Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Johnny Depp To Play Pee-Wee Herman

Paul Reubens has completed two scripts for his famous Pee-Wee Herman character but understands he is perhaps getting a little too old to play the title character himself. A meeting was held in the last few weeks between Paul Reubens, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. Johnny and Paul starred in Blow together, while Tim Burton directed the first Pee-Wee film. Tim Burton is a lock to direct at least the next Pee-Wee film, and perhaps both if they can be filmed simultaneously.

Johnny, who has been friends for years with the pair is said to be excited about the project, and would love to play the title role, but is concerned about being in two franchises and also the time commitments involved if both films were made at the same time.

Johnny is a sucker for Paul and Tim though and look for him to join them when they start filming in 2009.


  1. I just had a brain orgasm! Yes! The three of them together at last!

  2. This just made my day! I was raised on Pee Wee Herman and had a ridiculous amount of 'Playhouse' toys.
    Despite Paul's run-in's with the law, I'll probably always have a soft spot for him.

    I can't think of anyone better to direct and star than Burton/Depp!

  3. This is BS. You can watch these stories go round the news agencies over days and weeks getting more distorted. What Paul Reubens said about Johnny was:"Reubens said he had a backup plan nonetheless for the Pee-wee movies should he not be up for the part. "My second option is to have Johnny Depp play Pee-wee," he said. Pie-in-the-sky casting or a realistic plan, Reubens insisted that he's even spoken to Depp about it, saying that the actor told him, "Let me think about it." "

    That sounds like a polite brush-off to me.

    What PR said about Burton directing: "I have talked to Tim about one of them about a year ago. But Tim is booked. I think he would be interested in it, but he's really busy."

    Both quotes from here: which looks like a real interview, with direct quotes. Both Tim and Johnny have projects lined up for the next two or three years, so I can't see this happening.

  4. while i love Depp..Pee Wee ain't Pee Wee without Pee Wee.

    Rubens isn't dead..and not much older than Depp..Rubens for Pee Wee!!!

    I just have the feelin without Paul Rubens as PW i'm going to spend the whole movie comparing instead of just enjoying the friggin movie.

  5. Anonymous4:32 PM

    If Depp plays Pee Wee, that'll be the hottest Pee Wee we've ever seen!

  6. "Paging Mr. Herman, Mr. PeeWee Herman."
