Monday, December 10, 2007

Ozzy Looking To Procreate

I basically ignore anything coming out of the Osbourne house, but this one was too good. I am not sure how this is going to work exactly, but Ozzy Osbourne recently had his vasectomy reversed. He did so because Sharon wants another child. I sure hope she doesn't think her tired old ass can get pregnant. So, I'm guessing she wants Ozzy to to get some other woman pregnant. Maybe Sharon will make it some kind of reality special over in the UK. "Damien 2" or something like that.
I don't think Ozzy needs to be fathering any additional children. Can't Sharon just wait for some grand kids or something? This just seems so wrong on so many levels. First of all, do you think Ozzy is still having sex. He shakes so bad when he is just standing, I can't even see him being able to hold still long enough to get it in if you know what I mean. If he does do it with Sharon, there are probably dogs running and jumping and barking everywhere, not to mention probably crapping and peeing in the bed as well.

"Every time I came off tour, we'd go to bed and Sharon would get pregnant. So she said, 'You've got to have the old snip otherwise you're not coming close to me!' So I had it done.
"Then she got broody, saying 'I want another baby!' I said, 'Well I can't do it anymore.' She said, 'You can have it reversed.' The doctor told me to make up my bloody mind! I did have it reversed in the end."

I just hope this is one of those times where, even quotes are wrong.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    ENT, go back and read your source again. He had the reversal 20 years ago so they could conceive Jack. Why this is suddenly in the news I don't understand.

  2. lol..well it is monday.


  4. Yeah, sounds like he's talking about a convo that happened years ago.
