Monday, December 17, 2007

Keith Urban Spending $1M On Christmas Gifts For Nicole Kidman

I think Keith Urban needs to run away from Nicole Kidman right now. He needs to get away and just leave. There is no way that this relationship is healthy. It seems to me that all Keith does is give and give, and all the wicked witch does is dress like the tin man and make really strange statements about her brainwashed marriage to Xenu.

Over the weekend Keith Urban purchased a $48,000 gold and diamond bracelet from Tiffany & Co. He said it was just a stocking stuffer and that he planned to spend about $1M on gifts for Nicole for Christmas. Meanwhile, Nicole is going through all the gift bags she has received over the past year and checking to see if there is anything she can give to Keith. If not, it is off to the CVS for a bottle of Old Spice, a nail clipper and a box of Whitman.

Regardless of what you think of their marriage, does anyone who reads this blog honestly believe she will come close to spending $1M on Keith this holiday season? Of course not. It just isn't going to happen. She needs to though because ever since she lost that Xenu magic, she has been aging at the rate of a dog. She needs to hold on to Keith like Melanie Griffith holds on to Antonio Banderas' leg as he leaves the house. If Keith goes, Nicole won't get someone like him again. Oh, she will get married or have boyfriends who take care of her, but they will not be of equal ages. She is looking at 65-70 year old guys for her next go round.

I also stand by the fact that when Nicole finally does break up with Keith, he will go on the bender of benders and if anything bad happens as a result, Nicole will never work in the US again.


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    interesting prediction at the end there EL. I think as her films have not been getting big box office draws, her price is getting lower and lower.

    on a kidman-tangent-note anyone else amazed at the # of female actresses doing perfume ads this xmas season? Kate Winslet's in one (something with a T), Charlize vamping it up for j'adore, and kidman for Chanel? I was watching tv this wknd, and amazed at how often I saw those things. (Maybe just watching TLC/HGTV/FoodTV just proves I'm no straight man :)

  2. Anonymous10:54 AM

    She's always seemed a bit off to me. I remember thinking how she had a lot more "personality" after she divorced Tom Cruise. But when I really think about it, even though she's not as reserved as she was when she was married, she's still really blah. Even if you forced me to, I couldn't really describe her personality. She seems like the kind of person who if you asked her what she thought of something she'd just say "I don't know....what do you think?" and then she'd agree with whatever you said.

  3. Sounds like $1mill still can't buy you loyalty. those sound like guilt presents to me.

  4. She looks hot for a 70-year-old.

  5. Ah, this is what happens when you comment without reading the post.

    Does anybody actually believe this marriage is legit? It screams PR to me.

  6. hey have 2 children. does she see them? talk with them? anything? wtf?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Is this Nic's way of saying she needs a heart?
    She looks like a female manifestation of the tin man!

    This marriage has always seemed contrived.

  9. Did he just solve Lainey's blind item? Or was that revealed previously and I missed it?

  10. Anonymous12:02 PM

    LOL@jax, my exact sentiments.

    I have never considered her a good actress except on a few movies that were not that bad. They were not Oscar type movies.

    Always wonder why she was desperate to get married so fast.

  11. mooshki- I thought of that too...Could she be the cheap ho who picks up and regifts as many freebies as poss?

  12. I bet she'll spend more on Keith than she does on her kids. she'll probably trot them out to a Laker's game (photo op) on Christmas day like she did last year and that will be their gift.

  13. I've always thought that Botox-face and Keith Urban had a "business-arangement" marriage. I can't imagine Nicole being truly intimate with anyone. I think Keith though he'd get more exposure, access to mainstream Hollywood etc out of it and she'd have a virile bad-boy as her husband.

  14. sigh- I actually LIKE Keith Urban. She's gonna ruin HIM. I'm not so fond of her. Just like Jessica & Nick, her career died when her and Tom broke up. Not that she's a great actress or anything, but they were a product together..apart they all suck.

  15. Nicole admitted that her kids don't call her "mom" but by her first name. She said that her home in TN is only big enough for her and Keith. She also said that the kids live with Tom, citing LA as "the draw."

    There is no "draw." She's the subject of the blind where she had to basically walk away from the kids and see very, very little of them.

    Or, she chose to live as far away from them as possible.

    Just by those comments, I can tell that those kids have never warmed to her and feel distant from her, and vice-versa.

  16. Ent, you have been on a roll today. your stories are very, very funny. Dressing like a tin man indeed, lol.

  17. Very interesting observations Grace. How can someone just switch off their humanity just for fame and money.
    Oh wait, why am I asking this? This IS a gossip site about celebrities and that's what they're all about!

  18. Keith credits her with being a very loving and supportive wife, he obviously wants to give her lovely things. She's always been very circumspect about her relationships, very private. When anything you say is turned around to attack you, it's probably better to err on the side of caution. I imagine she's going to spend a pretty penny on him too.

    I think she's immensely talented, and she's universally loved by directors and other actors, she's lovely and yet gets no respect at all. You may not like her movies but she's done a good job in even bad movies. An actor only has so much control of any project. I hope that she and Keith do last, they are atypical for a H'wood couple. And he didn't have to purchase her like Tom did Katie.

  19. The thought of anyone spending $1 million on one person for Christmas is appalling. If I were rich and famous and I found out my rich and famous spouse was planning to spend $1M on me for Xmas, I'd said, "What the hell? That's a GD waste of money!" Seriously. Haven't these people heard of charities?

    And even if you're rich and famous and planning to spend $1M on your spouse for Xmas, do you really have to tell the whole f'in world about it? That's just plain ol' tacky.

  20. I agree that 1 million dollars is foolish to spend on anyone. Why?



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