Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lainey Blind Item

Some stars you look at with blinders on. She is for me one of those stars. But the glassy eyes are hard to excuse. And the thinnification too. Thinnification to get back to work and in her case assisted by good old cocaine which she apparently did in copious amounts on sets through summer and fall to stay alert and focused and un-hungry. Which is apparently always something she’s dabbled in, only before she was able to actually stop between gigs.

This time however, even though she’s wrapped, she’s taken to taking it home, wreaking havoc in her family life and bringing on serious bouts of depression. After a particularly painful episode with a very young, very innocent witness, she finally went for help. The good news is she knows she needs to stop. And she has a supportive partner behind her. Word is, to avoid public scandal, she’s fighting the beast at home during the holidays under professional supervision.

Wonderful news indeed.


  1. god i hate to say Angelina..but glassy eyes and gettin skinny?

  2. I dont know about Keira. I got the impression the 'family life' meant her family AT HOME as in her children, but i could be wrong.

    Keira has also a) always been thin, and b) always a cokehead, and c) her boyfriend is not supportive, he's supposedly just a beard who hoovers just as much as her.

  3. So far, Lainey's ruled out these ladies:

    Catherine Zeta-Jones. Rachel Weisz. Jennifer Connelly. Kate Hudson. Kate Bosworth. Naomi Watts. Maggie Gyllenhaal. Gwyneth Paltrow. Kate Winslet. Jennifer Garner.

  4. this is someone who recently had a baby. the young and innocent witness is obviously referring to someone with a child.

    I'm not sure who, I'll think about it.

  5. I was thinking Angelina for this one as well. She is super thin as of late. Not to mention have you guys noticed the bags under Brad's eyes? He looks beat!

  6. Sounds like Angelina to this BI greenhorn.


  7. "Some stars you look at with blinders on"

    So that means someone that is usually well-liked and not generally vilified in the press, right?

  8. Im going for Uma Thurman (who has been photographed glassy eyed recently) or (god forbid) Angelina

  9. Could be Jolie, although I think she has a problem with heroin and and not coke.

  10. Angelina's weight loss and extreme skinniness has been mentioned all ove rthe place the last couple months. She's definitely shed her healthy beauty look..she's skeletal.

  11. Lainey worships at the Brangelina altar and makes no apologies for that. That's why i think it's Saint Angie.

  12. It sounds a lot like Jolie, but I'm not 100% convinced. Supposedly, she was taking "diet pills" while filming to keep her energy up. Seriously, don't you think that all the travel, 4 kids and movie careers are beating those two down? They look gross now.

    This sounds like someone who did coke to get thin. Like they had a "weight problem" to begin with.

  13. Fighting the beast? Beowulf reference possibily...

    Angelina is and always has been a hero of mine, especially back in her foxfire days so I hate to say it, but it sounds about right.

    Supportive "partner," not boyfriend or husband? Brad

    Very young, very innocent? Pax, Maddox or Zahara - take your pick.

    Sucks. I hope all will be well with her.

  14. Can't be Angelina. The BI says the movie has wrapped and Angelina is still filming thru next week. This morning Amy Ryan, her co-star said she and Angelina would be celebrating their GG nods together today on set. I think it's Drew Barrymore. A few weeks ago Lainey said she was back to using.

  15. Drew Barrymore doesn't fit, though...she hasn't "dabbled" in cocaine throughout the years...she quit cold turkey and was clean for a long time (I think). Also she doesn't have a "family" w/kids to go home to.

  16. I think it's Katherine Heigl. Right before the BI, she had a story and pictures up about Katherine and one of the lines was something about the mini-van majority being blinded by her. Not to mention, KH has gotten extremely thin lately.

    Supportive partner could be Josh Kelley and causing problems with her family could be the fact that she lives with her mother.

    Just a guess?

  17. Lainey sits on her BI until she has a timleine isn't always accurate.

  18. i am thinking fantasia .. i just read somewhere that she has missed like 50 performances on broadway .. and she has gotten rather thin

  19. Most of Lainey's blinds involve information discovered in Canada.

    I am kind on the Drew Barrymore train here. She just finished up filming in Toronto and she has been filming all summer in various projects.

