Monday, December 17, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which desperate actress is being sniped about because she has full hair and makeup done before proceeding with charity work, such as serving lunches, to look good for the paparazzi?

And I had been nice to Teri and everything. Serves me right.


  1. I'd give her a pass. Charity or not, Teri Hatcher is one of those actresses who if they have so much as one hair out of place they get eaten alive on the internet.

  2. Yes, give her a pass. It's not so bad. Why not look your best for charity work too? I'm sure her hair and makeup people are getting paid. It's OK, really it is.

  3. I would like to thank her for getting it done. She looks like a starving tarantula without it.

  4. What's the problem with this? She's a public such, she should be looking (somewhat) decent when she does PR work. Pass.

  5. Those people have sufferend enough without having to see Hatcher au natural.

  6. whatever.

    dude, if i looked like hatcher, i'd avoid public at all times.

    remember how pretty she was on lois and clark? what happened?

  7. Anonymous10:35 AM

    They'd rip her harder if she DIDN'T have hair and makeup done, especially Perez. He gave Posh hell because she had some skin bulging out of a vice grip bodice.

  8. Anonymous10:48 AM

    And as I said the other day, she actually looked good in some of those pictures. The thing that remains to be seen is whether she called the paparazzi, and if she would have done the charity work without the photo op (ala ms. longoria - el's kindness blind)

  9. "Those people have sufferend enough without having to see Hatcher au natural."


  10. Brendalove, I saw that picture of Victoria Beckham...kind of looks like a testicle hanging out of her armpit. Doesn't beat the picture of Nicole Kidman and her rootting armpit, but still pretty disturbing :)

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Harriet hellfire -
    Yeah but look at what she was wearing. It was so tight that was probably an ovary that got squished out of there.

  12. *LOL* Thank you for the mental imagery there, Brenda...

  13. Wow, she just can't win, no matter what. That sucks.

  14. Oh please, damned if you do, damned if you don't. The press would have has a field day if she showed up "au naturel"..


  15. Teri Hatcher. Although sometimes just putting a bag over her head seems to be the best option when she is out in public.

  16. marisa,

    I NEVER thought she was pretty - I thought she had unfortunate-horse-face on Lois and Clark too...

    I was always like "why does everyone think this chick is attractive?"

    And now the rest of the world has caught up with me :P....

  17. forgot to say tho,

    I don't blame her for 'cleaning up' before doing charity work or anything in public.

    Like someone else said, every time she goes out without it, she gets ripped apart by the press (and the rest of us...).

    Maybe she knew the paps would follow her, and maybe she was hoping that if she looked nicer then the press would focus on the people she was helping, to do some good for the charity, rather than on just what she looked like.

    Which would you rather see, if you are the charity:

    Teri Hatcher looks horrible when out doing charity work


    Teri Hatcher helping out at Charity X which raises money for BlahBlahBlah

    If she can deflect the interest off her looks and onto the charity, then good on her.

  18. And for all we know, she went to do her charity work after a meeting or a lunch or work. Giver her a fucking break for God's sake - isn't this the season to do that?
