Wednesday, December 19, 2007

John Graziano Opens Eyes

Four months after a crash that left him with serious brain injuries, 22-year-old John Graziano is now semiconscious and has opened his eyes, his mother confirmed to Tampa Bay’s 10 News on Friday.

This is great news, and actually it gets better. Even though John is only semiconscious, can't breathe without a machine and can't speak, he did recently lean away from his mother as she tried to touch his face. See, that shows that John is getting better. In his mind he is probably saying to himself that hot nurses might be watching and here is his mom touching his face.

I'm just shocked that I haven't seen a statement from the Hogan family saying how happy they are that John is starting to show signs of improvement and that if he had been wearing his seatbelt he would have already been out of the hospital. Then it would say they were praying for him, and then go on and say something like he would be out of the hospital if he hadn't been using his military training to persuade Nick to race another car in unsafe conditions. When Nick balked, John ordered him to get over 100mph.

I guess the Hulkster has other things on his mind like his new television show, and his divorce, and his daughter's ugliness and the fact that the Hulkster has to drive Nick everywhere.


  1. Yeah, the Hogans make me sick, too.

  2. Ugh if i hear about that seatbelt from them one more time..

    Totally off topic but does anyone remember the political scandal BI? where we were guessing John Edwards If so what date was it?- this is from today's Nat'l Enquirer..."Presidential candidate John Edwards is caught up in a love child scandal, an ENQUIRER investigation has discovered." And yes i know it the Enquirer but they've been right on alot lately and as of the end of July they were even saying Brit's sis was preggo.

  3. These people disgust me as much as the Spears clan. It goes to show that money can get you out of the trailer park, but it won't take out the trash.

  4. Irish, I just read that article. I hope some non-believers out there put a little more faith in our BI guy, Ent. (BI = blind item, not BI-sexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that).

    According to the love child article, another guy (not John) is claiming to be the real babydaddy, but the whole thing smells fishy to me.

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

    How wonderful that Graziano is showing signs of responsiveness. Im truly happy to hear that.

  6. I'm so glad to her John has opened his eyes. I'm praying he'll fully recover.

  7. Oh my god people are you serious!

    Im glad john is getting better..

    All I have to say is that John should have worn his seatbelt.. plain and simple.. what kind of military man doesnt know to where his seatbelt! The kid knew nick races, why the hell do you get into a car with him?! Then encourage him to speed!? Brooke is absolutly beautiful, and everyone loved hulk hogan until now.. woopido just bc hes nicks dad means hes the worst guy in the world. Give the damn family a break! The accident was 50/50. Stop trashtalkin the hogans. Unless of course you have no life or anything better to do!

  8. Yes the girl is beautiful on the outside. But what bothers me about the whole situation is the whole family's attitude after the accident. First,how do we know that John told Nick to speed? I wouldn't believe anything Nick said. That Hogan family has shown no compassion for Johns family,or John. Their arrogant attitude is just sickening. Thats why people don't like the Hogans anymore.Because now we know how they really are,and they should be ashamed of themselves!
    As far as us giving our opinion meaning we have no life,you must not have a life either,because you gave your opinion. John is getting better now,and I hope he sues the crap out of them!