  20. Uma Thurman is a pretty good guess I think.

  21. "thinnification to get back to work" and "stay alert and focused".....this is a new mother...." very innocent witness" this is her other children..JULIA ROBERTS

  22. Sorry to backtrack, but have you blind item experts (Jax I'm talking to you) made any headway on the cracked out actress whose house Ent was worried about burning down?

  23. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I'm on the Angelina group here. Especially since someone said that Lainey sits on these. Angie wrapped "Wanted" w/ James McAvoy earlier this summer.

  24. What about Keri Russel?

  25. Angelina all the way, Lainey used coke instead of "heroine" cause she likes Angie, and I think Angie was shooting up in front of Shilo...and Brad walked in.....also they are hiding out in NO for thanksgiving & christmas, thus giving her time to kick the "habit".

  26. marisa- im not the expert on BI..refer that to some of my smart peeps. im good at saying NO. lol.

  27. Shiloh has been MIA lately..hopefully there wasn't an accident that required some medical attention.

  28. I think it's Kirsten Dunst. Lainey loves her (though no one else does) and refers to her by "my kiki"...she does look really thin and glassy-eyed lately. I also emailed Lainey and asked if it was Kirsten Dunst and she hasn't denied yet.
    Come on, Angelina cannot be the answer to every blind item.

  29. JAX - That's right, you are the scary one aren't you? Don't want to piss you off...ever.

    BTW, got the contest cd Ent promised to send signed by that chick (who I'd never heard of). Haven't opened it yet, but it is signed -- in case the Ent-doubters are still bitching...

  30. Sounds like Angelina to me. She looks awful these days.

  31. marisa- not at all.i thin i got a bad rap for tellling people off...but i only told off people who attacked me or anyone else here for no reason. i hate the

    im a big softie (pokes belly)

  32. It's Angelina. No doubt. That's the only actress that Lainey looks at ''with blinder on''. You can hear in her voice how much it pains her to write this up, but her drug habbit must be getting really out of control for Lainey's concern for her and her children to out weight her usual fawning blind worship.

    Oh and Jolie has been on and off of Heroin for YEARS. Everyone just assumed when she became a Mom she'd quit for good, but doesn't work like that.

  33. Hmm, I'm thinking Liv. Angie has been super-thin for a long time, and doesn't seem like she has trouble getting thin for roles. If anything, I'd think they'd ask her to put on a few. And I think there have been recent rumors about Liv... the young witness would be her son, Milo.

    And the word partner isn't only used for unmarried people; I'm married and I refer to my love as my partner all the time...

  34. I thought of Julia Roberts too...

  35. I'm going with Uma Thurman, just because I saw a close up and there is something going on with her, she looks so different and depressed lately.

  36. Definitely Jolie, but more likely heroin than cocaine. In some photos, her pupils are much smaller than other people standing right next to her.

  37. I want to say Reese "american sweetheart" Witherspoon.
    I don't know why.

    but, Angelina seems to easy, Liv seems too obscure, Uma...too not so relavent anymore.
    Oh, and nobody likes Gwyneth. Who puts their blinders on for her.
    As for Drew and Kirsten, I can't see them having too much of a family life that would be affected. I mean, a very young, very innocent witness.....It sounds like its someones kid. *shrug*

  38. Gwyneth was already "not"-ed anyway.

  39. Naomi Watts?

    She's got a little one and a supportive partner in Liev.

    Lainey loves her, and Naomi is the type to keep her rehab experience under wraps.

  40. another board is guessing uma thurman

  41. another board is guessing uma thurman

  42. As I already said in another posting when this story came up: I'm thinking Liv Tyler. She's a classic sweetheart, you never read anything about her being bitchy AND she had a baby last year AND went back to work not a long time ago AND has recently talked about her struggle to lose her baby weight.

  43. Here's an article on Liv leaving New York for some place quieter. It mentions she just wrapped up filming the hulk

  44. OT
    marisa, I loved Foxfire too! =) I always wanted a tattoo of the little fire that they all had. I loved Angie in Hackers, too. They were around the same time. Sorry, no actual guesses for the BI, just wanted to drop this in...

  45. tigereye- right on. it feels so cliche to say that now b/c she's blown up, but she's def. the most fascinating person in the public eye, i think, for a million diff. reasons.

    JAX- Please become a stand up comedian. Please.

    And no one answered my question about the crack whore. There's always time for crack whores.

  46. how about jamie pressley?
    wild guess here....
