back at Thanksgiving?
    if she's really having this kid in the spring, something should be showing from a month ago.

  37. Well Wendy can suck it..why she gotta make this a black thing? how did that even becaome a fuckin issue?

    Ya let's throw the dad in jail and unemploy the thinking.
    Seriously? some people need to give their head a shake..AS IF they can fire here for being knocked up??? Hunter Tylo anyone???

  38. Perez posted that there are no really recent fotos of JLS. I think the last time the two sisters were seen together was around the time that JL shouted at a lady for screaming at Britney...all classy stuff y'all.

  39. I think Brit didn't know because she is entirely caught up in her own doings/world. If you look back to when we saw her and JL together, it was JL who was caretaking. She was the one who had the gumption to take a stand against the complaining neighbor.

    There is definitely something up here. Perez claims to have Nick's letter responding to the July 28th rumors. Nick lawyers declared JL to be a morally upright 16 yr old girl.

    It's also pretty clear that they didn't know. Is Lynne attempting to c*ckbl*ck the Nick producer with the OK article? It would be a reason to keep the baby even if there is a daddy cover up. And a reason to go public.

  40. lainekazan - nice to see a fellow new yorker on the site. I'm on the UWS, you?

    And can I just say, as a member of the "millenials" generation, I don't view this as a growing trend of irresponsible behavior among the teens and young adults of today in entirety, but as a growing trend among our millenial celebrities...I think the general population is smarter today with our more pervasive communications/media, but I think those who actually MAKE the (celebrity)news are reacting to 24/7 journalists by acting out...

  41. Here's a link to an older US piece (Thanksgiving) where JL says she doesn't have a serious boyfriend and would like to eventually study at LSU.

  42. Amen, Jax! I couldn't agree more.

  43. Not one thing shocks me. Where I'm from I see lots of underage pregnancies with older fathers.

    But I do think this family is seriously screwed up.

    Who is going to buy Lynn's book on parenting now?

  44. Jax -- David Hinckley of the NY Daily News says it better than I did:

  45. Oh god all i know for this that with the authorities or The mother of Jamie OR the father not pressing any charges on the dick that knocked her up all i know is that this is REALLY going to set a HORRIBLE sample around for girls even YOUNGER than 16 to think its ok to have sex with older guys hell even get KNOCKED UP by them if they wont be charge as this lovely couple of a slut that has followed in her sisters foot steps, and a total jackhole dick that couldnt find some busty 20+ old prostitute to have sex with instead decides to deflowered his prize trophy.

    Because authorities wont make an example of this dick and since shes famous, ECT and lots of people will pay attention and see that nothing happened to him is really going to set a HORRIBLE example to at least 2 million 13-16 year old girls to really think ITS OK to HAVE SEX since nothing will happened to them boy the law is really going to have a tough time solving at least over 200,000 new cases....

  46. This the world we live in fokes! ONLY WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!



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