Friday, December 21, 2007

Not An Arrest, But She Is In Jail -- And Pregnant

The long awaited (by Simon Cowell) sex tape starring former American Idol finalist Jessica Sierra is close to being released. I know this because the trailer is out. If there is nothing you enjoy more than a former reality star turned drug addict turned crackhead baby mom doing porn, then this is the tape for you. For everyone else, there will be full frontal male nudity later. What the hell, it's Christmas and I want everyone to be able to get some this weekend. You know, there is anniversary sex and birthday sex. They are almost always guaranteed. Valentine's Day sex is not always a sure thing because of the inevitable fights and pressure of the day. Columbus Day sex has always been my favorite. You really don't hear too much about holiday sex though. No Thanksgiving quickies or a pre-Midnight Mass stress reliever. That should change. And I want to help. First the drug addict porn, and then later the men. I know, I know. Typical guy putting his needs first. I don't think I need to remind you that this video is NSFW.

P.S. I think it should be a rule in the future that if you are the guy making the sex tape, it is only polite to remove your socks. For screencaps of the video, you can click here.


  1. That's an excellent point Enty..Why do guys get all sorts of naked and still leave their socks on?

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Yeah socks kinda ruin the magic, dont you think? Reminds me of Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job and their "Thocks" (a thong-sock) for intimate encounters (go look up on youtube hee hee hee)

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    So sex tapes really ARE considered a legitimate avenue to fame now, eh? "I didn't win American Idol, so I best be gettin' on that sex tape thing..."

    Lovely *rolls eyes*

  4. Why do people make sex tapes? It always gets seen by the wrong people. Just don't do it.
