Thursday, December 06, 2007

Osama Was Working The Drive Thru Window At The Kabul McDonalds

The man who lived my life by eating McDonalds every day for a month in Super Size Me has maybe done something that the US Government has been unable to do for over six years. Morgan Spurlock has quite possibly found Osama Bin Laden.

This all begins back at the Berlin International Film Festival in February, where Spurlock showed a select group of potential buyers 15 minutes of footage from his new documentary, Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? The film follows Spurlock through the Middle East in his search for the elusive leader of al-Qaida. The Weinstein Co. allegedly bought the film before everyone else saw it, but let it play because they wanted to piss off the other buyers.

Adding to the belief that Spurlock found Osama is the quote from the director of photography for the film who said in Variety, "We've definitely got the Holy Grail."

Sure this could all be publicity, but if not true, could backfire worse than Geraldo and Al Capone's vault. The whole damn country was teased about that for a month, and there was absolutely nothing.

The film is slated to premiere at Sundance in January. (Maybe) I think they might hold off on that if the buzz gets loud enough and just to try and open in as many theaters as possible. Of course if it is a big publicity stunt, than a movie theater in Utah in January might be best.


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