Monday, December 24, 2007

Office Romances Are Always Trouble

Most of the tabloids I have read this morning all talk about what a whore Britney Spears is for sleeping with the pap guy named Adnan. As you know I have not been the biggest Britney supporter as of late, but in this one case I have her back. I don't know if she should have put out as early as she did because Adnan might think you give it up that easily to everyone. Well I guess he already knows that. Anyway, I like to think of this as an office romance.

We already know that most people who have affairs do so with someone who is in their office. You spend much more waking time with your loved ones at work than you probably do at home. This is no different. Britney's job is to drive around all day and get followed by the paps. It is what she does for a living if you believe certain reports. It is also what the photographers do for a living. How many photographers owe their livelihood to Britney? She is basically their boss and their meal ticket. They fill up her gas tank, pay for her lighters when she steals them sacrifice their feet in the name of a good photo and do a great deal to keep Britney on the straight and narrow and out of trouble as much as possible. It does them absolutely no good for their wallets to see Britney in jail or out of their lives.

Britney is like the boss who comes to work and passes out favors to those she likes most. She spends each and everyday with these people. She spends more time with them than her family, her sons, or her friends. She spends more time with the pap than she does doing that singing thing. So isn't it inevitable that one of the paps who has been around the longest, she wanted to get to know better. They had a date. So what? They had sex. So what? It is nothing out of the unusual. Plus Britney would probably just call it networking or keeping her employees happy by throwing out a very special Christmas bonus. Everyone else got cigarette lighters.


  1. Hmmm, Ent, I guess that certainly is one way to look at it. Gosh, now that you put it that way.... guess what? It still gives me the creeps.

    Just when you thing Brit can't get any skankier, she always find a way.

    I wished somebody would tell me what in the hell is it with her and gas station bathrooms and changing her clothes in weird places?? What's up with that? Hell, if it's to do drugs, she can do that in her car, at home, or the cushy chair in the corner at Starbucks.

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I think she frequents those bathrooms do quickly do her drugs, and change clothes. The changing clothes happens because the paps can sell the shots for more if she's wearing a different outfit. Four photo ops in one day just by changing clothes instead of actually DOING anything.

    I also heard that Adnan was the one of the group who was always going out of his way to play Knight In Shining Armor for Brit, pumping her gas and holding open doors, etc.

    Shes out of her fucking mind. I do agree though that its just like an office romance. You screw the people you spend the most time with and work is just one of those venues.

  3. Duh, I never thought about that, Trix. I thought maybe she's so dirty that she needed to change when the stank got too bad.

    I also read that this Adnan guy has been pumping her gas too. I guess we know what he's pumping now.

  4. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I think its also important to remember she is the most compulsive being on the planet. Isnt that why Paris called her "The Animal"? Think how many times each of us change our minds during the day, or even in the span of a few minutes. Most of us take at least thirty seconds to make a decision one way or another. Not Brit. She just does whatever enters her pretty little head, so if that means stopping suddenly to go the bathroom for any little thing, even several times in a few hours, she doesnt care! When told, during her little adventure the other night, that Target was closed, she was like "Oh take me there anyway", then changed her mind again before getting there. She's just so compulsive she wont stop and think for five seconds and make a decision...its like she's improvising the whole way...

  5. Or she's a speed freak...seriously, they're just as compulsive.

  6. Anonymous5:51 PM

    That guy is hot in an Eeyore the Mule kind of way.

  7. She's a drug addict and Melissa's probably on the money with the speed freak comment. Meth heads are erratic and that fits Britney to the T right now.

  8. yes, she's a drug addict, but it's so much more than that. She has the intellectual and emotional maturity of a 5 y/o.
    She has never been socialized or educated.
    She is also addicted to the publicity.
    Like a junkie, she truly believes that she will DIE if her name and picture aren't printed somewhere every 10 minutes - it's her fix.
    Sadly, she has not even begun to realize how disasterous her life is. She still thinks she's got it all under control and everyone is jealous of her.
    It's sad and gross and not even entertaining anymore.
    Go away, Britney!

  9. They kind of look like Mary and Joseph.
    How Christmas of her.

    Maybe she's just trying to get her Mother's attention by hooking up with a Persian dude.

    I'll show you Jamie-Lyn - Suck It Bitch

  10. dirty used up bitch.

    merry xmas all!

  11. frequent bathroom visits are definitely cocaine. DEFINITELY. she can't do even key bumps in her car, she could be photog'd.

  12. re: kellysirkus....

    The Mary and Joseph image is just too horrifying to think of.

    Oh, well, back to watching my son kill people in Assasin's Creed.

    Merry Christmas, y'all!
