Thursday, December 27, 2007

Julia Stiles Deserves Some Love

You know how I am about stars doing good for others but making sure everyone notices they are doing it. I'm happy they are bringing attention to the cause, but also hate how they are only doing it to further their career and not out of a sense of doing it just to do it. Julia Stiles got a little blurb in the NY Daily News for something she did this year, but I think it needs to be said that not only does Julia do this at Christmas, she does it every three or four months.

Every piece of clothing that Julia gets free, and most of the ones she doesn't ends up at The Bottomless Closet. This is truly one of the great organizations. What they do is to provide business attire for women who cannot afford to buy it. A woman who has been homeless and just started her first job can't go out and buy new clothes or even used clothes for her new job. What Bottomless Closet does is provide business attire to women who cannot afford it and hopes when they succeed they will return the favor.

Obviously Julia gets lots of clothes that are useful to the program. She also realizes that she is not the same size as many of the women in the program and therefore makes a conscious effort to get additional sizes from the companies that provide her free clothes. When she busy her own clothes, she often buys another exact set to give away and is very good also at shaming stores into giving her extra clothes for the program.

Julia doesn't ask for any credit for doing this and doesn't seek attention for her cause. She does it because she cares about doing good, just to do good.


  1. Thanks for sharing Ent. I have some nice clothes I can donate to them.

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  4. I have always loved her. She's good people. I definitely have some office-worthy clothing that I'm too fat for now. I'll be sure to pass it on....

  5. I've never understood how she got her roles. She isnt all that good looking. Got to be some dirt or skeletons there somewhere.

  6. I'm impressed by Julia's generosity. And I was about to say something about her size not being norm (not that she's a twig), so it's excellent that she knows this and makes the conscious effort to donate larger size clothes too.


  7. Joseph,that was really not the point.

    I think she's talented, attractive and a lot more level-headed than some of the skanks running around Hollywood getting DUIs. Good for her. I've always liked her, now I think she's awesome.

  8. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "I've never understood how she got her roles. She isnt all that good looking."

    But is obviously more beautiful in her soul than others will ever be capable of recognizing.

  9. i guess some people can find the hate in anything.

  10. Joseph, not all actresses need to be plastic versions of whatever the look of the day is. I think she's a good actress, so maybe she got her roles the old-fashioned way? By working hard at her craft? Personally, I think she IS beautiful. More so than someone who has had a lot of work done to themselves to fit the mold.

  11. Brilliant organization, kudos to Julia for her ongoing generosity. It's nice to see a celeb donating some high end goods rather than constantly bellying up to the swag suite at a given event.

    Joseph, dude, get right with yourself.

  12. True class !

    True charity !

    Kudos to Julia and to Ent.

    I am glad I have always liked Julia.

  13. Brava, Julia!

    These are the types of Celebs I'd like to see getting publicity. No more Paris, Lindsay or Britney in '08

    ... unless one of the kicks the bucket.

  14. Have always been a fan, so it is great to hear she is a good-hearted person.

  15. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I love The Bottomless Closet! I used to volunteer at it in another city not long after I had gotten my first job out of college. It was such a wonderful foundation and it did not just provide clothes, but I recall also working with women on interviewing skills for their first jobs. The women weren't necessarily homeless either. Many women were getting their first jobs as a part of welfare reform and their situations were truly desperate. They had so little to spend for their families and never could have afforded a new suit to interview in. The clothes and skills that were provided for them really helped their confidence and I recall watching more than one young woman bloom into something far different from when she had first begun with us.

    What a wonderful kindness plug, both for Julia and for one of the best charities I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

    Thanks Ent!!!

  16. keanu reeves is my favorite. I adore him.

  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Wow this is an amazing organization. I have some stuff I could donate.
