Monday, December 10, 2007

Life Gets Worse For Gary Collins

Last Thursday, former talk show host Gary Collins, pleaded no contest to a DUI charge and was sentenced to 96 hours in jail. What should have been the end of the story turned into so much more. The very next day, Warren Gates died. Who is Warren Gates you ask? He is the 89 year old man that Gary Collins crashed into while driving drunk.

Since the accident, Warren Gates has been in the hospital. I hate death, but deaths from DUI are just the worst because they are 100% preventable. Over the weekend here in LA, two studio executives out on a date were killed by a drunk driver who ran a stop light on Sunset and slammed into the couple's car, killing them instantly.

I doubt anyone under the age of 40 even remembers Gary Collins. Even when he was hosting a talk show it seems like he was the forgotten guy. There was Merv Griffin, Mike Douglas and that third guy Gary. It's kind of like that with Jay and Dave, with Jimmy Kimmel playing the part of Gary Collins.

It is a shame that Gary Collins is achieving more fame than he has had for the past 10 years as a result of his stupidity and the death of an innocent.


  1. This whole thing is just very sad. I believe in fair reporting and I hope what I'm about to say won't be construed in any way as "blame the victim," because it shouldn't be.

    There's no disputing the fact that Gary Collins was over the legal limit, but all reports have said the accident was caused when Warren Gates made an illegal left turn, and was then hit by Gary Collins.

    It was very fortunate for Gary Collins that he pleaded out the day before Mr. Gates died; I can't help but wonder what the sentence would have been otherwise. Again, this is sad that someone lost their life.

  2. Gary Collins was not the driver at fault in this accident. The old man was!!! He was charged with making an illegal turn or something similar by the police. Need to make sure your facts are right before you start slinging arrows at someone.

  3. I'm under 40 & I remember Gary Collins.

    It doesn't matter, if the man made an illegal turn or not. Gary was drunk, if he had not been drunk he would have had better reaction time. There is no excuse for anyone to get behind the wheel and drive after drinking. Hire a driver, call a cab, designate a driver. Period, end of sentence.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Probably both are at fault.

    The question here is will Gary be charge for manslaughter?

  6. I hope he gets jail time because that's what that asshole deserves.

    I got plastered on Saturday night, but at no time did I think I was capable of driving. I waited 45 minutes for a cab to show up, then my hubby got up to go to work at the crack of dawn and decided to pick me up from the party, drive me back home and go on his way.

    Gary had someone to call...he decided no to and in turn caused a death. Uturn or no uturn.

  7. An 89 year old driving at night. Scary. Talk about an accident waiting to happen, and apparently did, and just by chance it involved an E-list celeb DUI. I seriously doubt 'reaction' time had anything to do with outcome of the accident caused by a driver making an illegal turn into oncoming traffic.

  8. Prosecutors have already said he will not be charged with anything further, because the accident was determined to be not his fault.

  9. Far be it from me to defend drinking and driving-and I heard about the 2 people killed this weekend on sunset-but I think it's egregious to accuse Gary Collins as responsible for this death when a court of law has declared him NOT AT FAULT IN ANY WAY. Seriously. If you're going to post crap on people, it's better if it's at least kind of true.

  10. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Tracee - you didn't get so drunk you forgot to tip your waitress, did you?

  11. Brendababy,
    Ooh, I hate when people do that! But I was really good about tipping...tipping over!

    (I'm usually the drunk person who overly tips because I love everyone by the end of the night, everybody's my bestest friend in the world. Sick, but true.)

    Sarah — the truth of the matter is Gary was drunk and driving. There's no telling what the outcome might've been if he was sober. just sayin.

  12. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Tracee, I did it a week or so ago and I totally hate myself for it, but I was FUBAR and just plain forgot. But ENT was the first person I thought of the next morning and how very disappointed he would be in me.

  13. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Tracee, I did it a week or so ago and I totally hate myself for it, but I was FUBAR and just plain forgot. But ENT was the first person I thought of the next morning and how very disappointed he would be in me.

  14. i forget the exact statistic but people drive drunk many many times before they get caught or have an accident. i think about that often when i'm on the road.

  15. Tracee, if you really loved the waitress you would have tipped well and shown her your boobs.

    Brenda, go back and tip her now if you remember who it was. I've done that!

  16. Brendababy, hey at least you're owning up to your booboo. Big headed Posh would never do that. Hopefully Ent will overlook your snaffu and won't put on the jackass list. LOL!

    Love your holiday Depp though. Tis the season for a Depp under my bush...I mean tree! TREE!

  17. Sista, I've never thought of that! I might squeeze they're boobs and offer a squeeze of mine, but I never thought of offering a peek at my $3.59 boobs. Putting that in my drunkiefile.

  18. Oh, a squeeze, too? You're a generous 'ho 'ho 'ho,

  19. Drunk driving is inexcusable.

    Driving when you're 89 is inexcusable.

  20. Tracee - after so many sobering comments about drunk driving your Depp under my Bush/Tree comment made me howl. Thanks.

  21. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Tracee/Twisted: I was at the beach!! I was thinking about maybe calling House of Blues and seeing if I can figure out who she is though.

  22. Saffron- agreed.

    In canada they have been lobbying to stop drivers at a certain age or re-test them at the very least after countless fatalities involving seniors.

    Drunk driving is deplorable,this we know but the fact is the older gentleman made a drviing error that sadly cost his life. Drunk or not anyone could have hit and ended his life the same way.

    Sorry but 89 is too old to drive at night and maybe at all. my freind's brother was hit and killed in a crosswalk by an 88 year old women who dragged him 3 blocks back to her house becaseu she didn't realize she hit anything or anyone. He died.

  23. Brenda...the beach?! Yes, call and see if you can figure it out or it will continue to bother you.

  24. On one hand, the dead guy "failed to yield to oncoming traffic" which sounds like he was making a left turn...which means his car was hit on the passenger's side. I don't know what the speed limit is in that area but even at 40 MPH you can still get racked up pretty good. And an 89 year old body can't take bumps very well.

    On the other hand, Gary Collins supposedly blew a .21 on the meter, nearly three times the legal limit. There's no excuse for that EVER. Criminally liable for the death or not, I hope Collins gets sued and loses every penny he's worth and every penny he's ever gonna make the rest of his sorry ass inebriated life.

  25. If you all knew how many people legally blind are out there driving the drunks wouldn't bother you so much!
