Monday, December 10, 2007

Pete Doherty Throws Kate Moss Under A Bus

Ahhh. To be a junkie who is running out of money with stories to tell. That is the situation Pete Doherty finds himself in. He has tried stealing from Amy Winehouse's purse, but he isn't as clever as Blake and so usually just ends up with lint covered breath mints he finds at the bottom. Not that he doesn't try to smoke them or snort them, it just isn't the same as finding some cash.
A British television station is negotiating with Pete to come on the air and tell all for their special entitled The Kate And Pete Love Story. I would actually call it two co-dependent people with a drug problem, but whatever draws the people in. Pete is asking $100,000 for a one hour interview. If Pete is good at anything besides taking drugs and cheating on women, it is charging by the hour, so you know it is going to be top dollar. I do figure Pete can run through the $100,000 in about two weeks if paid in cash. In fact if I was ITV2, I would make it a condition that Pete is paid in cash and they get to follow him around 24 hours a day for the two weeks after he gets the cash. Now that is even something I would watch. You don't even need to edit the damn thing. Just make it Truman Show-esque and let the whole world have a look see.

"He wants to talk about his life with her and has promised it will be a no holds-barred chat," explained a source. "Producers are hoping he'll let them use a lot of film he and Kate shot on camcorders."Some of it is really raunchy stuff Kate believed would never be seen by anyone else. She'll be furious and feel massively betrayed. There could be a big legal battle over it."


  1. Peter posted on his message board last night saying this story is not true.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    You know, when I read anything from British press, or here about something their TV people have cooked up, it seems so oddly sentimental. Is it just me? Compared to American paps it seems the British ones are more willing to try and manipulate any sentimentality you might have and make it all sugar and daffodils. Seems so weird coming from a country that is so uptight. I'm not saying American ones dont try and bank on your emotions, but I think they do it a little more discretely?

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    DON'T DO IT PETE! You'll never get her back then.

    I still think they'll get back together, you guys.

  4. I agree with Brendalove. I think they will get back together.

    We can only hope that they NEVER reproduce.

    A match made in heaven.

  5. I read that Pete is the lead suspect in the murder of a British grad student ... can't remember the source. Has anyone heard about this?

