Friday, December 07, 2007

Like I Needed Another Reason To Like Marcia Cross

Picture this. The Whole Foods in Brentwood. Marcia Cross is wandering through the produce section when she feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns, expecting it to be a fan. The look on her face confirms she has no idea who she is looking at, and is meeting her for the first time.

The person goes on and on about how much she loved Melrose Place and literally talks for 3 or 4 minutes about how great it was, and then goes into another 3 or 4 minute gush about Desperate Housewives. Not wanting to be rude, Marcia asked our person what she did for a living. The woman replied, "that she had starred on 7th Heaven for 10 years and done a few movies."

Marcia then said, "I thought you looked familiar." It was obvious though she had no idea that it was Jessica Biel or who she was, and in fact was just being nice to the strange fan in the produce section.


  1. haha take that, shelf ass - even Marchia Cross has no clue who you are.

  2. Hilarious! Kudos to Marcia for being able to sidestep that one neatly.

  3. I just love that fact that, whether she knew who it was or not, she actually stood there and talked to her for a while. Even asking what she does for a many other celebrities would do that? They would just look at the person like they were crazy stalkers or something and move on or call security. Good for Marcia. I like that.

  4. Oh come on! You're telling me that Marcia Cross hasn't looked inside a InTouch, UsWeekly OR a kneepads magazine within the last 6 months?

    I call bullshit...unless Jessica was looking like her manly self that day.

  5. Suck it, Shelf-Ass!!!!

    I wish everyone would act like they don't know who she is. Cannot stand that herm.

  6. Did you guys see the pic of hermy Biel getting her ass grabbed by a butch chick?

  7. bullshit.

    if that story's true then the only person that should be ridiculed is marcia cross for being a dense ignoramus.

  8. I think too many people assume because someone looks one way on TV or in the movies, that they look that way in real life. Yes, we've seen plenty of "IRL" pics of people, including JB, but it wouldn't surprise me if I didn't realize who it was if I bumped into her. Oh sure, I'd check out her T&A, but I probably wouldn't realize who it was.

  9. So much for my theory that all famous people know each other.

  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I love Marcia Cross!!!!
