Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Price For Jamie Lynn Spears Photo Reaches $100K -- Merry Christmas Britney

Jamie Lynn Spears is hiding. She is hiding well. So far she has managed to avoid Britney Spears and Britney's camera. Why is Britney looking for Jamie with a camera? Britney wants the $100K currently being offered for new photos of Jamie. There are serious questions about just how far along Jamie is right now, and who the father is. Now, don't go all producer crazy on me. Just people are curious about who the father is, and why if Jamie is just three months along as she indicated that there are not photos of her with a three month bump. The pictures from September show more of a three month bump and so now if Jamie were to show up looking like Halle Berry she would have some explaining to do. Much more explaining than if the baby was say 3 months premature with a life threatening struggle to survive in a hospital with all the world on Jamie's side.


  1. Ya know..this Jamie Lynn Spears thing has me thinking about a BI posted about the middle of this year. Just about everyone thought it was about Vanessa Houdgens (not sure how to spell that last name) but I think this may be the answer it. It was about someone who worked on a teen show that was having an affair with one of the young co-stars. There's a few articles going around that Casey wasn't the person who got Jamie Lynn pregnant. Instead it's a guy who works on her show. Hmm..wonder if I can find that BI.

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Yes, EL, and what about the Star article that confirms your early October BI?

  3. Oct. 5, 2007 - #1 I don't even know how you define what list someone is when they are on some ensemble show watched by teens and pre-teens, so go with the above, and make her a female. Make her pregnant which is causing the producers to have a heart attack because they really don't need anymore scandals. But wait, there's more. One of the producers who is old enough to be her grandfather shouldn't be having a heart attack because of shock, because he is the one who knocked her up. New boyfriends are being lined up as we speak.

  4. Yep! That's the one! Thanks for finding it, bryn :) You're awesome.

  5. wasn't there another BI about a celebratard with prolific sperm knocking up the sister ...

  6. I'm going with the producer/executive on this. Totally called it.

  7. Looks like EL won't have to worry about revealing this one on the first...unless we're wrong. Lol

  8. Thanks Kim :) As soon as I read that I knew I had to find it!!! If true, what a scandal! The poor girl should have just disappeared for a while. I have a feeling they won't let this story go away without tons of speculation - true or not.

  9. The BI that EL confirmed was this one:

    Maybe she was the subject of a couple of them.

  10. I'd almost think so. Especially since the timeline would fit and given the fact we haven't seen any recent pics of Jamie Lynn in quite a while. The pics would either confirm her story of being just 3 months pregnant or it would be obvious that wasn't true. Either way, I think it'll be talked about for a long time.

  11. This is no young girl next door, who is far fromt he public eye, this is the sister of the number one searched for basket case in the world. There is no way she could hide a 3 month "incorrect calculation" of dates so:
    Why would they want to go to such lengths to change dates? Was the producer out of town during the publicly given date, putting him in the clear? It makes no sense to me to change dates, she would have to hide for at least3 months after the publicly announced birth. She is Britney's sister. No way could she hide for the next 6 months. The probability of failure is great, if this was the best option to choose from, be it a cover up or whatever, what on earth would be the options that were deemed too risky?

  12. I think that EL either works for "Star" magazine or is close to someone who does.

  13. hmmmm...we'll see if those predications are right. Baby born "3 months early" and then they hide the kid for like a year. Why didn't Tom & Katie think of this??? ;)

  14. Wow she seemed like such a sweet kid!
