Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kate Hudson Blames Her Kid For Divorce

I'm sure Kate Hudson will say she is misquoted, because although she probably said it and meant it, I doubt she wants the rest of the world to think she said it or meant it. In the new issue of Vogue, Kate is interviewed and had this to say about her marriage and divorce to singer Chris Robinson, “we had Ryder, and we both sort of looked at each other and went, ‘Something’s off.’”

Prior to the birth of their son, Kate and Chris were the happy couple epitomized. It was only after the birth of their son that trouble began. Even though the couple remained married for three years after Ryder's birth, you can tell that at least Kate wanted out as soon as birth.

People get divorced for lots of reasons, and I'm sure the pressure of children, and the lack of time spent as a couple because of the child are probably major factors in divorce. But, unless you are the most callous and insensitive parent on the face of the earth, you don't say that to your child. Maybe Kate hasn't said directly to Ryder, but it is in print for all the world to read, and for him to read when he starts reading. Plus, if she expressed herself like this in words, how does she express herself through her actions, or thoughts or her behavior to Ryder. What she is communicating subconsciously to her son?

Merry Christmas Ryder. Don't tell your mom that though or she will spill a little secret about Santa.


  1. Eh, weren't they huge stoners? Perhaps the sobriety of pregnancy finally helped her see reality: that she married a washed up raisin while she was still in her prime.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Maybe she was trying to say that they had a happy "couple" relationship, but that either or both was lacking the maturity to provide a.....ah shit, I don't know what I'm trying to say.

  3. RIGHT: his raging IV heroin addiction and her penchant for stuffing cocaine up her nose-jobbed nose had NOTHING to do with it.

  4. Kate, fire your publicist immediately. This is one of those gaffs they are paid to smooth over before it ever gets into print.

  5. I think she just had PPD.

  6. Maybe she wasn't referencing Ryder. She was just joining two separate thoughts in an incoherent way. Kind of like I'm doing right now.

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Yeah, I think this is another case of Ent (love ya man, but) misreading or overanalyzing a statement. A lot of couples don't "click" once the kid joins in. It's not the kid's fault, it just means it's a relationship based on sex and when you're not in that lusty fog anymore because there're screaming baby foglamps, you realize... the relationship really isn't all it's cracked up to be.

  8. Chuggin that haterade today???
    Damn you need to get laid
    Love ya.

  9. Kate is a twit.

  10. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Kate couldn't possibly be the BI about the mom who seems like a happy hands on mom but really just shovels her kid off to grandma most of the time, could it? I really don't see her being the answer to that BI, but this post has me wondering...

  11. jindi - totally a part of it.
    dnfrommn - I see that too.

    When you're carefree (hello kate!)and living the high life (pun intended), then relationships are totally different.

    I haven't had kids yet, but many friends have little ones and they say that it ALL changes. Suddenly its not YOU that matters, anymore.

    They both have egos that are used to being fed. Could they get past that to be great parents AND keep their partnership alive?


  12. Ok EL, I really think you're overreaching on this one. I read the quote before and I didn't think twice of it.

  13. I thought EL had misunderstood too but jenner has a point, maybe she's the negectful parent Bi (I hope not). But I've seen quite a few pics of Ryder with Goldie and Kurt, although that means nothing, grandparents like to hangout with their grandkids.

  14. I agree that the publicist should have jumped in here to smooth things over, but I totally got what Kate was trying to say. I also totally get why she flubbed what she was trying to say...I probably would have done that too out of trying to say something very carefully and it coming out all wrong! Anyway, I can concur that after kids things *are* different. In her case, she told Barbara Walters that she gave up pot prior to having Ryder, and I agree with the other poster that she must have started seeing things very clearly after that (no offense to Chris of course). In addition, Kate was very young when she got married and after having a baby her priorities changed, which is totally normal. So yeah, I think she's probably hanging her head right now groaning at her snafu, but she's a good mom to Ryder and I'm quite sure he knows that.
