Thursday, December 06, 2007

Random Photos Part One -- 2007 GQ Men Of The Year Edition

I'm sure we all have had the munchies, but how many drugs did Amy Winehouse have to take where she thought she needed an entire box of Popsicles to take care of those munchies.
You can always tell when someone is the next big thing. Other stars want to come to you to take their photo with you. They will even wait in line to do so. You just stand there and don't move an inch. Diane Lane was first on the list to be seen with Hayden Panettiere who didn't even know who Diane Lane was. How tragic is that?
Sometimes Rumer Willis doesn't try very hard not to look like a man.
Jim Nelson is the editor of GQ. You would think he would dress better. He looks like William Hurt from Children Of A Lesser God.
Even Ryan Gosling wanted his taste. Yes, I mean that literally too.
I don't even want to think about Elisha Cuthbert tasting Shaun White.
Carla Gugino has that 50's starlet look going on here. Incredible.
Casey Affleck and Ben Foster look like they may have had a drink or six.
Bow Wow was mugged by the photographer. Seriously, why on earth would you need that much cash?
Britney Spears wearing more clothes in this photo than the entire year combined. Very mannish of her despite the baby bump, or beer belly. You can never tell with her.
More Gosling, this time he and Josh Brolin must be talking about the tasting Ryan had planned for later in the evening.
Matthew Perry tells Dave Annable how he was a GQ Man of the year back about 20 years ago. Now he just comes to relive his youth.
Kanye West is already pissed.
Donde esta Ben Affleck?
"You like me. You really like me."


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Ryan is looking good.

    Always loved Carla Gugino since I first saw her in Snake Eyes.

    Diane Lane is looking stunning as usual, boo on Hayden for not knowing who she was.

  2. "Donde Esta Ben Affleck"

    Ohh is that a BI reveal about the knocked up Mexican women???

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    is the "donde esta" comment a BI reveal?

  4. Jax and cali girl - that's totally what I thought, too!

  5. Jax, Cali Girl, and Loveshoes - I literally sat here with my mouth open catching flies when I read those 3 posts! I thought it was Damon? How could it be Affleck??

  6. If it IS a reveal, where the heck are these photo's of them with a Mexican nanny?

  7. i knew it wasn't Damon..he just doens't have the douche in him for that. Plus Benny has been looking like haggard shit the last little while, had me wondering if he was the HIV actor.

  8. Anonymous1:56 PM

    How could it NOT be Affleck!!!! LOL

  9. It's like they're posing with a cardboard cutout of Hayden P., she looks exactly the same in all the pictures.

    "Donde esta Ben Affleck?" Love it!

  10. Oh and I forgot, the first time I saw Carla Gugino was in a Bon Jovi video. Her and Jack Noseworthy and some guy who later was on Beverly Hills 90210 for a while, and I believe he took his shirt of in the video and made my teenage heart quiver.

  11. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Wow, that sounded like a BIG reveal...

    Ok does anyone remember when I posted about those pics of him with Matt Damon's family? The pics were on that celebrity baby pictures site, and they were soon taken down, but they DID have a Hispanic nanny running around...did we simply mistake who she was there for...?

  12. If Britney is eating a piece of honest to goodness fruit..she's knocked up. Even she knows babaies don't grow on red bull and fraps alone.

  13. More Gosling please! Preferably without jailbait skank all up on him.

  14. I'm so bad at the guessing thing, because of something I read on Lanie (I think), I thought that the nanny might be about Warren Beatty.

  15. Trix, no, because that Mexican nanny was later seen in other pics with Matt Damon and his wife.

    I was really HOPING it wasn't Damon, though. I like him, even though he had his days as a douchebag, too, and anyone who plays with Ben and prostitutes can't be all good.

    Why the eff would Jennifer put up with this????

    K, nobody sees pics of Warren and Annette anyway, so I'm not sure it could be him. Plus...he's now 106 years old. I doubt he's that

  16. maybe the Nanny is knocked up with Benny's bambino but working for Damon as a clever ruse. We all know Jennifer is mom of the year and wouldn't require a nanny..but Matty and his 2 kids might.

  17. AHA! The plot thickens....

    You could be right, Jax, but I would hope that EL would have thrown out some new info for us if that's the case.

  18. With your tongue hanging out of your mouth, thanks for showing us how you made that money, Bow Wow.

  19. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Ooooh Jax, interesting likesy...

  20. i know i've worn a hole in my shirt from patting my own back..LOL.

  21. Maybe the Donde Esta hint was for another blind. I forget which one, but one about the A list couple who is not photographed together anymore. Meaning, "where is Ben Affleck?"

  22. Ben is at LaMaze class with his "nanny"???

    Hayden sure has that pose down. At least she looks happy in one of the pix...tasty.

    IDT Wino does any drug that gives the munchies ... but she could use it!

  23. Does Dave Annabelle have a shrunken head or is Matthew Perry ready to explode?

  24. How does someone not know who Diane Lane is? The difference between the two is Diane Lane will have still a career while Hayden will be forgotten and strung out in some dingy club in Hollywood in some D-list reality show.

  25. Mhmmmmmmm.casey affleck,ryan gosling, and dave annable. I think I'm in photo heaven.

  26. So was Mr Gosling just hitting on Hayden or did he succeed?!

    Back in the day Affleck and Damon used to share a prostitute or so I heard. It was basically a way for them to have sex without it being gay sex.
    Even though i hear really nice things about Matt I'm thinking he and Ben are a couple of cheaters.

  27. Eonline sez you got the Hayden Pannettiere/Diane Lane thing backwards...

    When Hayden Panettiere walked into the bash, she immediately made a beeline to Brolin’s wife, the always gorgeous Diane Lane. “I must, must meet Diane Lane,” Panettiere was heard telling her mother.
