Friday, December 07, 2007

Matt Lauer's Wife Anorexic?

Is all the stress of being married to Matt Lauer finally getting to Annette Roque? Annette is 5'8" and weighs 100 pounds and her step-father, who is a doctor is worried for her life. In a recent interview he was quoted as saying,"Annette looks seriously ill. I would say she is suffering from anorexia."

Her step-father also thinks Annette will file another divorce petition before Christmas. Annette had filed for divorce in September of 2006 and kicked Matt out of their home for the second time. He had previously been kicked out in April 2006. She did all this while 7 months pregnant. It is said she couldn't handle his constant absences from home and his cheating on her.

Annette is said to be suffering from severe post-partum depression following the birth of their third child Thijs, and as a result of this and Matt she rarely, if ever eats.

According to the ever infamous "friends" of the couple, the only reason Matt hasn't filed for divorce is that his bosses at NBC would kill him and he doesn't want to give up half of his $13M annual salary. I guess it is better to be miserable and make your wife miserable just to keep that fame and money.


  1. and how many bi's have this couple starred in??????

  2. Not eating because of anorexia is TOTALLY different than not eating because of PPD. Two different disorders.

  3. Wow. How uncomfortable do they look standing beside each other in that picture?

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I'm not surprised at all that she's ill. I would have cracked under the pressure long ago.

  5. She should move to Denmark or wherever her kin hang out at and FedEx him the divorce papers...

    and cc: The New York Post, just because.

    That's how I'd do it. ;)

  6. they need to separate today and stop having children. they both look sick. do they really think they're fooling the public? this can't be good for the children or them. they look like they hate each other.

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    What is the issue with Matt? I'm confused. Why is there "stress being married to Matt Lauer"?

  8. I remember Annette being so pretty back in the day. what the heck happened to her?

  9. Anonymous11:51 AM

    dnfrommn: because he cheats so much. One blind item even described him with a 19 year old blonde girlfriend on the side.

  10. Dump him already and get that paper baby!

    I can understand his reasons and I'm sure she wants her kids to have a "happy home", but it sure ain't looking that way.

  11. Anonymous12:34 PM

    She's Dutch. I find it hard to believe that the bosses at NBC would care a bit about his marital status...why would they?

  12. maybe her weight and food are the ONLY things in her life she can control.

    Maybe she's trying to get someone's attention.

  13. According to some friends of mine at 30 Rock, anorexic would be about the nicest thing they have to say about her.

  14. Anonymous6:22 AM

    MATT LAUER: Then we're going to talk about marriage. What is the right age to get married?
    MEREDITH VIEIRA: I don't know. I got married in my 30s. When did you get married?
    LAUER: Ah . . .
    full video here:

  15. Hello Annette
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