Wednesday, December 26, 2007

OK, OK It's Time

As you know on October 5, 2007 I ran the following blind item.

#1 I don't even know how you define what list someone is when they are on some ensemble show watched by teens and pre-teens, so go with the above, and make her a female. Make her pregnant which is causing the producers to have a heart attack because they really don't need anymore scandals. But wait, there's more. One of the producers who is old enough to be her grandfather shouldn't be having a heart attack because of shock, because he is the one who knocked her up. New boyfriends are being lined up as we speak.

I had run a blind item about the same incident one month earlier but at that time I only knew Jamie Lynn Spears was pregnant, but didn't know by whom. Still don't know by whom, just their approximate age and position. So yes, you as readers were the first to know and now we can let the tabloids do what they do best and make the life of the guy who did do it an absolute hell. It is because of the reporting of Star and other reports that are now surfacing that this is finally starting to come to light.

If you are interested in reading all the original guesses, then you can click here.


Anonymous said...

I hope they DO make his life hell. I hope that in the history of celebrity, that this time, because of blogs and BI's, that maybe the truth will come out and justice will be done. Perhaps he'll be forced to pull a Polanski.

Simone said...

Come on Ent, screw the tabloids, you know something, don't give THEM the spotlight. Say his name and let him rot in hell and go to jail!

This whole thing is absolutely disgusting!

captivagrl said...

if there is no paternity test or photos/ videos you can't prove the crime...right? who is this guy? how many more hours before the press gets him? he should be in bora bora by now. he's gonna get it!

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

So far, no one seems to know his name, unless of course it's Bryan Spears who produced 23 episodes of Zoey 101. That would be rich if it was her brother, but I guess the ages don't work.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

Yep. Splash News is reporting that the Star is reporting......the same thing ENT reported in October. Said the BF is being paid mucho dinero to "play" the father.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

ewwwwwwwwww little miss smoke. Although.....they are from the south....where it is legal??

captivagrl said...

ENT - please 1 question (if you know) IS THE OLD GUY MARRIED?

Kim said...

I knew it sounded familiar. Thanks for confirming the solutions so quick, EL. :) You're awesome.

__-__=__ said...

Good question captivagrl. And does he have children?????? Lots of pervs around these days.

Anonymous said...

Hey let's give some cheer to the original correct guessers: Cali Girl, BrendaLove, and Miss X.

mooshki said...

Ent, you are now officially King of the Blind Item. Take that, Ted!

captivagrl said...

looks like an April baby......that's a pretty name April. if it's a boy...? any chance these two ran off and got married? it would make him seam less of a user perve and her less of a slut. in the long run better off for baby too. right now all that little baby's got is the spears clan.....

mooshki said...

This was just posted on ohnotheydidnt:

"OMG I just realized the guy that is the executive producer on Zoey 101 is Dan Schneider, aka Dennis Blunden from Head of the Class
JLS is having a baby blunden!!"

Anonymous said...

Damn, did I actually guess one correctly?

I am more concerned with ENT getting props from some f'n haters. There has been so much whining and griping about disclaimers and made up BIs, blah blah blah....I just want someone to admit that gee, maybe ENT knows a thing or two about Hollywood.

And I am now officially keeping track of ENT's hits so when the griping starts, send 'em to me. I've got two so far he called months before it was other sources.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Dan Schneider: Married, no kids.

captivagrl said...

dan is 41 not "old enough to be her grandfather" more like father's age. check the BI....

kellygirl said...

ENT, like the Creesmus Meerkuhl, you have proven yourself to all those out there who doubted.

We, your true followers, never lost faith.
I think we should start our own religion now.

You've got at least as much going for you as L.Ron
and you already have a few celebs.

Dominique, prepare to jump the couch!!!

GammaGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GammaGirl said...


This is why I love Ent!!

But seriously, someone needs to drop the good ol folks at TMZ a line, they will be ALL over this.

The Dan Schneider guess is interesting. I see why he fits, but I don't see JLS hooking up an older man that is at least 150 lbs overweight.

Farm Girl Pink... said...

Well there is 12 producers for Zoey 101...

So lets not throw a random guy under the bus just yet...

There are at least 7-8 men who produce the show to look at...

Anonymous said...

Agreed, brendalove. I already gave EL props on Dlisted a few times today. He doesnt ever seem to try and take credit for anything, or trumpet it loud enough to get recognition, but for this one, at least, I hope he does.

JeninRVA said...

I obsessively read several different online gossip sites, but rarely comment. I've recently found this site and love Ent's writing because it seems like he knows what is really going on.

CT-Hilltopper said...

I read this guy from time to time and he's printing pretty much the same story that Ent told us in the blind months ago.

Kim said...

I have to agree with those defending Ent. Yeah some of the BI's really sound way out there and possibly made up (like they are on other sites) but this is Hollywood and celebrities. Some of these people feel like they can do anything when they get some money. Just look at the Jackass stories as of late. I wish we had more of the Kindness stories though.

Keep up the great work, Ent. You're amazing and you've had me hooked since the beginning of the blog.

Uber*nought said...

"New boyfriends are being lined up as we speak."

If it is true, wow, says it all really about Hollywood doesn't it, for the people that believe these folks are whiter than white and good little Americans that never deceive the public. Cut and run asap and cover your tracks. Just terrible really. Imagine, they tried to get the boy into trouble first, then pay him off.

captivagrl said...

in a situation like this, how much does a scapegoat boyfriend cost? and what did our producer promise him?..if i were him i'd start talking asap, the jig is up. sell the story and clear your name.

Miss X said...

DNfromMN, thanks for pointing out I had a correct guess. :)

I'm not happy JLS is pregnant but I am curious who the father really is.

I guess Lynn made up the story about how JLS told her?? Is she just trying to make more money off her kids? Sick.

jax said...

well looky looky what resulted from jailbait nooky!

Unknown said...

seems to me that everything is heading abortion and coverage-by-PR-stunt-went-wrong.

Leslie said...

congrats on the scoop!

eyeonu2 said...

the 19 year old "boyfriend" was a candidate for jail but DAMN- old enough to be her grandfather. Is Lynn making him pay her to keep quiet or has he lined up another show to continue living off the kid- sad!


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